

单词 遥控器
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ANYTHING/ANYBODY〕This remote control can be used with any television set. 这个遥控器可用于任何电视机。朗文写作活用〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕You can alter the color and size of the image using a remote control. 使用遥控器可以改变色彩和图像大小。朗文写作活用〔DAMAGE〕We used to have a remote control for the TV, but my brother broke it. 我们曾有一个电视机遥控器,可是给弟弟弄坏了。朗文写作活用〔HOLD〕Stop fiddling with the remote control! 别拿着遥控器弄来弄去!朗文写作活用〔LOUD〕You can use the remote control to turn the volume up or down. 你可以用遥控器调大或调小音量。朗文写作活用〔MACHINE〕It's possible to operate the machines by remote control. 用遥控器来操作这几台机器是可能的。朗文写作活用〔button〕He reached for the remote control and pressed the 'play' button.他伸手拿过遥控器,按下“播放”键。柯林斯高阶〔button〕He reached for the remote control and pressed the 'play' button.他找到了遥控器, 按下了播放键。外研社新世纪〔button〕The remote control allows you to change channel at the touch of a button.遥控器让你一按键即可变换频道。牛津搭配〔clicker〕A remote control, as for a television or VCR.遥控器:如电视和录像机的遥控器美国传统〔do〕What have you done with the remote for the TV? 你把电视机遥控器放哪儿了?朗文当代〔fall〕At that point the radio handset fell to pieces.就在那一刻, 无线电遥控器摔得粉碎。外研社新世纪〔fall〕At that point the radio handset fell to pieces.就在那一刻,无线电遥控器摔得粉碎。柯林斯高阶〔fiddle〕Why did you let her fiddle about with the remote control? 你为什么让她乱动遥控器呢?朗文当代〔give (something) a rest〕Hey, give the TV remote a rest and go outside to play! 嘿,把电视遥控器放一边,出去玩吧!韦氏高阶〔hog〕He's been hogging the remote control all night.他整晚都霸占着遥控器。韦氏高阶〔mute〕He used the remote control to mute the TV.他用遥控器关闭了电视机的声音。韦氏高阶〔operate〕How do you operate the remote control unit? 你是怎么操作这个遥控器的?剑桥高阶〔pause button〕Please hit the pause button on the remote control.请按遥控器上的暂停键。韦氏高阶〔pause〕He picked up the remote control and paused the movie.他拿起遥控器,暂停了电影。韦氏高阶〔play〕Will you stop playing around with the remote control! 你能不能别再摆弄遥控器了!朗文当代〔remote control〕A device used to control an apparatus or a machine from a distance.遥控器:用来遥控仪器或机器的装置美国传统〔remote control〕Have you seen the remote for the TV anywhere? 你在哪儿看到电视遥控器了吗?剑桥高阶〔remote control〕I can't find the remote control.我找不到遥控器。牛津高阶〔remote control〕Where did you put the remote control? 你把遥控器放哪儿了?韦氏高阶〔remote〕Give me the remote.给我遥控器。朗文当代〔squabble〕The children were squabbling over the remote-control gadget for the television.孩子们正在为抢夺电视机的遥控器而争吵。柯林斯高阶〔switch〕I couldn't find the off switch on the remote control.我找不到遥控器上的关机按钮。牛津搭配〔switch〕The remote control allows you to switch easily between TV channels.遥控器可以使你在不同电视频道之间轻松转换。牛津搭配〔wireless〕The video game console comes with wireless controllers.这台视频游戏机配有无线电遥控器。韦氏高阶〔zapper〕A remote-control device for switching a television set on and off and for changing channels.遥控器:用来调节或关闭电视并可改换频道的遥控器美国传统〔zapper〕Use the zapper to turn off the TV.用遥控器关掉电视。剑桥高阶〔zap〕As she continued talking, I picked up the remote control again and discreetly zapped once more.趁她继续说着话, 我又拿起遥控器, 悄悄换起了台。外研社新世纪〔zap〕To use a remote control device to switch (channels on a television) or to turn off (a television set).遥控:用一种远距离遥控器调节(电视频道)或关闭(电视)美国传统A remote control for the TV would be very handy.电视遥控器十分方便。剑桥国际He changed channels on the TV with the remote control.他用遥控器换电视频道。剑桥国际The remote control works by sending infra-red impulses to a receiver in the video recorder.遥控器靠向录像机上的接收器发射红外脉冲而运作。剑桥国际Use the zapper to turn off the TV.用遥控器来关掉电视机。剑桥国际




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