

单词 酒类
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EARN〕Jules made his fortune in the liquor business. 朱尔斯是做酒类生意发财的。朗文写作活用〔GIVE〕We don't serve alcohol to anyone under 21. 我们不给21岁以下的人供应酒类。朗文写作活用〔ILLEGAL〕It is an offence for a shopkeeper to sell alcohol to anyone under 18. 商店向18岁以下的人出售酒类是违法的。朗文写作活用〔SELL〕The law prohibits the sale and consumption of alcohol on unlicensed premises. 法律禁止在没有经营许可证的场地出售和饮用酒类。朗文写作活用〔ale〕A fermented alcoholic beverage containing malt and hops, similar to but heavier than beer.麦芽酒:含有麦芽和干燥蛇麻草花成份的一种发酵酒精饮料,同啤酒类似但酒精浓度高于啤酒美国传统〔aversion〕Her aversion to alcohol consumption caused her to shun all social gatherings where such beverages would be served.对酒类消费的厌恶感使她避开所有可能卖酒的社交活动场所美国传统〔barkeeper〕A person who owns or operates a bar for the sale of alcoholic beverages.酒吧间老板:拥有或掌管酒吧以卖酒类饮料的人美国传统〔barroom〕A room or building in which alcoholic beverages are sold at a bar.酒吧间:内设出售酒类饮料的酒吧柜台的房间或建筑美国传统〔barware〕The glassware and other items used in preparing alcoholic drinks.玻璃容器:用来准备酒类饮料的玻璃器皿和其它容器美国传统〔beer garden〕An outdoor tavern or an outdoor area adjoining a tavern where alcohol is served.露天啤酒坊:提供酒类的户外酒馆或与酒馆相邻的户外区域美国传统〔bootleg〕A product, especially alcoholic liquor, that is illicitly produced, distributed, or sold.私酒:一种被禁止生产、分送或出售的产品,特别是酒类美国传统〔brewery〕An establishment for the manufacture of malt liquors, such as beer and ale.啤酒厂:制造麦芽酒类的工厂,如啤酒和麦酒美国传统〔buttery〕A room in which liquors are stored.酒类贮藏室:贮藏酒的房间美国传统〔credence〕A small table or shelf for holding the bread, wine, and vessels of the Eucharist when they are not in use at the altar.餐具柜:放置尚未在圣坛上使用的圣餐面包、酒类以及器具的小桌子或柜子美国传统〔disintoxicate〕To free from the effects of intoxication or from dependence on intoxicating agents.为…解(酒)毒;使戒酒,使戒毒:使免受酒精影响或独立于酒类物品美国传统〔drink〕An alcoholic beverage, such as a cocktail or highball.酒类:酒精饮料,如鸡尾酒或高杯酒美国传统〔duty〕There's a high duty on alcohol.酒类的关税很高。剑桥高阶〔enemy〕The usual enemies, cigarettes and alcohol, are targeted for tax rises.常见危害物,如香烟和酒类,将作为提高税收的对象。朗文当代〔even〕The whisky industry is campaigning for the taxes on different alcoholic drinks to be evened up.威士忌酒行业现正在积极活动,争取实现不同酒类按相同标准收税。剑桥高阶〔expensive〕He has expensive tastes in clothes (wine).他喜爱优质昂贵的衣着(酒类)。英汉大词典〔govern〕She suggested changing the state's laws governing the sale of alcohol.她建议修改管制酒类产品销售的州法律。韦氏高阶〔grant〕A licence to sell alcohol was granted to the club.这家具乐部获得了经销酒类的许可证。朗文当代〔inebriant〕An intoxicant.致酸剂:酒类饮料美国传统〔inebriated〕Exhilarated or stupefied by or as if by alcohol; intoxicated.醉的,陶醉的:因(仿佛)喝酒类饮料而兴奋或木然的;醉的美国传统〔intoxicant〕An agent that intoxicates, especially an alcoholic beverage.致醉药物:使人麻醉的药剂,特指酒类饮料美国传统〔intoxicant〕He has abstained from the use of intoxicants.他已戒绝饮用酒类饮料。英汉大词典〔key club〕A private club featuring liquor and entertainment.私人俱乐部:设有酒类和娱乐装置的私人俱乐部美国传统〔licensed〕He won't stay at a hotel unless it's licensed.他不会住在没有酒类销售许可的酒店。外研社新世纪〔licensed〕The restaurant is licensed, offering draught beers, wines, spirits and soft drinks.这家餐馆有酒类经营执照, 提供扎啤、葡萄酒、烈性酒和软饮料。外研社新世纪〔licensed〕The restaurant is licensed, offering draught beers, wines, spirits and soft drinks.这家餐馆有酒类经营执照,提供扎啤、葡萄酒、烈性酒和汽水。柯林斯高阶〔license〕The restaurant has now been licensed to sell liquor.这家餐馆已经得到了经营酒类的许可证。韦氏高阶〔malt〕An alcoholic beverage, such as beer or ale, brewed from malt.麦芽酒:由麦芽酿造出的酒类饮料,如啤酒或艾尔酒美国传统〔potation〕A drink, especially of an alcoholic beverage.酒类饮料:饮料,尤指含酒精的饮料美国传统〔premises〕Persons under eighteen should not be served alcohol in licensed premises.有酒类经营许可的场所不得向 18 岁以下的人供应酒精饮品。牛津搭配〔rectifier〕A worker who blends or dilutes whiskey or other alcoholic beverages.调酒员:混合或稀释威士忌或其它酒类饮料的工人美国传统〔rumrunner〕Nautical A boat used to transport liquor illegally across a border.【航海】 酒类走私船:用于在边界上非法运酒的船只美国传统〔sin tax〕A tax on certain items, such as cigarettes and alcohol, that are regarded as neither necessities nor luxuries.烟酒税,彩票税:对一些不必要且非奢移品的项目所征收的税,例如香烟和酒类美国传统〔small〕Diluted; weak. Used of alcoholic beverages.稀释的:被稀释过的;淡的。用来形容各种酒类美国传统〔speakeasy〕A place for the illegal sale and consumption of alcoholic drinks, as during Prohibition in the United States.非法经营的酒店:在美国禁酒期间非法贩卖、消费酒类饮料的场所美国传统〔stoup〕A drinking vessel, such as a cup or tankard.盛酒器:用来盛酒类等的器皿,如小茶杯或单柄大酒杯美国传统〔wet bar〕A small bar or counter for making alcoholic drinks that is equipped with a sink and running water.小吧台:备有水槽和水流的小型吧台或柜台,用来制作酒类饮料美国传统〔whip〕Try whipping a little brandy or other liqueur into the cream.试着将一些白兰地或其他酒类搅进奶油里。剑桥高阶Actually, I was trying to impress you with my extensive knowledge of wine.实际上,我想以我在酒类方面渊博的知识给你留下深刻的印象。剑桥国际Drinks will be served from seven o'clock.从7点钟开始供应酒类。剑桥国际For years she was dependent on drugs and drink and it was only in her fifties that she finally managed to overcome these addictions.多年来她依赖于毒品和酒类,直到50多岁时,她才终于设法戒掉了这些嗜好。剑桥国际Fortnum and Mason is a well-known shop in London which purveys fine foods and wines.福特纳姆和梅森是伦敦一家供应精美食品和酒类的名店。剑桥国际France produces a great deal of wine for export.法国生产大量酒类供出口。剑桥国际He has some rare old vintages in his collection of wine. 在他的酒类收藏中有一些名贵的陈年葡萄酒。译典通She's an expert on wines, so when she speaks it's worth lending an ear.她是酒类方面的专家,因此她的发言值得仔细听一听。剑桥国际The whisky industry is campaigning for the taxes on different alcoholic drinks to be evened up (= made equal or fairer).威士忌工业正在展开活动,争取不同酒类的税额一致。剑桥国际They still have very proscriptive laws governing the sale and consumption of alcohol.他们依然有严格限制酒类的买卖和饮用的法律。剑桥国际Twenty-eight per cent of people asked thought that the advertising of tobacco (= tobacco and products made from it, such as cigarettes) and alcohol should be banned.在受到询问的人中有28%的人认为烟草制品和酒类制品的广告应该被禁止。剑桥国际Young people ought to be taught about the dangers of alcohol misuse.年轻人应该被告知滥用酒类的危险。剑桥国际




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