

单词 食管
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔cardia〕The opening of the esophagus into the stomach.贲门:食管通入胃里的开口处美国传统〔crop〕A pouchlike enlargement of a bird's gullet in which food is partially digested or stored for regurgitation to nestlings.嗉囊:鸟类食管部位的囊状的扩大部分,用来对食物进行部分消化或贮存食物进行反刍来喂食雏鸟美国传统〔foregut〕The anterior part of the embryonic alimentary canal of a vertebrate from which the pharynx, lungs, esophagus, stomach, liver, pancreas, and duodenum develop.前肠:脊椎动物消化道的前部,由此产生出咽、肺、食管、胃、肝脏、胰和十二指肠美国传统〔foregut〕The first part of the alimentary canal of an arthropod or annelid, which includes the buccal cavity, esophagus, crop, and gizzard.前肠:节肢动物或环节动物的消化道的第一部分,包括口腔、食管、嗉囊和砂囊美国传统〔gastrostomy〕Surgical construction of a permanent opening from the external surface of the abdominal wall into the stomach, usually for inserting a feeding tube.胃造口术:一种在胃壁的外部表面上开一个永久性口子的手术,进入胃部,通常是为了插入进食管美国传统〔gullet〕The esophagus.食管美国传统〔maw〕The mouth, stomach, jaws, or gullet of a voracious animal, especially a carnivore.食管:贪食动物,特别是食肉动物的口腔、胃、颚或咽喉美国传统〔pharynx〕The section of the alimentary canal that extends from the mouth and nasal cavities to the larynx, where it becomes continuous with the esophagus.咽:消化道上从嘴和鼻腔延伸到喉的部分,此处喉部与食管相接美国传统〔probang〕A long, slender, flexible rod having a tuft or sponge at the end, used to remove foreign bodies from or apply medication to the larynx or esophagus.除鲠器,食管探子:纤细而可弯曲的长圆棒,其一端有一小片海绵或毛撮,用来去除喉部或食管的外来异物或给喉部或食道上药美国传统〔steward〕A ship's officer who is in charge of provisions and dining arrangements.伙食管理员:轮船上管理粮食和伙食安排的官员美国传统〔throat〕Anatomy The portion of the digestive tract that lies between the rear of the mouth and the esophagus and includes the fauces and the pharynx.【解剖学】 咽喉:消化道的一部分,位于口腔后部和食管之间,包括咽和喉美国传统〔tracheoesophageal〕Of or relating to the trachea and the esophagus.(有关)气管及食管的美国传统〔weasand〕The gullet or throat.食管,咽喉美国传统She was kept alive by a feeding tube through her nose which pumped food into her stomach.她靠一根通过鼻子插入胃里的喂食管维持生命。剑桥国际The gullet squeezes solids and liquids towards the stomach by contracting the muscles.食管通过收缩肌肉将固体和液体食物挤压入胃部。剑桥国际




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