

单词 遣散费
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔cushion the blow〕He's lost his job, but the redundancy money will cushion the blow.他丢了工作,不过遣散费会减轻对他的打击。剑桥高阶〔eke out〕Many workers can only eke out their redundancy money for about 10 weeks.很多工人手头的遣散费仅够维持10个星期左右。柯林斯高阶〔golden parachute〕An employment agreement that guarantees a key executive lucrative severance benefits if control of the company changes hands followed by management shifts.金保护伞:一种聘用合同,如果公司转手他人,该合同保证主要管理人员得到遣散费美国传统〔mortgage〕We decided to use Fred's redundancy money to pay off the mortgage (=pay back all the money we borrowed for a mortgage) .我们决定用弗雷德的遣散费来偿清抵押贷款。朗文当代〔payoff〕He got a big cash payoff.他获得了一大笔遣散费。麦克米伦高阶〔payoff〕He lost his factory job but received a payoff and a pension.他失去了工厂的工作,但收到了遣散费和养老金。韦氏高阶〔payoff〕The average payoff to staff was about £2000.员工的平均遣散费大约是 2000 英镑。朗文当代〔redundancy〕An employee is not eligible for a redundancy payment unless he has been with the company for two years.除非雇员在公司工作满两年,否则没有资格得到遣散费。朗文当代〔severance pay〕A sum of money usually based on length of employment for which an employee is eligible upon termination.遣散费:给达到离职标准的雇员根据其受雇时间长短所获的一笔钱美国传统〔severance〕The management have offered employees one week's severance (pay) for each six months they have worked at the company.资方向雇员们发放了遣散费,标准是每六个月工龄可获得相当于一星期工资的数额。剑桥高阶〔severance〕We were offered 13 weeks' severance pay.我们拿到了 13 个星期的薪水作为遣散费。柯林斯高阶〔tax-free〕Redundancy payments are tax-free up to £50,000.低于 5 万英镑的遣散费免于纳税。柯林斯高阶〔tin parachute〕An employment agreement that guarantees a severance payment to employees who are dismissed after a company has had a change in ownership.锡降落伞遣散费,高额资遣费:一种聘用合约内容,合约中规定,一旦公司经营权易主而使被聘用者失业,则须支付其一笔遣散费美国传统A severance agreement/deal/package has been accepted by the workers.工人们接受了关于遣散费的协议。剑桥国际The fund manager left the company with a $1 million pay-off.基金经理离开公司时得到了 100 万元的遣散费。牛津商务The loss included non-recurring items such as redundancy costs.这项亏损包括遣散费等非经常性项目。牛津商务The management have offered employees one week's severance (pay) for each six months they have worked at the company.资方给雇员们按他们在公司里每工作满六个月支付一星期的遣散费。剑桥国际They took a $26 million restructuring charge, mainly related to redundancy pay for staff.他们花了 2 600 万元的重组费用,主要是给员工的遣散费。牛津商务




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