

单词 酒精
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BABY〕The research focuses on how alcohol may harm the fetus. 这项研究的重点是酒精对胎儿可能造成的伤害。朗文写作活用〔DRINK〕There is a growing market for low-alcohol beers. 酒精含量低的啤酒市场越来越大了。朗文写作活用〔DRINK〕You can't sell alcoholic drinks unless you have a licence. 除非你持有牌照,否则不可以出售含酒精饮料。朗文写作活用〔REACT〕Alcohol slows a driver's reactions, making it harder to avoid an accident. 酒精会减弱司机的反应能力,使他更难避免事故的发生。朗文写作活用〔SELL〕It is illegal to serve alcoholic drinks to anyone under 18. 向18岁以下的人出售酒精饮料是非法的。朗文写作活用〔act〕Alcohol acts quickly on the brain.酒精能迅速对大脑产生影响。牛津搭配〔aflame〕His whole face was aflame, fuelled with alcohol.他的整张脸在酒精的刺激下涨得通红。外研社新世纪〔alcoholicity〕Alcoholic content.酒精成分美国传统〔alcoholic〕Could I have something non-alcoholic, like orange juice, please? 能给我来些不含酒精的饮料吗,比如橙汁什么的?剑桥高阶〔alcoholic〕Related to or resulting from alcohol.酒精的:与酒精有关的或由酒精制成的美国传统〔alcoholic〕This wine has a high alcoholic content.这种酒酒精度高。英汉大词典〔alcoholism〕A chronic, progressive pathological condition, mainly affecting the nervous and digestive systems, caused by the excessive and habitual consumption of alcohol.酒精中毒:由过量及习惯性饮酒而造成的一种慢性渐进的病理状况,主要影响神经及消化系统美国传统〔alcoholometer〕An instrument, such as a hydrometer, used to determine the amount of alcohol in a liquid.酒精比重计:一种如液体比重计的仪器,用来测定液体中酒精的含量美国传统〔alcohol〕Products for dry skin have little or no alcohol.用于干性皮肤的产品含酒精较少或不含酒精。柯林斯高阶〔alcohol〕The driver had more than the permitted level of alcohol in his blood.这位司机血液中的酒精含量超标。牛津搭配〔ale〕A fermented alcoholic beverage containing malt and hops, similar to but heavier than beer.麦芽酒:含有麦芽和干燥蛇麻草花成份的一种发酵酒精饮料,同啤酒类似但酒精浓度高于啤酒美国传统〔alter〕Alcohol can alter a person's mood.酒精能改变人的情绪。韦氏高阶〔antifreeze〕A substance, often a liquid such as ethylene glycol or alcohol, mixed with another liquid to lower its freezing point.防冻剂,防冻液,抗凝剂:一种物质,通常是液体,如乙二醇或酒精,和另一种液体混合来降低冰点美国传统〔ardent spirits〕Strong alcoholic liquors, such as whiskey or gin.烈性酒:烈性酒精液体,如威士忌或杜松子酒美国传统〔beverage〕Alcoholic beverages are served in the hotel lounge.酒店的公共休息室出售酒精饮料。柯林斯高阶〔blended whiskey〕Whiskey that is either a blend of two or more straight whiskeys or a blend of whiskey and neutral spirits.混合威士忌:由两种或多种纯威士忌酒掺和或由威士忌和浓酒精掺和而成的威士忌酒美国传统〔booze〕To drink alcoholic beverages excessively or chronically.酗酒:过度地或剧烈地饮用酒精类饮料美国传统〔check〕The police are carrying out spot checks on (= quick examinations of a limited number of) drivers over the Christmas period to test for alcohol levels.圣诞节期间,警察对司机们进行了酒精度抽检。剑桥高阶〔contain〕This drink doesn't contain any alcohol.这种饮料不含任何酒精。牛津高阶〔contribute〕Alcohol contributes to 100,000 deaths a year in the US.在美国,酒精每年造成 10 万人死亡。朗文当代〔depressant〕Alcohol is a depressant.酒精能使人消沉。剑桥高阶〔detectable〕Alcohol was detectable in his blood.在他的血液中可测出酒精。英汉大词典〔dipsomania〕An insatiable, often periodic craving for alcoholic beverages.间发性酒狂,酗酒狂:难以控制、往往周期性的对酒精饮料的渴望美国传统〔disinhibition〕A loss of inhibition, as through the influence of drugs or alcohol.抑制解除:抑制解除,如通过药物或酒精的影响美国传统〔disruptive〕Alcohol can produce violent, disruptive behavior.酒精会引发暴力和破坏性行为。柯林斯高阶〔distillery〕An establishment for distilling, especially for distilling alcoholic liquors.蒸馏室;酿酒厂:用于蒸馏的装置,特别是指酒精蒸馏美国传统〔drink〕Excessive or habitual indulgence in alcoholic liquor.酗酒:过度或习惯性地大量饮用酒精饮料美国传统〔dry〕Alcohol is strictly forbidden. Even the major hotels are dry.含酒精的饮料是绝对禁止的,甚至连大宾馆里也不供应酒。英汉大词典〔effect〕Women feel the effects of alcohol more quickly than men.女性会比男性更快地感受到酒精的作用。牛津搭配〔evil〕They were talking about the evils of alcohol.他们在谈论酒精的危害。韦氏高阶〔examine〕The research examined the effects of alcohol on long-term memory.这项研究探讨了酒精对长期记忆的影响。剑桥高阶〔fibrosis〕Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease may progress to liver fibrosis and cirrhosis.非酒精性脂肪肝疾病可能会进一步导致肝纤维化和肝硬化。剑桥高阶〔fog〕Alcohol fogs the brain.酒精使头脑发昏。剑桥高阶〔giddy〕The alcohol was making him a little giddy.酒精使他有点头晕。外研社新世纪〔imbibe〕To drink alcoholic beverages.饮:喝酒精饮料美国传统〔inability〕Alcoholism can result in an inability to cope.酒精中毒会导致行为能力丧失。朗文当代〔inhibit〕Alcohol significantly inhibits the action of the drug.酒精会显著地抑制这种药物发挥作用。牛津搭配〔intake〕You need to watch your alcohol intake.你需要注意酒精摄入量。牛津搭配〔intoxicate〕To stupefy or excite, as by the action of a chemical substance such as alcohol.使喝醉:使麻木或使兴奋,通过例如酒精等化学物质的作用美国传统〔judgment〕Alcohol and drugs often cloud judgment.酒精和毒品常常影响人的判断力。外研社新世纪〔juicer〕Slang One who drinks liquor or alcoholic beverages habitually or excessively.【俚语】 酒鬼:习惯性地或过度地饮用烈性酒或含酒精饮料的人美国传统〔juice〕Slang Alcoholic drink; liquor.【俚语】 酒:含酒精饮料;烈性酒美国传统〔knockout drops〕A solution, usually of chloral hydrate in alcohol, put into a drink surreptitiously in order to render the drinker unconscious.强麻醉药,蒙汗药:私下放到饮料中使饮用者失去知觉的一种溶液,通常是酒精中的水合氯醛美国传统〔limit〕His blood alcohol level was 50% above the legal limit .他血液里的酒精浓度超过了法定限度的 50%。朗文当代〔lower〕Alcohol lowers resistance to illness.含酒精饮料会削弱对疾病的抵抗能力。21世纪英汉〔mead〕An alcoholic beverage made from fermented honey and water.蜂蜜酒:用发酵的蜂蜜和水制成的酒精饮料美国传统〔metabolism〕The vast majority of alcohol metabolism occurs in the liver.酒精的代谢主要在肝部。朗文当代〔miasma〕A miasma of stale alcohol hung around him.他身上常带着难闻的酒精味。牛津高阶〔miscible〕Alcohol is miscible with/in water.酒精能与水容混。剑桥高阶〔near beer〕A malt liquor that does not contain enough alcohol to be considered an alcoholic beverage.啤酒:未含足够的酒精而不被认为是含酒精的饮料的一种啤酒美国传统〔needle〕Slang To increase the alcoholic content of (a beverage).【俚语】 增加(饮料的)酒精含量美国传统〔nondrinker〕One who does not drink alcoholic beverages.不喝酒精饮料的人美国传统〔nonuser〕One who refrains from the use of something, as of narcotic drugs or alcohol.非用户,不使用者:限制使用某物,如麻醉剂或酒精的人美国传统〔oblivion〕Alcohol provides some people with instant oblivion.酒精可让一些人即刻进入无意识状态。外研社新世纪〔out〕It was agreed that alcohol should not be served, out of respect for Muslim customs.出于对穆斯林习俗的尊重,大家同意不供应含酒精的饮料。麦克米伦高阶〔overproof〕In the United States, overproof liquor contains more than 50% alcohol by volume.美国超标准酒精度的酒含酒精量为50%以上。英汉大词典〔package store〕A store that sells sealed bottles of alcoholic beverages for consumption off the premises.销售瓶装酒的酒店:只卖密封容器盛装的酒精类饮料,让顾客离开商店喝的酒店美国传统〔permit〕This city permits the sale of alcoholic beverages.本市准许出售含酒精饮料。英汉大词典〔possibility〕Alcohol has its grim possibilities.酒精有潜在的恶果。英汉大词典〔potation〕A drink, especially of an alcoholic beverage.酒类饮料:饮料,尤指含酒精的饮料美国传统〔potentiate〕Certain narcotics potentiate the effects of alcohol in the body.有些麻醉剂会增强体内酒精的效能。英汉大词典〔proof〕Of standard alcoholic strength.标准度数的:具有标准酒精强度的美国传统〔proof〕The whiskey is 80 proof.这种威士忌的标准酒精度是80度。韦氏高阶〔publicly〕Pure alcohol is not for sale to the general public.纯酒精不向大众出售。柯林斯高阶〔rectify〕To adjust (the proof of alcoholic beverages) by adding water or other liquids.稀释:用加水或其它液体的办法来调整酒精饮料的强度美国传统〔reflex〕Alcohol can slow your reflexes.酒精会减缓你的反应速度。牛津搭配〔rinse〕The tools were rinsed in alcohol.这些工具都用酒精洗过了。韦氏高阶〔risk〕Women are more at risk from the harmful effects of alcohol than men.女性受酒精危害的可能性比男性更大。朗文当代〔rum〕An alcoholic liquor distilled from fermented molasses or sugar cane.朗姆酒,糖蜜酒:从发酵的糖蜜或甘蔗中提取的一种含酒精的液体美国传统〔sal volatile〕A solution of ammonium carbonate in alcohol or ammonia water, used in smelling salts.挥发盐:碳酸氨在酒精或氢氧化铵中的溶液,用于嗅盐美国传统〔setup〕Often setups Informal The collective ingredients, such as ice, mixers, and glasses, necessary for serving various alcoholic drinks. 常作 setups 【非正式用语】 (调酒所用的)材料:调制各种不同的酒精饮料所必须的相同的因素,如冰、搅拌器和玻璃杯美国传统〔skill〕Alcohol can impact cognitive and motor skills severely.酒精可以严重影响人的认知和运动技能。牛津搭配〔sobriety〕The police said his car had been weaving all over the road, so they pulled him over and gave him a sobriety test.警察说他的车在路上一直开得摇摇晃晃的,因此让他停了下来,给他做了个酒精测试。剑桥高阶〔solvent〕Alcohol and petrol are useful solvents for spots that will not come off in water.对于清水洗不掉的污渍,酒精和汽油是有效的溶剂。英汉大词典〔spirit of wine〕Rectified ethyl alcohol.酒精,乙醇美国传统〔stimulant〕A food or drink, especially an alcoholic drink, believed to have a stimulating effect.使兴奋的:被认为有刺激作用的食物或饮料,尤指含酒精饮料美国传统〔tax〕Drinks would be taxed according to their alcoholic strength.饮料将按酒精度课税。牛津搭配〔tipple〕Alcoholic liquor.酒精饮料美国传统〔tipple〕To drink (alcoholic liquor) or engage in such drinking, especially habitually or to excess.酗酒:饮用(酒精饮料)或参与这种饮酒活动,尤指习惯性地或过度地美国传统〔tolerate〕Women's bodies can tolerate less alcohol than men's.女性的身体对酒精的耐受力比男性要差一些。朗文当代〔underproof〕Having a smaller proportion of alcohol than proof spirit.含酒精成分低于标准烈度酒的美国传统〔unit〕Experts say that women should not drink more than 14 units of alcohol a week.专家称妇女每周饮酒不要超过14个酒精单位。剑桥高阶〔unit〕How many units of alcohol do you drink a week? 你每周摄入多少单位的酒精?麦克米伦高阶〔vinegar〕An impure dilute solution of acetic acid obtained by fermentation beyond the alcohol stage and used as a condiment and preservative.醋:一种不纯的稀释的酸溶液,从超过酒精阶段的发酵获得,可用作调味品和保存剂美国传统〔wet〕Informal One who supports the legality of the production and sale of alcoholic beverages.【非正式用语】 支持酒精饮料的生产或销售的合法地位的人美国传统〔witch hazel〕An alcoholic solution containing an extract of the bark and leaves of this plant, applied externally as a mild astringent.金缕梅酊剂:一种含有从这种植物的茎叶中提取出的汁的酒精溶液,作为一种温和的外用敛剂美国传统〔zonk〕To become intoxicated with drugs or alcohol.因药物或酒精而迷醉美国传统Alcohol is a depressant.酒精是使人消沉的东西。剑桥国际Alcohol may cause damage to the liver. 酒精会损坏肝脏。译典通Drug and alcohol abuse (=Using these substances in a bad way) contributed to Brian's early death.对药物和酒精的滥用造成了布赖恩的早亡。剑桥国际Mixing antihistamines with alcohol makes people drowsy.抗组胺药与酒精混合使人昏昏欲睡。剑桥国际Most wines contain between 10% and 15% alcohol.大多数葡萄酒含有10%到15%的酒精。剑桥国际They imposed a 5% levy on alcohol.他们对酒精征收5%的税。剑桥国际They sell soft drinks only. 他们只卖不含酒精的饮料。译典通You make wine by leaving grape juice to ferment until all the sugar has turned to alcohol.制葡萄酒时,你让葡萄汁发酵直到所有的糖都转化为酒精。剑桥国际




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