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释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Aristarchus of Samos〕Greek astronomer who was among the first to propose that the sun is the center of the universe and that the earth moves around the sun.(萨摩斯的)阿里斯塔克斯:古希腊天文学家,是首先提出太阳是宇宙的中心,以及地球围绕太阳运行理论的天文家之一美国传统〔BELIEVE〕The first myth about motherhood is that new mothers instantly fall in love with their babies. 说起母性,人们首先便会想当然地认为,孩子一出世,初为人母者便会对他们产生感情。朗文写作活用〔Cotswold〕A sheep of a breed distinguished by its long wool, originally developed in the Cotswold Hills.科茨沃尔德羊:一种以长毛特征的羊的品种,首先在考兹伍德山饲养美国传统〔E-mail〕First you need to get an e-mail address.首先你需要申请一个电子邮件地址。柯林斯高阶〔FIRST〕First, may I say that I am extremely grateful for the trust my colleagues have put in me. 首先请允许我对同事们表示由衷的感激,他们对我很信任。朗文写作活用〔IDEA〕Of course! If he thinks it was his idea in the first place, he's bound to agree. What an inspiration! 那当然了!如果他认为这想法首先是他提出来的,他肯定会同意。多妙的主意啊!朗文写作活用〔LAST〕Firstly it's too big, secondly we can't afford it, and lastly we don't really need it. 首先,这东西太大了;第二,我们买不起;最后,我们实在不需要。朗文写作活用〔SWITCH ON OR OFF〕If the boiler fails to light, first check that the gas is turned on. 锅炉如果点不着火的话,首先要检查煤气是否开着。朗文写作活用〔TELL〕He began by telling the children a story about a giant who was very unpopular with all the other giants because he wouldn't eat people. 他首先给孩子们讲一个关于巨人的故事,那巨人因为不肯吃人,所以其他巨人都不喜欢他。朗文写作活用〔THEN〕First you need to collect all the information and make detailed notes. Then you can start to actually write your essay. 首先你得收集所有资料并详细地做好笔记,然后就能开始正式动笔写文章。朗文写作活用〔above〕Above all else, the government must keep the promises it has made.首先,政府必须恪守它所作出的承诺。麦克米伦高阶〔agenda〕The subject of safety needs to be placed high on/at the top of the agenda (= must be discussed because it is very important).必须首先考虑安全问题。剑桥高阶〔alignment〕The door needs to be in alignment with the frame before you start work on it.首先得使门和门框成一条直线,然后再开始干。牛津搭配〔all〕Above all, chairs should be comfortable.椅子首先应该舒适。柯林斯高阶〔alter ego〕She is, first and foremost, her husband's alter ego.她首先是丈夫的知己。外研社新世纪〔asterisk〕I've placed an asterisk next to the tasks I want you to do first.我在要你首先完成的任务旁边标上了星号。牛津高阶〔attention〕What first caught my attention was his voice.首先吸引我注意力的是他的声音。麦克米伦高阶〔batting〕The England captain opened the batting (= batted first).英格兰的队长首先开始击球。剑桥高阶〔begin〕He began by showing some photographs of his trip. = He began with some photographs of his trip.他首先展示了他旅行时的一些照片。韦氏高阶〔begin〕She began by thanking us all for coming.她首先对我们大家的到来表示感谢。牛津高阶〔beg〕The whole idea of a Patients' Charter begs the question that the government should be involved in the first place.《病人约章》的整个制定思想是以政府首先介入为前提的。麦克米伦高阶〔blink〕Both sides in the dispute are determined not to blink first.争论的双方都坚决不肯首先做出让步。韦氏高阶〔brown〕First brown the meat in a pan.首先将肉放在油锅煎成褐色。朗文当代〔cartoon〕The satirical cartoons were first published in a Danish newspaper last year.这些讽刺漫画首先刊登在去年的一份丹麦报纸上。外研社新世纪〔case history〕I took her to a homoeopath, who started by taking a very long and detailed case history.我带她去看了顺势疗法, 医师首先花了很长时间详细记录病史。外研社新世纪〔clarity〕The first thing to strike me was the amazing clarity of the water.首先吸引我的是水的无比清澈。柯林斯高阶〔cool down〕First McNeil had to cool down the volatile Australian 20-year old.首先麦克尼尔得让那个脾气暴躁的20岁澳大利亚小伙子冷静下来。柯林斯高阶〔credentials〕She will first have to establish her leadership credentials.她得首先证明她有担任领导的资格。牛津高阶〔deal〕Start by dealing out ten cards to each player.首先给每家发十张牌。牛津高阶〔determine〕My aim was first of all to determine what I should do next.我的目标首先是要确定自己下一步该做什么。柯林斯高阶〔direction〕First determine the direction of your expected business growth.首先确定好公司业务的预期增长方向。牛津搭配〔drive in〕First,drive in the outlying men and then attack the whole enemy force.首先,迫使外围士兵退回大本营,然后再袭击整个敌营。21世纪英汉〔emplane〕The wounded soldiers were first emplaned.伤员首先被送上飞机。英汉大词典〔evaluate〕They will first send in trained nurses to evaluate the needs of the individual situation.他们首先会派一些训练有素的护士来评估每个病人的需求。柯林斯高阶〔explain〕First, I'll explain the rules of the game.首先我要说明一下游戏规则。牛津高阶〔fact〕Historians must first select the facts that they present.历史学家必须首先对要陈述的事实加以选择。牛津搭配〔familiarize〕I need to familiarize myself with the subject first.我首先需要熟悉一下这个主题。麦克米伦高阶〔firstly〕There are two reasons. Firstly I have no evidence that the original document has been destroyed.理由有二,首先是我没有原始文件已被毁的证据。文馨英汉〔first〕First of all, I would like to thank my colleagues.首先, 我要感谢我的同事。外研社新世纪〔first〕First of all, let me say a few words about our plan.首先,我想就我们的计划说几句。英汉大词典〔first〕First off I didn't agree with the comments in your email.首先,我不同意你电子邮件里的话。朗文当代〔first〕First off, huge apologies for last month's confusing report.首先,要对上个月那篇交代不清的报道表示深深的歉意。柯林斯高阶〔first〕First off, there's some confusion we have to clear up.首先,有些疑惑我必须澄清。韦氏高阶〔first〕First, I want to thank my parents.首先,我要感谢我的父母。剑桥高阶〔first〕There were several reasons he couldn't sleep. In the first place, Peg snored.他有几个原因不能入睡。首先,佩格打鼾。麦克米伦高阶〔forget〕The first thing is to support as many shows as one can, not forgetting the small local ones.首先要尽可能多地支持演出, 这其中也包括当地的小型演出。外研社新世纪〔gather up〕You should gather up your courage first.首先你要鼓足勇气。21世纪英汉〔green〕What first struck her when she arrived in England was the greenness of the landscape.到英格兰后,首先给她留下深刻印象的是郁郁葱葱的景色。剑桥高阶〔have〕First of all you have to mix the flour and the butter.首先要将面粉和黄油混和在一起。朗文当代〔hold〕The judge held that the child's interests in this case must come first.法官认为,该案必须首先考虑那孩子的利益。朗文当代〔immigration〕First you have to go through immigration.首先你必须通过移民局检查。外研社新世纪〔inject〕First they inject the tetanus vaccine into your arm.首先他们会在你的胳膊上注射破伤风疫苗。麦克米伦高阶〔lead〕I'd like to lead off by thanking Rick for coming.我首先要感谢里克的到来。朗文当代〔make〕First, make the surface level.首先, 使表面平整。外研社新世纪〔manipulative〕Before a child can learn a musical instrument he or she first needs to acquire the necessary manipulative skills.儿童首先要掌握一些必需的操作技能,才可以学习一门乐器。朗文当代〔next〕First, peel the fruit. Next, prepare a chocolate sauce.首先将水果去皮。接着准备一份巧克力沙司。麦克米伦高阶〔number one〕I'll tell you why we can't go on a vacation: number one, we can't afford it, and number two, we'll miss my sister's party.我告诉你为什么我们不能去度假:首先,我们负担不起;其次,我们会错过我姐姐的派对。韦氏高阶〔originator〕The originator of the idea was a young professor.这个想法是一个年轻教授首先提出来的。外研社新世纪〔pioneer〕The company pioneered the use of the silicon chip.这家公司首先使用硅片。21世纪英汉〔plane〕Plane the surface down first.首先要把表面刨平。牛津高阶〔primacy〕The state of being first or foremost.第一或首先的状态美国传统〔primary〕Our primary concern must be the children.我们首先要关心的必须是儿童。牛津高阶〔priority〕The club's priority is to win the League.该俱乐部首先考虑的是赢得联赛。朗文当代〔purge〕We have to begin by purging our minds of prejudice.我们必须首先消除头脑中的偏见。朗文当代〔put ... in〕Australia won the toss and put England in to bat.澳大利亚队掷币获胜,要求英格兰队首先击球。21世纪英汉〔put〕It was Clare who first put up the idea of a concert to raise money for the school.是克莱尔首先提出举办音乐会来为学校筹钱这个想法的。麦克米伦高阶〔rake〕First rake the soil smooth.首先把地耙平。牛津高阶〔remark〕I must preface my remarks with a confession.讲话之前我必须首先认个错。牛津搭配〔salute〕His first words were a salute to the people of South Africa.他开口首先向南非人民致敬。牛津高阶〔search〕His first task was to search them for weapons.他首先要搜查他们身上是否携带武器。柯林斯高阶〔secondly〕Firstly, I didn't know the neighbourhood and, secondly, it was night.首先,我不熟悉这个社区;其次,当时是晚上。麦克米伦高阶〔self-involved〕Absorbed primarily or only in one's own interests or activities.自我专注的:首先考虑或只考虑自己的利益或活动的美国传统〔set the scene〕First, let's set the scene - it was a dark, wet night with a strong wind blowing.首先,我们来描述一下故事发生的背景——那是一个漆黑的夜晚,下着雨,狂风呼啸。剑桥高阶〔sex object〕A person regarded primarily as the focus of sexual attraction.性目标:一个被首先认为是性诱惑力焦点的人美国传统〔spread〕First, lie on the floor with your arms spread wide.首先,伸开双臂躺在地板上。麦克米伦高阶〔start〕There are problems. To start with, neither of us likes housework.有一些问题。 首先,我们俩谁都不喜欢做家务。朗文当代〔start〕To start with, we need better computers - then we need more training.首先,我们需要更好的电脑——其次,我们需要更多的培训。剑桥高阶〔start〕You have no right to stay here, to start with.首先,你无权住在这儿。英汉大词典〔stone〕First, remove the skin and stone from the avocado.首先, 把鳄梨去皮去核。外研社新世纪〔strip-search〕To search (a person) for illegal articles, such as drugs or weapons, by first requiring the removal of all clothing.光身搜查:为查寻非法物品,如毒品或武器进行搜查(某人),被搜查人首先必须脱掉所有衣物美国传统〔strip〕First, you need to strip away all the old plaster.首先,你得把原来的灰泥全部刮掉。牛津高阶〔system〕First, check that the circulatory system is working properly.首先检查一下循环系统是否正常。麦克米伦高阶〔thing〕How do they manage it all? Careful scheduling, for one thing. 他们是怎样处理这一切的呢?首先是细致地排出时间表。 英汉大词典〔think of〕I must think first of my family.我必须首先考虑我的家庭。韦氏高阶〔trample〕When a tribe encounters civilization, the first things to get trampled underfoot are the religious beliefs of the tribe.当一个部落遭遇文明,首先被践踏脚下的是该部落的宗教信仰。柯林斯高阶Athletes should first have the sense of fair play. 运动员首先要有公平竞争的意识。译典通Candidates are first interviewed informally over the telephone to screen out those that have no chance.对候选人首先要进行非正式电话访谈以便筛选掉那些没有可能性的人。牛津商务Changes caused by the radiation first occur at the cellular level.辐射造成的变化首先发生在细胞层次。剑桥国际First file the stick (down) to a point / until it fits into the hole.首先把这根棍子锉尖/锉到可以插入这个孔为止。剑桥国际First we need to measure the dimensions of the room.首先我们必需测量一下这个房间的面积。牛津商务He was first of all an extremist secondly he was pretty dishonest. 首先他是一个极端主义者;其次他很不诚实。译典通In a recession you need to put cost-cutting on the front burner.在经济衰退时期,你首先需要考虑削减成本。牛津商务It was in “The Star”first, then all the other newspapers cribbed it the next day.这条消息首先刊登在《星报》上,而第二天其他所有的报纸都窃用了它。剑桥国际Jane first broke the silence. 珍首先打破沉默。译典通The children will first sing individually and then together as a group.孩子们首先将单独演唱,然后再一起合唱。剑桥国际The fashion for short skirts was first set in the 1960s.短裙是首先在60年代开始流行起来的。剑桥国际The first thing to do when you set up camp is to pitch/put up/erect your tent.当你扎营时,首先要做的是搭帐篷。剑桥国际The new Archbishop is an evangelical who gives priority to scripture while interpreting it in relation to daily life.新的大主教是位福音派新教徒,在涉及日常生活阐释圣经时,首先考虑经文。剑桥国际There are two good reasons why we can't do it. First, we can't afford it, and second, we don't have time.有两个原因可以解释为什么我们不能做这件事。首先我们没有钱,其次我们没有时间。剑桥国际To understand this issue, it must first be situated in its context.要理解这个问题,它首先必须被置于它的特定环境中。剑桥国际




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