

单词 露在外面
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SEE〕David pulled the blankets up so only the top of his head remained in view. 戴维把毯子拉上来,只把脑袋露在外面。朗文写作活用〔bare〕She had bare arms and a bare neck.她的胳臂和脖子都露在外面。柯林斯高阶〔exposed〕All exposed skin should be covered with protective cream.所有露在外面的皮肤都应该涂上防护霜。朗文当代〔fly〕His long, uncovered hair flew back in the wind.他露在外面的长发随风向后飞舞。外研社新世纪〔fly〕His long, uncovered hair flew back in the wind.他那露在外面的长发随风向后飞舞。柯林斯高阶〔reverse〕You can reverse the jacket so that the pattern is on the outside.你可以把夹克翻过来穿,这样图案就露在外面了。麦克米伦高阶〔tart〕A small open pie with a sweet filling, as of custard or cooked fruit.果馅饼:一种带有露在外面的甜馅的小饼,如蛋奶沙司或煮熟的水果美国传统〔timber〕The house has exposed oak timbers.房子的橡木料露在外面。牛津搭配〔tuck〕Tuck in your shirt, Tom; it's almost half out.汤姆,把你衬衣下摆塞进裤腰去;差不多有一半露在外面了。英汉大词典It might be a good idea to buy a reversible raincoat because then it can be worn with either side out.买一件正反可穿的雨衣也许是个好主意,因为它的两面都可以露在外面。剑桥国际




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