

单词 领班
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ANGRY〕Mel got a bit stroppy when the maitre d' put us at a table he didn't like. 梅尔有点不高兴,因为餐厅服务员领班给我们安排了一张他不喜欢的桌子。朗文写作活用〔banquette〕I told the head waiter I'd like a banquette so that I could eat relatively undisturbed.我告诉侍者领班我要一个靠墙的座位,以便在相对说来不受干扰的情况下进餐。英汉大词典〔bell captain〕The supervisor of a group of bellhops.领班:一组旅馆服务员的管理者美国传统〔best boy〕The chief assistant to the gaffer on a movie or television set.灯光助手:电影或电视设备中电工领班的主要助理美国传统〔bow〕The maîtred'hôtel bowed them to the table.餐厅领班欠身把他们领到桌前就座。英汉大词典〔captain〕A bell captain.领班美国传统〔captain〕A restaurant employee who is in charge of the waiters and usually attends to table seating.侍者领班:餐馆的雇员,掌管所有的侍者,通常侍候客人入座美国传统〔devolve〕The work devolved on the foreman when the superintendant was ill.监工生病时工作落在领班身上。英汉大词典〔familiarity〕She needed to control her surprise at the easy familiarity with which her host greeted the head waiter.看到女主人那样亲昵地随意和服务员领班打招呼, 她觉得惊讶却又不敢表露。外研社新世纪〔familiar〕She needed to control her surprise at the easy familiarity with which her host greeted the head waiter.看见主人和领班侍者打招呼时轻薄随便的样子,她简直按捺不住惊讶。柯林斯高阶〔headwaiter〕A waiter who is in charge of the waiters and waitresses in a restaurant and is often responsible for taking reservations and seating guests.侍者领班:餐馆中管理侍者和女招待的侍者,通常负责订座及把顾客领入就座位置的事务美国传统〔head〕A headwaiter.侍者领班美国传统〔housekeeper〕An employee of an establishment, such as a hospital, an inn, or a hotel, who manages other employees engaged in domestic tasks.领班:受雇于一机构,如医院、客栈或旅馆的,管理其他服务人员的人美国传统〔offer〕The chief of staff is expected to tender his resignation this week.领班准备这星期提交他的辞职书。美国传统〔partition〕The foreman's office was partitioned off from the shop floor.领班的办公室与商场营业区是隔开的。麦克米伦高阶〔party〕The headwaiter asked how many were in our party.侍者领班询问我们一行几个人。英汉大词典〔repository〕The repository of all important knowledge in a small town was the chief barman of the local pub.小镇上最无所不知的人就是当地酒吧里的服务员领班。柯林斯高阶〔seating〕Our headwaiter was in charge of seating.我们的服务生领班负责座位安排。外研社新世纪〔throw〕The convicted judge was thrown out of office. The headwaiter threw the disorderly guest out.被认定有罪的那位法官被逐出了办公室。服务生领班把乱嘈嘈的客人赶了出去美国传统〔tipping〕The Head Porter was keeping all the tips.行李员领班扣留了所有人的小费。柯林斯高阶〔tip〕The Head Porter was keeping all the tips.行李员领班扣留了所有人的小费。外研社新世纪Having worked as a butler for 25 years, he had witnessed life both above and below stairs.当了25年的佣人领班,他同时目睹了主人和仆人的生活。剑桥国际The head porter will have staff ready to handle any luggage.门房领班会让手下做好搬运行李的准备。牛津商务These young trees were carefully nursed by the head gardener.这个花匠领班细心养护着这些树苗。剑桥国际




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