

单词 馅饼
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BEFORE〕I was going to have that last piece of pie but somebody beat me to it. 我想吃最后一块馅饼,但有人捷足先登了。朗文写作活用〔BIG〕He heaped the plate with a generous serving of meat and potato pie. 他在盘子上堆满了肉和马铃薯馅饼。朗文写作活用〔COLD〕You can serve the quiche hot or cold. 蛋奶火腿馅饼冷、热食用均可。朗文写作活用〔EAT〕The apple pie is delicious, but I won't have another slice - I couldn't eat another thing. 苹果馅饼很好吃,可我不要了一我再也吃不下了。朗文写作活用〔FOOD〕She took another helping of pie when she thought no one was looking. 她认为没人看见,就再拿了一份馅饼。朗文写作活用〔SHARE〕We divided up the rest of the pie between us. 余下的馅饼我们分着吃了。朗文写作活用〔Salisbury steak〕A patty of ground beef mixed with eggs, milk, onions, and various seasonings and broiled, fried, or baked.索尔兹伯里牛肉饼:以牛肉泥加鸡蛋、牛奶、洋葱和各种调料烤、炸或焙制而成的小馅饼美国传统〔TASTE〕It's a vegetarian pie, but it tastes just like meat! 那是个素馅饼,但味道就像肉馅饼!朗文写作活用〔TURN〕Continue to turn the fritter until both sides are golden brown. 继续翻动油炸馅饼,直到它两面都呈金黄色。朗文写作活用〔bait〕He baited his hook with pie.他在鱼钩上装了点馅饼作钓饵。柯林斯高阶〔beef Wellington〕A fillet of beef covered with pâté de foie gras, encased in pastry, and baked.威灵顿牛肉馅饼:夹在馅饼或点心里的涂以鹅肝酱的牛肉片美国传统〔bitok〕A dish made from ground meat mixed with milk, bread, and onions to form patties that are fried and served with a sour-cream sauce.酸奶小馅饼:由加有牛奶、面包和洋葱的碎肉制成的用酸奶油汁炸的小馅饼美国传统〔brag〕I don't mean to brag, but my pecan pie is the best.我并不想吹牛,但是我的山核桃馅饼是最好的。麦克米伦高阶〔burrito〕A flour tortilla wrapped around a filling, as of beef, beans, or cheese.玉米馅饼:包着牛肉、豆子或奶酪馅儿的玉米面薄饼美国传统〔calzone〕A baked or fried Italian turnover of pizza dough filled with vegetables, meat, or cheese.卡松尼包馅披萨,半圆形烤(奶酪)馅饼:一种包有蔬菜、肉、起司,烘烤或油炸而成的意式包馅披萨美国传统〔care〕Would you care for some pie? 吃点馅饼好吗?英汉大词典〔carve up〕They have begun carving the country up like a pie.他们已经开始像切馅饼一样瓜分这个国家。外研社新世纪〔carve up〕They have begun carving the country up like a pie.他们已经开始像切馅饼一样瓜分这个国家。柯林斯高阶〔charcuterie〕Sausages, ham, pâtés, and other cooked or processed meat foods.熟肉:香肠、火腿、肉馅饼及其他经烧烤或加工的肉制食品美国传统〔choice〕We select only the choicest apples for our pies.我们只挑选最好的苹果做馅饼。朗文当代〔cook〕We cooked the pie in the brick oven.我们用砖炉烤馅饼。外研社新世纪〔crumb〕The pie's crust is made with cookie crumbs.馅饼的硬皮是用饼干碎做的。韦氏高阶〔crust〕A pastry shell, as of a pie or tart.馅饼皮:馅饼或果馅饼等的面团的外壳美国传统〔custard〕Would you like some custard on your pie?你想在馅饼上浇些蛋奶调味汁吗?外研社新世纪〔demolish〕He demolished a second helping of pie.他狼吞虎咽地吃掉了第二份馅饼。朗文当代〔dessert〕For dessert there's apple pie or fruit.甜食有苹果馅饼和水果可供选择。剑桥高阶〔divine〕Her pies were simply divine.她做的馅饼真棒极了。英汉大词典〔edge〕I edged the pie.我给馅饼雕出花边。外研社新世纪〔fill〕Daphne filled the vol-au-vents with a mixture of smoked haddock, cream, and spinach.达夫妮用熏鳕鱼、奶油和菠菜拌起来作酥皮馅饼的馅儿。外研社新世纪〔flan〕Have some more flan.再吃一点果馅饼。牛津高阶〔glaze〕Glaze the tart with melted jam.给果馅饼浇上一层融化了的果酱。韦氏高阶〔gooseberry〕Gooseberries are used for making pies and jam.醋栗用来做馅饼和果酱。剑桥高阶〔heat up〕Freda heated up a pie for me.弗蕾达为我热了一块馅饼。柯林斯高阶〔how about〕How's about some more pie? 再来一些馅饼如何?韦氏高阶〔how〕How about another piece of pie? 再给你来一块馅饼好吗?英汉大词典〔keep〕Finish off the pie—it won't keep.把馅饼都吃了吧,这东西不耐放。牛津高阶〔lap〕Nothing is going to drop into your lap - you will have to work at life in order to achieve anything.没有天上掉馅饼的事——你必须付出努力才能有所收获。外研社新世纪〔manage〕I'm sure you could manage another piece of pie.我相信你可以再吃一块馅饼。麦克米伦高阶〔meat〕These pies have a low meat content.这些馅饼里没多少肉。牛津搭配〔meringue〕A topping for pastry or pies made of a mixture of egg whites and sugar beaten until stiff and often baked until brown.蛋白酥皮卷:将鸡蛋白与糖搅拌至发硬,然后烘烤直至棕色而制成的糕饼或馅饼皮美国传统〔mincemeat〕A mixture, as of finely chopped apples, raisins, spices, meat, and sometimes rum or brandy, used especially as a pie filling.甜馅:由切得很碎的苹果、葡萄干、香料、肉,有时加朗姆酒或白兰地合成的混合物,尤用作馅饼的馅美国传统〔need〕The pie doesn't need to be refrigerated.这馅饼不需要冷藏。朗文当代〔next〕First, we mixed the flour; next, we made the tarts.我们先和面,后做果馅饼。英汉大词典〔off〕Sorry, love, the steak-and-kidney pie is off.对不起,亲爱的,牛肉腰子馅饼没有了。韦氏高阶〔pastry〕Ann makes delicious pastry - you should try her apple pie.安做的糕点很好吃——你应该尝尝她做的苹果馅饼。剑桥高阶〔peel〕A long-handled, shovellike tool used by bakers to move bread or pastries into and out of an oven.长柄木铲:一种面包师用来将面包或馅饼放入或拿出烤箱的铲状长柄工具美国传统〔pie〕I would like some pie.我想要点儿馅饼。韦氏高阶〔pie〕What's the filling in these pies? 这些馅饼是什么馅的?牛津搭配〔pirog〕A large, flat, usually square or rectangular Russian pastry filled with finely chopped meat or cabbage often mixed with chopped hard-boiled eggs.(某种)俄式馅饼:一种大而扁的、常做成正方或长方形的俄罗斯馅饼,用细肉末或白菜和熟鸡蛋碎末做馅美国传统〔pirozhki〕Small Russian pastries filled with finely chopped meat or cabbage, baked or fried.俄国小馅饼:一种俄式小馅饼,以细肉末或白菜做馅,烘烤或煎炸而成美国传统〔polish off〕We polished off the whole pie.我们把整个馅饼都吃光了。韦氏高阶〔polish sth off〕He polished off the whole pie.他风卷残云般地吃掉了一整块馅饼。剑桥高阶〔portion〕She divided the pie into six equal portions.她把馅饼分成了六等份。韦氏高阶〔portion〕She portioned out the pie so everyone had a piece.她把馅饼切开给每人一块。英汉大词典〔potpie〕A mixture of meat or poultry and vegetables covered with a pastry crust and baked in a deep dish.肉馅饼:放在深盘中烘制的覆有一层硬面皮的猪肉或禽肉与蔬菜的混合物美国传统〔prebake〕Prebake the shells blind for 8 to 10 minutes.在放馅料前将馅饼外皮烘焙8至10分钟。外研社新世纪〔preparatory〕She lit the oven, preparatory to putting the pie into it.她把烤箱加热,准备把馅饼放进去。柯林斯高阶〔puff sth up〕When the crust is golden and puffed up, take the pie out of the oven.当外面的酥皮变成金黄色并鼓起来时,把馅饼从烤箱拿出来。剑桥高阶〔pâté〕A small pastry filled with meat or fish.馅饼:一种小肉或鱼馅美国传统〔relish〕Try some of this relish with your pie.吃馅饼时不妨试加一点这佐料。英汉大词典〔roll〕When you have rolled (out) the pastry, place it in a pie dish.把馅饼皮擀好后放入馅饼盘里。剑桥高阶〔roly-poly〕Chiefly British A pudding made of jam or fruit rolled up in pastry dough and baked or steamed until soft.【多用于英国】 卷布丁:一种用酱或水果制成的卷在馅饼面团里烤焙或蒸至松软的布丁美国传统〔savoury〕A pie can be sweet or savoury.馅饼可以是甜的或咸的。剑桥高阶〔serve〕The quiche can be served hot or cold.蛋奶馅饼热吃也行,冷吃也行。牛津高阶〔shoofly pie〕A pie with a filling of molasses and brown sugar.驱蝇馅饼:用糖蜜和红糖作馅的馅饼美国传统〔sink〕She sank her fork into the pie.她把叉子插进馅饼里。朗文当代〔slice up〕He began slicing the pie up.他开始把馅饼切开。外研社新世纪〔slice〕He began slicing the pie up.他开始把馅饼切片。柯林斯高阶〔slice〕She sliced the bread/tomato/pie.她把面包/西红柿/馅饼切块。韦氏高阶〔smell〕Didn't you smell (that) the pie was burning? 你没闻到馅饼烤焦了吗?剑桥高阶〔sopaipilla〕A crisp, puffy, deep-fried pastry often served with honey or syrup.酥皮馅饼:松脆、饱满、炸过的酥皮馅饼,经常与蜂蜜或糖浆一起食用美国传统〔so〕Then came the walk home and so to bed, after mince pies and a hot drink.吃完甜馅饼, 喝上一杯热饮, 之后就走路回家睡觉了。外研社新世纪〔speak〕The child spoke for the remaining piece of pie.这孩子要求吃剩下的那块馅饼。英汉大词典〔spillover〕Put a pan under the pie to catch any spillovers.在馅饼下面放个烤盘以接住溢出物。韦氏高阶〔standout〕While all the desserts are pretty good, the clear standout is the lemon pie.所有的甜点都很不错,不过柠檬馅饼显然最受欢迎。剑桥高阶〔strudel〕A pastry made with fruit or cheese rolled up in a thin sheet of dough and then baked.果馅卷:一种把水果或奶酪卷进一层薄面粉再煎成的馅饼美国传统〔sweetener〕She used an artificial sweetener in the pie instead of sugar.她没有在馅饼中加糖,而是加了一种甜味剂。韦氏高阶〔timbale〕A custardlike dish of cheese, chicken, fish, or vegetables baked in a drum-shaped pastry mold.夹心烤馅饼:一道在鼓形的糕点模子中烤成的乳蛋糕似的菜,成分是鸡肉、鱼肉或蔬菜美国传统〔to〕This will be my second attempt to make flaky pastry.这将是我第二次尝试制作薄馅饼皮。剑桥高阶〔turnover〕A small pastry made by covering one half of a piece of dough with fruit, preserves, or other filling and folding the other half over on top.馅饼:一种半圆形的小馅饼,做法是在半块面团上,放上水果、蜜饯或其它馅,而把另一半折压在上面美国传统〔whatsit〕I've got to make a whatsit for the party. That's it—a flan.我得给聚会制作一个什么东西来着。想起来了,一个果馅饼。牛津高阶〔whip〕Serve the pie with whipped cream.端上加了搅打奶油的馅饼。牛津高阶A tart that size will probably divide into about ten portions.那么大的一块水果馅饼很可能要分成10份。剑桥国际As soon as the pie was served, she digged into it heartily. 馅饼一上来,她就大口大口地吃起来。译典通Divide the pastry into four equal parts.把馅饼平均分成4份。剑桥国际For dessert I had the most delicious tangy lemon tart.我有最可口美味的柠檬馅饼作饭后甜点。剑桥国际Gooseberries are used for making pies and jam.醋栗被用来做馅饼和果酱。剑桥国际He polished off a huge pie and a mountain of chips.他匆匆吃了一块大馅饼和一大堆炸土豆片。剑桥国际I was going to make a lemon tart until I realised I was missing one of the vital ingredients.我刚要做一个柠檬果馅饼,却发现我缺了一种重要成分。剑桥国际Leather jackets are as American as apple pie and Harley-Davidsons.皮茄克就同苹果馅饼和哈莱-戴维森这种姓名一样具有典型的美国特色。剑桥国际Pie crust (=the cooked pastry on top of it) should be crisp and golden brown.馅饼皮最好是口感酥脆,色泽橙黄。剑桥国际The delicate goose-liver pǎté, pǎté de foie gras, was invented by Jean Pierre Clause in Strasbourg, France around 1778.美味的鹅肝酱馅饼,是让·皮埃尔·克劳斯1778年左右在法国的斯特拉斯泊格发明的。剑桥国际The pastry tore as I was putting it into the dish.我把馅饼放进碟子里时,它裂了开来。剑桥国际The waiters bore trays of cucumber sandwiches, cakes and vol-au-vents into the room and offered them to the guests.服务员端了几盘黄瓜三明治、蛋糕和大馅饼进了屋子,给客人们食用。剑桥国际There's apple pie, ice-cream, cheesecake or fruit for dessert.饭后甜点有苹果馅饼、冰淇淋、乳酪饼和水果可选。剑桥国际They sell a large selection of hot and cold pies.他们卖很多种热的和冷的馅饼。剑桥国际This is meant to be a meat pie but it has a sort of cheesy taste.这应当是块肉馅饼,可是有种奶酪的味道。剑桥国际To enhance the flavor of a pǎté ,it should be served at room temperature with a complementary wine.为了使馅饼吃起来更有味,它应该在室温下端上并伴有一杯葡萄酒。剑桥国际Use a pastry brush to glaze the pie with milk.用糕饼刷将牛奶涂在馅饼上。剑桥国际When you have rolled out the pastry, place it in a pie dish.将油酥面团碾平后,放在一个馅饼盘子里。剑桥国际




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