

单词 预先决定
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔fate〕The inevitable events predestined by this force.命中注定的事:被这种力量预先决定了的不可避免的事件美国传统〔precondition〕To condition, train, or accustom in advance.预先处理:预先决定、训练或使习惯美国传统〔predestine〕To fix upon, decide, or decree in advance; foreordain.预定:预先决定、判决或颁布;预先注定美国传统〔predetermined〕The Prince's destiny was predetermined from the moment of his birth.从出生的那一刻起,王子的命运就已经被预先决定了。柯林斯高阶〔predetermine〕It's impossible to say how much a person's behaviour is predetermined by their genes.很难说一个人的行为有多少是由遗传基因预先决定的。剑桥高阶〔predetermine〕To determine or decide something in advance.预先决定:预先断定或决定某事美国传统〔predispose〕Is there a set of conditions that predisposes a nation to revolution? 是否会有一组情况能预先决定国家变革的倾向?麦克米伦高阶〔preform〕To determine the shape or form of beforehand.预先决定形状或形式美国传统〔preincline〕Their experiences had preinclined them to think pessimistically.他们的经历预先决定了他们必持悲观想法。英汉大词典It is impossible to say how much a person's normal behaviour is predetermined by their genetic make-up.很难说一个人的一般行为有多少是由基因组合预先决定的。剑桥国际The government appears to be preordaining the outcome of the election by promising tax benefits which few voters could resist.由于许诺了几乎没有什么投票人能抵挡的税收利益,看来政府预先决定了这场选举的结果了。剑桥国际




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