

单词 餐会
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHANCE〕If you don't come to the picnic you'll miss out on all the fun. 如果你不来参加野餐会,那你就要错过所有的乐趣了。朗文写作活用〔EXPECT〕We're counting on good weather for the picnic - if it rains, we'll have to cancel. 我们指望着野餐会有好天气—如果下雨,就只得取消了。朗文写作活用〔In the past〕In the past, there was a company luncheon every month.过去,每月都有一次公司午餐会。韦氏高阶〔MEAL〕Over 200 attended the Women in Journalism luncheon last Tuesday. 二百多人参加了上周二的女性新闻工作者午餐会。朗文写作活用〔affair〕Breakfast will be a cheerless affair for the Prime Minister this morning.今天的早餐会让首相感觉全然无味。柯林斯高阶〔affair〕Breakfast will be a cheerless affair for the Prime Minister this morning.今天的早餐会让首相感觉索然无味。外研社新世纪〔arrive〕We arrived at the last course of the grand luncheon.我们开始吃这次盛大午餐会的最后一道菜。英汉大词典〔bake〕A social gathering at which food is cooked by baking and then served.烘烤餐会:供应烤制食品的一种社交聚会美国传统〔blue〕Can I wear blue to a Labour Party dinner?我可以穿蓝衣服参加工党晚餐会吗?外研社新世纪〔clambake〕A seashore picnic where clams, fish, corn, and other foods are traditionally baked on heated stones covered with seaweed.海滨野餐会:在覆有海草的灼热的石头上,传统地烧烤蛤、鱼、谷物和其它食物的海滨野餐美国传统〔considerable〕Their dinner parties had become considerably less formal.他们的晚餐会已经远不如以前正式。柯林斯高阶〔do〕You met him at our party, didn't you? 晚餐会上你和他见过面,对不对?剑桥高阶〔flow〕Lunch at Harry's Bar was in full flow when Irene made a splendid entrance.当艾琳光彩照人地出现在门口时,哈里酒吧的午餐会正是热闹非凡。柯林斯高阶〔guest〕One who is a recipient of hospitality at the home or table of another.客人:在别人的家中或餐会上受到友好接待的人美国传统〔handy〕Don't throw those bottles away - they'll come in handy (= be useful) for the picnic next Sunday.别把那些瓶子扔掉——下周日出去野餐会派上用场。剑桥高阶〔luncheon〕An afternoon party at which a light meal is served.便餐:提供少量食品的下午餐会美国传统〔luncheon〕Earlier this month, a luncheon for former U.N. staff was held in Vienna.本月早些时候在维也纳举行了一场午餐会, 款待曾经在联合国工作过的人士。外研社新世纪〔luncheon〕Garry told me this story over lunch yesterday.加里在昨天的午餐会上给我讲了这个故事。牛津搭配〔lunch〕A dozen senators met over lunch with the Chinese ambassador.十几名参议员在午餐会上和中国大使会面。朗文当代〔ply〕The poor priest was plied with drink at a dinner party.晚餐会上, 不断有人给那个可怜的牧师敬酒。外研社新世纪〔production〕The picnic was quite a production. There were clowns, music, and fireworks.野餐会相当丰富多彩,有小丑、音乐和烟花。韦氏高阶〔renew〕The annual dinner is a chance to renew acquaintance with old friends.一年一度的聚餐会是与老朋友敍旧的好机会。牛津高阶〔spouse〕Spouses were invited to the company picnic.配偶获邀参加公司的野餐会。朗文当代〔supper〕A dance or social affair where supper is served.晚餐会:供以晚餐的舞会或集会美国传统〔supper〕He attended a church supper last month.他上个月参加了一个教堂募捐晚餐会。外研社新世纪〔supper〕There'll be a potluck supper Sunday night at the church.星期日晚上在教堂有个百乐餐会。牛津搭配〔throw〕I'm going to throw a big lunch for him.我将为他举行一次盛大的午餐会。文馨英汉Apparently he was off pressing the flesh at some luncheon, and that was more important than seeing us. 他很显然地是在某个午餐会上和人握手,这比见我们来得重要多了。译典通Both families joined up for a traditional clambake on the beach.两个家庭聚在一起举行了一次传统的海滨野餐会。剑桥国际He was invited to attend a barbecue social last Saturday afternoon. 上星期六下午他应邀去参加一个烤肉聚餐会。译典通I can't believe that that enormous meal wasn't enough to satisfy your hunger.我不能相信如此丰盛的一餐会不足以消除你的饥饿。剑桥国际The company is having/holding a lunch (= a formal meal in the middle of the day to celebrate something) next week in honour of Peter's retirement.公司下周将为庆祝彼得退休举行午餐会。剑桥国际The prize-giving will be followed by a buffet lunch (= lunch which people collect for themselves and usually eat standing up) .颁奖仪式后将举行自助午餐会。剑桥国际They had a hot dog roast last Sunday. 他们上星期天举行了一次烤热狗野餐会。译典通We had a steak fry last Friday. 上星期五我们举行了炸牛排野餐会。译典通We're going to a charity luncheon next week.我们下周将参加一个慈善午餐会。剑桥国际




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