

单词 陡峭
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-sided〕We drove up a steep-sided valley.我们沿着陡峭的峡谷向上开。柯林斯高阶〔BREATHE〕The hill was very steep and they were all gasping by the time they got to the top. 那座小山非常陡峭,他们到达山顶时,都已经上气不接下气了。朗文写作活用〔CLIMB〕One of the boys lost his footing as he was climbing up the steepest part of the cliff. 其中一名男孩在攀登悬崖最陡峭的地方时失足掉了下去。朗文写作活用〔DOWN〕You go down a steep slope, then turn left at the bottom of the hill. 你先走下一个陡峭的斜坡,然后在山脚下往左转弯。朗文写作活用〔FLAT/NOT FLAT〕After climbing steeply through woodland the lane levelled off. 爬过陡峭的林地后,小路变平坦了。朗文写作活用〔NARROW〕A steep, narrow path led down through the woods to the beach. 一条陡峭狭窄的小路穿过林子通往海滨。朗文写作活用〔REGULAR/REGULARLY〕It was so steep that we had to stop and rest about every twenty metres. 这么陡峭,我们只好每隔约二十米停下来休息。朗文写作活用〔UP〕Our guide led us uphill along a steep trail. 导游领我们沿着一条陡峭的小路上山。朗文写作活用〔abseil〕The man had abseiled down the sheer cliffs.这个男人曾沿绳索爬下过这些陡峭的悬崖。外研社新世纪〔arête〕A sharp, narrow mountain ridge or spur.刃岭,棱线:陡峭,狭窄的山脊或横岭美国传统〔ascend〕The path started to ascend more steeply.小径开始陡峭而上。牛津高阶〔ascend〕They slowly ascended the steep path up the mountain.他们沿着陡峭的山路缓缓向上攀登。剑桥高阶〔ascent〕They climbed the steep ascent on to the plateau.他们爬过陡峭的坡路登上高原。牛津搭配〔breast〕He breasted a steep hill.他登上一座陡峭的山。英汉大词典〔breathtaking〕It was quite breathtaking to ride on the brow of the steep hills.在陡峭的山崖边骑马实在令人胆战心惊。英汉大词典〔broad〕The hills rise green and sheer above the broad river.这些小山碧绿陡峭,矗立在这条宽阔的河流之上。柯林斯高阶〔circumscribe〕The island rises sheer from the sea, circumscribed by steep limestone cliffs.这个岛屿完全浮出海面, 四周是陡峭的石灰岩壁。外研社新世纪〔clamber〕We clambered up the steep hill.我们费力地爬上了陡峭的小山。韦氏高阶〔cliff〕A high, steep, or overhanging face of rock.悬崖,峭壁:岩石高耸的、陡峭的或悬垂的一面美国传统〔cliff〕Steep cliffs towered above the river.陡峭的悬崖俯瞰着那条河。牛津搭配〔control〕She struggled to control the cart as it rolled before her down the steep, bumpy road.当她前面的手推车沿着陡峭崎岖的山路往下移动时,她奋力去控制它。韦氏高阶〔corniche〕A road that winds along the side of a steep coast or cliff.峭壁滨海道路:一条蜿蜒过陡峭海岸或峭壁的道路美国传统〔declivitous〕Rather steep.相当陡峭的美国传统〔descent〕The road makes a sharp descent just past the lake.道路一过湖泊便陡峭下倾。英汉大词典〔drop〕A steep drop in the river forms a waterfall.河水中一处很陡峭的坡形成了瀑布。韦氏高阶〔drop〕The cliff dropped away at his feet.他脚下的悬崖一下子变得陡峭起来。英汉大词典〔eke〕That forced peasant farmers to try to eke a living off steep hillsides .那迫使农民们努力在陡峭的山坡上勉强维持生计。柯林斯高阶〔encircle〕Steep mountains encircle the sheltered bay.陡峭的群山环绕着避风港。外研社新世纪〔execute〕I executed the hairpin turn high on the sheer western face of the mountains.我在山脉西侧陡峭的高处成功地急转弯。柯林斯高阶〔exhaust〕She was exhausted by running up the steep hill.一路冲上这座陡峭的小山,她已经精疲力竭了。麦克米伦高阶〔far〕A narrow steep path leads down into a valley and up the far side.一条狭窄陡峭的小径向下伸进山谷,又从山谷的那一边向上延伸。柯林斯高阶〔fjord〕A long, narrow, deep inlet of the sea between steep slopes.峡湾:在两面陡峭斜坡中间的狭长水深的海湾美国传统〔graze〕The hills have been grazed by sheep because they were too steep to be ploughed.这些小山因为太陡峭, 不适宜耕种, 因此被用来牧羊。外研社新世纪〔gully〕The bodies of the three climbers were located at the bottom of a steep gully.在陡峭的隘谷谷底找到了3名登山者的遗体。柯林斯高阶〔headlong〕Archaic Steep; sheer.【古语】 陡峭的;垂直的美国传统〔hillside〕A stream tumbles down the steep hillside.一条小溪沿着陡峭的山坡奔流而下。牛津搭配〔hill〕A cart was making its way up the steep hill .一辆马车正在爬上这个陡峭的山丘。朗文当代〔hill〕They climbed a steep hill and came to the town.他们爬上一座陡峭的小山,来到镇上。牛津搭配〔hogback〕A sharp ridge with steeply sloping sides, produced by erosion of the broken edges of highly tilted strata.豚脊丘,陡峻的山脊:由于对高斜层破碎山背的侵蚀而形成的陡峭的山背美国传统〔incline〕The ground inclined steeply towards the ridge in the distance.地势陡峭,陡坡一直延绵至远处的山脊。剑桥高阶〔knife-edge〕The path was a knife-edge on the side of a steep hill.这是陡峭山坡上的一条狭窄小路。韦氏高阶〔lay down〕The steep-sided valley is of carboniferous limestone laid down as mud some 330 million years ago.山谷陡峭的一侧是石炭纪石灰岩, 在大约3.3亿年前由淤泥沉积而成。外研社新世纪〔make〕The hill is not too steep to climb, but only eleven of us made it.那座山并非陡峭得难以攀登,可是我们只有11个人爬了上去。英汉大词典〔mansard roof〕A four-sided roof having a double slope on all sides, with the lower slope much steeper than the upper.双斜坡式屋顶,复折式屋顶:都有双重斜坡的四边屋顶,斜坡的下部比上部陡峭美国传统〔negotiate〕The climbers had to negotiate a steep rock face.攀登者必须攀越陡峭的岩壁。牛津高阶〔perch〕The hotel was perched precariously on a steep hillside.旅馆坐落在陡峭的山顶,位置险峻。牛津搭配〔pitch〕The hill pitches steeply.小山陡峭美国传统〔pitch〕The road pitches steeply down the side of the mountain.这条路沿着山的一侧陡峭而下。韦氏高阶〔precipice〕An overhanging or extremely steep mass of rock, such as a crag or the face of a cliff.悬崖:悬崖或极其陡峭的岩石,如岩崖或悬崖壁美国传统〔rear〕The mountains reared up on each side, steep and white.两边的山峦高耸入云,山势陡峭,覆盖着积雪。柯林斯高阶〔rise〕The road rises steeply from the village.这条路从村子这里开始突然变陡峭了。朗文当代〔rock climbing〕The sport or activity of climbing sheer rock faces, especially by means of specialized techniques and equipment.攀岩:攀登陡峭岩面的运动或活动,尤指借助专业技巧和装备美国传统〔schuss〕A straight, steep course for skiing.下滑滑道:用于下滑的笔直、陡峭的滑道美国传统〔sheer〕A young man plunged from a sheer rock face to his death.一名男青年从陡峭的岩壁上坠崖身亡。柯林斯高阶〔sheer〕The cliff was quite sheer.悬崖相当陡峭。英汉大词典〔sickeningly〕He stood at the top of a sickeningly steep gully.他站在一个陡峭得令人眩晕的沟壑上。外研社新世纪〔side〕Steep rocks sided the valley.山谷两侧是满目陡峭的岩石。外研社新世纪〔slither〕We slithered down the steep slope.我们沿着陡峭的斜坡晃晃悠悠地往下滑。外研社新世纪〔slog〕The men had to slog up a steep muddy incline.人们只得在陡峭而泥泞的斜坡上艰难地行进。柯林斯高阶〔slope〕The garden sloped quite steeply.花园的斜坡颇为陡峭。柯林斯高阶〔slope〕We clambered up the steep, rocky slope.我们沿着陡峭多石的山坡向上爬。牛津搭配〔steepen〕The road steepens ahead.前面的路变陡峭了。麦克米伦高阶〔steepen〕To make or become steep or steeper.使陡峭:使险峻或变得更险峻美国传统〔steep〕Having a sharp inclination; precipitous.陡的:大幅度倾斜的;陡峭的美国传统〔steep〕San Francisco is built on 40 hills and some are very steep.旧金山建造在40座山丘上, 其中一些很陡峭。外研社新世纪〔steep〕The castle is set on a steep hill/hillside.城堡坐落在陡峭的山/山坡上。剑桥高阶〔steep〕They reached the steepest part of the mountain.他们到达该山最陡峭的部分。文馨英汉〔stope〕An excavation in the form of steps made by the mining of ore from steeply inclined or vertical veins.回采工作面:从陡峭的或垂直的矿脉中开采矿石而造出的阶梯形坑道美国传统〔strip〕The coastal cities of Liguria sit on narrow strips of land lying under steep mountains.利古里亚的沿海城市坐落在陡峭山脉下的狭长地带上。外研社新世纪〔strip〕The coastal cities of Liguria sit on narrow strips of land lying under steep mountains.利古里亚的沿海城市坐落在陡峭山脉下的狭长地带上。柯林斯高阶〔switchback〕A road, trail, or railroad track that ascends a steep incline in a zigzag course.之字爬坡路线:呈之字形沿着陡峭的坡上升的道路、轨道或铁道美国传统〔thereto〕The castle stands on a hill, and the road thereto is steep and rough.城堡位于一座小山上,到那里的道路陡峭而崎岖。英汉大词典〔through〕The path climbs steeply through the trees.那条小路在树林里蜿蜒而上,十分陡峭。麦克米伦高阶〔toil〕They were toiling up a steep hill.他们费劲地攀爬陡峭的山丘。韦氏高阶〔trail〕The ivy sent trails down the steep bank.常春藤向陡峭的河岸下蔓生。英汉大词典〔tree〕Above the treeline, take a grassy path leading steeply to the summit.过了林木线之后沿着一条长满青草的陡峭小道直达峰顶。牛津搭配〔trench〕A long, steep-sided valley on the ocean floor.海沟:一种海底狭长而两边陡峭的山谷美国传统〔underbrush〕The trail was steep and thick with underbrush.小径陡峭, 灌木茂密。外研社新世纪〔uphill〕The path slopes steeply uphill.小径直上陡峭的山坡。牛津高阶〔upwards〕They climbed upward along the steep cliffs surrounding the village.他们沿着村庄周围的陡峭悬崖往上爬。柯林斯高阶〔upward〕She started once again on the steep upward climb.她又开始沿着陡峭的山路往上爬。柯林斯高阶〔weigh sb/sth down〕Weighed down with supplies, they found the steep path difficult to climb.由于背着沉重的补给品,他们觉得陡峭的小路很难攀爬。剑桥高阶〔zigzag〕A dirt road zigzags up the steep hill to our cabin.一条土路沿陡峭的山坡曲折而上,直达我们的小木屋。韦氏高阶A precipitous path led down the cliff. 悬崖往下引入一条陡峭的山路。译典通It's a steep climb to the top of the mountain, but the view is worth it.爬上山顶的道路非常陡峭,但迷人的风景很值得一登。剑桥国际Rescuers had trouble reaching the injured climber due to bad weather and the steepness of the mountainside.援救人员因恶劣的天气和陡峭的山坡而很难接近受伤的登山者。剑桥国际She did not dare to bike down the abrupt slope. 她不敢骑著自行车冲下陡峭的斜坡。译典通She scrambled up/down the steep hillside and over the rocks.她爬上/下陡峭的山坡,翻过岩石。剑桥国际She searched in vain for a foothold in the sheer rockface.她在陡峭的岩壁上寻找个落脚点,但没有找到。剑桥国际The car labored up the steep hill. 车子吃力地向陡峭的山上开去。译典通The castle is set on a steep hill/hillside.这城堡坐落在陡峭的山上。剑桥国际The castle stands on a hill, and the road thereto is steep and rough. 城堡建在山上,去那儿的路陡峭崎岖。译典通The first part of the ascent is not steep. 开始一段上坡路并不陡峭。译典通The mountain rises sheer from the plain. 这座山陡峭地矗立在平原上。译典通The old man had difficulty climbing the rapid ascent. 这位老人攀登这条陡峭的上坡路有困难。译典通The path descended steeply into the valley below.小径陡峭下斜,通入下面的山谷。剑桥国际The river flows between its steep banks.河流在陡峭的河岸之间流动。剑桥国际The truck gained momentum as it rolled down the steep road. 卡车沿著陡峭的道路往下开时,冲力愈来愈大。译典通There was no footing on the steep cliff. 在那陡峭的悬崖上没有立脚处。译典通We had to climb over a knife-edge mountain ridge.我们必须翻越一道陡峭的山脊。剑桥国际




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