

单词 阳台
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BEND〕From the balcony, you could see the long curve of the shoreline. 从阳台你会看见长而弯曲的海岸线。朗文写作活用〔FRONT〕We were looking for a two-storey building with a verandah in the front. 我们在找一幢两层高的、前面带阳台的房子。朗文写作活用〔HIGH〕Just the thought of standing on the balcony gave her vertigo. 想到站在阳台上她就眩晕。朗文写作活用〔MEAL〕Guests can dine al fresco on a terrace with stunning views of the valley below. 客人们可以在户外的阳台上用餐,俯瞰山谷的美景。朗文写作活用〔Prof.〕Single room in lovely flat, roof terrace, non-smoking prof., woman pref.舒适公寓中的单间,带屋顶阳台,不抽烟的职业人士,女士优先。柯林斯高阶〔SEE〕We had a good view of the firework display from Ron's balcony. 我们在罗恩的阳台上看烟花表演,非常清楚。朗文写作活用〔SIGN〕The emperor waved to the crowd from the palace balcony. 皇帝在皇宫的阳台上向人群挥手。朗文写作活用〔STRONG〕Make sure your patio doors are made of unbreakable glass. 阳台的门一定要使用不易打碎的玻璃。朗文写作活用〔TURN〕The balcony overlooked a wide bend in the river. 从阳台可以俯视河流宽阔的弯道。朗文写作活用〔afternoon〕Afternoon tea is served on the terrace.下午茶在阳台上喝。牛津搭配〔air〕A stone balcony gives the building an air of elegance.石阳台给这栋建筑增添了几分雅致。牛津搭配〔bake〕It's baking on the terrace.阳台上烤得慌。外研社新世纪〔balcony〕A platform that projects from the wall of a building and is surrounded by a railing, balustrade, or parapet.阳台:从楼房的墙上伸出被栏杆,扶手或护墙围绕的平台美国传统〔balcony〕The kitchen opens onto a balcony.厨房开门就对着阳台。外研社新世纪〔balcony〕We asked for a hotel room with a balcony.我们在酒店订了一间带阳台的房间。韦氏高阶〔balcony〕We had a drink on the hotel balcony.我们在宾馆的阳台上喝酒。剑桥高阶〔balcony〕We went out onto the balcony.我们走到阳台上。外研社新世纪〔balustrade〕An outside entertainment area has a wide veranda with an iron balustrade.外面的娱乐区有一个带铁护栏的宽大阳台。外研社新世纪〔breakfast〕We breakfasted on the terrace.我们在阳台上吃早餐美国传统〔by〕The palace balcony is shielded by bulletproof glass.宫殿的阳台用防弹玻璃保护起来。麦克米伦高阶〔camera〕She stepped onto the balcony and a thousand cameras clicked.她走上阳台,无数照相机便咔嚓咔嚓地拍了起来。牛津搭配〔cantilever〕The balcony cantilevers over the terrace below.阳台悬挑在楼下露台的上方。韦氏高阶〔cascade〕Vivid red and pink geraniums cascade over my balcony.鲜红和粉色的天竺葵如瀑布般从我的阳台垂下。外研社新世纪〔cascade〕Vivid red and pink geraniums cascade over my balcony.鲜艳的红色和粉色的天竺葵从我家的阳台上直挂下去。柯林斯高阶〔civilized〕Breakfast on the terrace—how civilized! 在阳台上用早餐,真是惬意无比!牛津高阶〔continental〕The shutters and the balconies make the street look almost continental.活动护窗和阳台使这条街看起来颇具欧洲大陆风格。牛津高阶〔door〕The door opens onto a sunny terrace.门开向阳光充足的阳台。牛津搭配〔draw〕She drew me onto the balcony 她把我拉到阳台上。牛津搭配〔drink〕Sit out on the terrace and drink in the stunning view.坐到外面的大阳台上,尽情享受那动人心魄的美景吧。麦克米伦高阶〔duly〕The Queen duly appeared on the balcony to wave to the crowds.女王准时出现在阳台上,向人群招手。朗文当代〔dwarf〕You can grow dwarf conifers in pots on the patio.你可以在阳台上种些矮小的针叶树盆栽。剑桥高阶〔each〕We each (= every one of us) wanted the bedroom with the balcony, so we tossed a coin to decide.我们大家都想住那间带阳台的卧室,所以只好扔硬币来决定。剑桥高阶〔face〕The balcony faced towards the sea.阳台面对大海。剑桥高阶〔festoon〕The balcony is festooned in/with ivy.那个阳台用常春藤装饰。韦氏高阶〔first floor〕The apartment has a balcony and is on the first floor, so no security worries.公寓有个阳台而且位于二楼, 所以不用担心安全问题。外研社新世纪〔fix〕Terry fixed herself a cold drink and sat out on the balcony.特丽给自己倒了杯冷饮,坐到外面的阳台上。朗文当代〔flap〕They would flap bath towels from their balconies as they chatted.他们会一边聊天一边在阳台上啪啪地抖搂浴巾。外研社新世纪〔flap〕They would flap bath towels from their balconies as they chatted.他们聊天时会在阳台上抖搂浴巾。柯林斯高阶〔flowered〕Balconies and terraces give onto richly flowered gardens.阳台和平台都对着姹紫嫣红的花园。外研社新世纪〔fly〕A red flag was flying from the balcony.一面红旗在阳台上飘扬。外研社新世纪〔foil〕The idea of building a roof terrace was also foiled by the planning authorities.建造一个带棚阳台的想法也被规划局否决了。柯林斯高阶〔gazebo〕A freestanding, roofed, usually open-sided structure providing a shady resting place.凉亭,阳台:一种不依靠支撑物的、有屋顶的、通常有一边敞开的构造,可提供一有阴凉的休息地美国传统〔gestural〕She gestured her intention of joining them by waving from the balcony.她在阳台上挥手示意要加入他们队伍。21世纪英汉〔give〕The doors give onto a terrace.门可通向阳台美国传统〔harbour〕She led us to a room with a balcony overlooking the harbour.她把我们领进了一个带阳台的房间,从那里可以俯瞰海港。柯林斯高阶〔have〕The room had a balcony facing the sea.这个房间有个朝海的阳台。麦克米伦高阶〔jump from〕They said he jumped from the balcony above the pool.他们说他从游泳池上方的阳台上跳了下来。外研社新世纪〔lead on to〕There were glass doors leading on to this balcony.有几扇玻璃门通向这个阳台。外研社新世纪〔lead on to〕There were glass doors leading on to this balcony.有玻璃门通到这个阳台。柯林斯高阶〔loft〕A gallery or balcony, as in a church.(教堂的)楼座或阳台美国传统〔minaret〕A tall, slender tower on a mosque, having one or more projecting balconies from which a muezzin summons the people to prayer.伊斯兰教寺院的尖塔:清真寺上高而细的塔,上有一个或多个突出的阳台,阿訇在其上为朝拜的人们布道美国传统〔mirador〕A window, balcony, or small tower affording an extensive view.眺台,凸窗:可以提供一个开阔的视野的窗户、阳台或小塔美国传统〔night〕The veranda was equipped with heavy wooden rain doors that were kept closed at night.阳台装有厚重的木制防雨门,夜里是关着的。柯林斯高阶〔off〕The wind blew a flower pot off the balcony.风把一个花盆从阳台上刮了下去。麦克米伦高阶〔onto〕He ran out onto the veranda.他跑出去,到阳台上。文馨英汉〔onto〕I stepped out onto the balcony.我走出来, 到了阳台上。外研社新世纪〔open〕The door opens onto a long balcony.这扇门通往一个长长的阳台。朗文当代〔overhang〕A wide balcony overhangs the garden.大阳台突出在花园的上方。英汉大词典〔overhead〕People were making noise in the balcony overhead.人们在头顶的阳台上吵吵嚷嚷。韦氏高阶〔overlook〕He stood at the balcony to overlook neighbour's hallroom.他站在阳台上俯瞰邻家的门厅。21世纪英汉〔over〕The balcony juts out over the street.阳台伸出在街道上方。牛津高阶〔over〕Their balcony looks out over the city.他们可从阳台上俯瞰这座城市。韦氏高阶〔parapet〕A low protective wall or railing along the edge of a raised structure such as a roof or balcony.低矮挡墙:一种沿着如屋顶或阳台而建的低矮的护墙或栏杆美国传统〔pendent〕A pendent balcony overlooked the garden.向外伸出的阳台俯瞰着花园。英汉大词典〔peroration〕From a balcony bedecked with flags, he began a long peroration about freedom.他站在装饰着旗帜的阳台上, 开始了关于自由的长篇大论。外研社新世纪〔piazza〕A verandah.门廊,阳台美国传统〔porch〕An open or enclosed gallery or room attached to the outside of a building; a verandah.游廊,阳台:靠近于建筑物之外的露天式的或封闭式的走廊或房间;阳台美国传统〔pot〕Pots of geraniums lined the balcony.一盆盆天竺葵排成列摆放在阳台上。外研社新世纪〔proceeding〕We watched the proceedings from the balcony.我们从阳台上观看仪式。牛津高阶〔push〕It isn't clear whether he fell off the balcony or was pushed.他是跌下阳台的,还是被推下去的,这一点还不清楚。剑桥高阶〔railing〕He walked out on to the balcony where he rested his arms on the railing.他走上阳台,把胳膊搭在栏杆上。柯林斯高阶〔shelf〕Something, such as a projecting ledge of rock or a balcony, that resembles such a structure.搁板状物:类似这样结构物的物体,例如岩石的狭长突出部分或阳台美国传统〔sight〕At first sight it resembles a traditional village of two-storeyed, balconied houses, set among well-tended gardens.乍一看,它就像个传统的村庄:带阳台的两层楼房坐落于精心照料的花园中。柯林斯高阶〔stare〕They sat on the balcony, staring out across the valley.他们坐在阳台上,向外凝视着山谷。麦克米伦高阶〔step〕They stepped out onto the balcony.他们走出房间来到阳台上。剑桥高阶〔string out〕Our home was a wooden stilt house, with hammocks strung out on the verandah.我们的家是一幢高脚木屋, 阳台上挂着吊床。外研社新世纪〔sun〕I sat on the balcony sunning myself.我坐在阳台上晒太阳。剑桥高阶〔telescope〕She set up her telescope on the balcony.她在阳台上架起了望远镜。牛津搭配〔terrace〕A platform extending outdoors from a floor of a house or an apartment building.阳台:从一座房子或公寓式建筑延伸出室外的平台美国传统〔terrace〕All rooms have a balcony or terrace.所有的房间都有阳台或露台。牛津高阶〔terrace〕To provide (a house, for example) with a terrace or terraces.给(如房屋)建阳台美国传统〔tub〕There were tubs of flowers on the balcony.阳台上有一盆盆的花。牛津高阶〔unhook〕Chris unhooked the shutters and went out on the balcony.克里斯拉开百叶窗,走到了阳台上。柯林斯高阶〔veranda(h)〕She sat on the veranda(h), sipping tea.她坐在阳台上饮茶。英汉大词典〔veranda〕They had their coffee and tea on the veranda.他们在阳台上喝咖啡和茶。柯林斯高阶〔west〕The balcony faces west.阳台朝西。剑桥高阶Although every tenement has its own balcony, none of them is painted and the overall impression is one of drabness.虽然每所经济公寓都有各自的阳台,但它们都没有油漆过,给人的整体印象很沉闷。剑桥国际Every evening she would sit in her rocking chair on the wooden veranda watching the sun go down.每天傍晚,她坐在木头阳台的摇椅上,看着太阳落山。剑桥国际He grows roses in tubs on the terrace. 他在阳台上木盆里种玫瑰。译典通I hung my wet swimsuit on the balcony and twenty minutes later it was bone dry.我把湿泳衣挂在阳台上,二十分钟后就干透了。剑桥国际In his overcoat Frank sat on the veranda and looked at the falling rain. 法兰克穿著外套坐在阳台上看下著的雨。译典通It isn't clear whether he fell off the balcony, or was pushed.他是跌下阳台的还是被人推下去的,这一点还不清楚。剑桥国际The balcony faces west.这个阳台朝西。剑桥国际The house has an east -facing terrace.这座房子有一个朝东的阳台。剑桥国际There's a sheer (= extremely steep) drop from the balcony to the sea below.阳台悬在海面上。剑桥国际They stepped out onto the balcony.他们走到阳台上。剑桥国际We had drinks on the hotel balcony.我们在旅馆阳台上喝酒。剑桥国际We have breakfast on the balcony in (the) summer.夏天我们在阳台上吃早饭。剑桥国际We sat out on the balcony, basking in the sun.我们坐在阳台上晒太阳取暖。剑桥国际Welcoming banners hung from the balcony. 阳台上悬挂著欢迎的横幅。译典通




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