

单词 遗产
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔anticipatable〕to anticipate a legacy提前享用遗产21世纪英汉〔bequest〕a bequest of a million dollars 一笔100万美元的遗产英汉大词典〔bereft〕feel bereft at the cultural deprivation 因为文化遗产遭劫而有一种凄苦的失落感英汉大词典〔better〕a city that is better known for its crime record than for its cultural heritage 不以文化遗产而是以犯罪纪录闻名的城市麦克米伦高阶〔break up〕break up a large estate 分割大笔遗产韦氏高阶〔decedent〕a tax on the estate of the decedent 死者的遗产税韦氏高阶〔endure〕an enduring tradition/legacy 悠久的传统;持久的遗产韦氏高阶〔entitlement〕an entitlement to an inheritance.遗产继承权。牛津同义词〔estate〕an estate left in a will.遗嘱上列出的遗产。牛津同义词〔game〕game away one's inheritance 把遗产赌掉英汉大词典〔grade〕a graded inheritance tax 遗产累进税英汉大词典〔heritage〕a need for the Asian community to preserve their cultural heritage 亚洲人群体保护自己文化遗产的需要麦克米伦高阶〔heritage〕an organization whose aim is to protect our heritage of wild plants 旨在保护我们的野生植物遗产的组织牛津搭配〔heritage〕the importance of preserving the national heritage 保护民族遗产的重要性朗文当代〔heritage〕the rich heritage of Russian folk music俄罗斯民间音乐的丰富遗产外研社新世纪〔homage〕two marvellous films that pay homage to our cultural heritage两部颂扬我们的文化遗产的出色影片外研社新世纪〔impartible〕an impartible inheritance 一宗无法分割的遗产英汉大词典〔impartible〕an impartible inheritance. 一宗无法分割的遗产美国传统〔inheritance〕ideas that have become part of our cultural inheritance 已成为我们文化遗产一部分的思想朗文当代〔insolvent〕an insolvent inheritance 一笔尚不足以清偿债务的遗产英汉大词典〔legacy〕a legacy bequeathed in a will.依遗嘱给的遗产。牛津同义词〔legacy〕a substantial legacy 一笔丰厚的遗产韦氏高阶〔off〕to live off an inheritance靠遗产生活21世纪英汉〔partition〕the partition of inheritances over the ages长期以来对于遗产的分割外研社新世纪〔past〕a legacy of our imperial past 我们帝国历史的遗产麦克米伦高阶〔paternal〕one's paternal estate 从父亲继承的遗产英汉大词典〔play〕play away one's inheritance 把遗产赌输掉英汉大词典〔preservation〕the preservation of our cultural heritage 对我们文化遗产的保护朗文当代〔priceless〕priceless inheritance 宝贵的遗产英汉大词典〔renounce〕renounce one's claim to an inheritance 声明放弃对一笔遗产的继承权 英汉大词典〔residuary〕residuary estate剩余遗产外研社新世纪〔rich〕a town with a rich cultural heritage 一座拥有丰富文化遗产的城镇麦克米伦高阶〔riotously〕aristocrats who wasted their inheritances in riotous living. 在放纵的生活中将遗产挥霍一空的贵族柯林斯高阶〔riotous〕aristocrats who wasted their inheritances in riotous living在放纵的生活中将遗产挥霍一空的贵族外研社新世纪〔society〕those responsible for destroying our African heritage and the fabric of our society. 那些毁掉了我们非洲的文化遗产、破坏了我们的社会结构的人柯林斯高阶〔tribal〕their rich heritage of ancient tribal customs他们古老部落习俗的丰富遗产外研社新世纪〔trust〕the Jamaica National Heritage Trust 牙买加国有遗产托管组织麦克米伦高阶〔vacant〕a vacant estate 无人继承的遗产英汉大词典〔virtue〕well off by virtue of a large inheritance. 由于继承了大笔遗产而致富美国传统〔wasted〕a wasted inheritance. 被浪费的遗产美国传统




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