

单词 领土
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-controlled〕The first aim of his government would be to establish control over the republic's territory.他这届政府的首要目标是确立对共和国领土的控制权。柯林斯高阶〔AREA〕The island of Guam is a US territory. 关岛是美国的领土。朗文写作活用〔AREA〕The negotiations will be held on neutral territory. 谈判将在中立国的领土上举行。朗文写作活用〔COUNTRY〕Ecevit campaigned in May 1991 to have foreign troops removed from Turkish territory. 1991年5月,埃杰维特发起运动要求外国军队撤出土耳其领土。朗文写作活用〔LAND/GROUND〕A committee has been set up to deal with territorial disputes in the area. 为了解决该地区的领土争端,成立了一个委员会。朗文写作活用〔Penates〕The Roman gods of the household, tutelary deities of the home and of the state, whose cult was closely connected and often identified with that of the Lares.珀那忒斯:罗马家神,家庭和领土之守护神,在人们膜拜时,将之与家庭守护神共同施以祭礼美国传统〔Slavic〕Slavic people/languages/lands/folklore 斯拉夫民族/语言/领土/民间传说韦氏高阶〔Spanish〕Spanish art/cooking/culture/territories 西班牙艺术/烹饪/文化/领土韦氏高阶〔act of aggression〕The government says that it will view any attempt to fly over its territory as an act of aggression.政府声明,任何试图飞越该国领土的行为都将被视为侵略行为。韦氏高阶〔administer〕The UN personnel are there to help administer the territory.联合国人员在那里帮助管理这片领土。韦氏高阶〔annexation〕The colonialists stubbornly defended their annexations with fire and sword.殖民主义者大肆烧杀,顽固防守他们并吞的领土。英汉大词典〔autonomy〕The territory has been granted autonomy.这片领土已经获得自治权。韦氏高阶〔battle〕For years the two nations battled over territory.多年来两国一直为领土发生冲突。剑桥高阶〔capture〕Israel captured the territory in the 1967 War.在1967年的战争中,以色列占领了这块领土。柯林斯高阶〔cede〕Much of the territory along the border was ceded to the United States.沿边境的大片领土被割让给了美国。朗文当代〔cession〕Something, such as territory, that is ceded.割让的领土美国传统〔cession〕Spanish cession of the territory in 1818 1818 年西班牙割让的领土朗文当代〔circle〕A territorial or administrative division, especially of a province, in some European countries.行政区:领土部分或行政区域,尤指一些欧洲国家的省美国传统〔claim〕The French under Louis XIV of France laid claim to the throne of Spain and its territories.路易十四统治下的法国人对西班牙的王位和领土提出了权利要求。外研社新世纪〔conquest〕Something, such as territory, acquired by conquering.征服地:通过征服而获得的东西,例如领土美国传统〔conquest〕Trade rather than territorial conquest was held to be the route to progress.贸易而不是领土征服被认为是进步的途径。牛津搭配〔control〕The first aim of his government would be to establish control over the republic's territory.他领导的政府的第一个目标就是建立对共和国领土的控制权。外研社新世纪〔crown land〕Land that belongs to the crown and yields its revenues to the reigning monarch.王室领土:属于国王且支付其年收入给统治君主的领土美国传统〔demesne〕A district; a territory.领域:一个地区;一片领土美国传统〔dependency〕Abbr. dep.A territory under the jurisdiction of a state of which it does not form an integral part.缩写 dep.附属地,附属国:一块在某个国家的司法控制下但又不是该国本土的一部分领土美国传统〔design〕Greece has always stressed that it had no designs on the territory.希腊一直强调它对这片领土没有任何企图。柯林斯高阶〔domain〕The forest is part of the king's domain.这片森林是国王领土的一部分。韦氏高阶〔earldom〕The territory of an earl.伯爵领地:一位伯爵拥有的领土美国传统〔empire〕The territory included in such a unit.帝国领土:在这样一个单位中的领域美国传统〔exclave〕A part of a country that is isolated from the main part and is surrounded by foreign territory.飞地:一个国家的与其主要部分分离的并被外国领土包围的一部分美国传统〔expansionary〕America's concerns about Soviet expansionary objectives.美国对苏联领土扩张目标的担忧柯林斯高阶〔expansionary〕America's concerns about Soviet expansionary objectives美国对苏联领土扩张目标的担忧外研社新世纪〔extend〕National authority was extended over new territories.国家主权延伸到了新的领土上。英汉大词典〔fee〕The land so held.封地:以这种方式占有的领土美国传统〔franchise〕Authorization granted to someone to sell or distribute a company's goods or services in a certain area.特许经营权:特许给个人在特定的领土内销售商品或提供服务的权利美国传统〔hostile〕They were in hostile territory.他们在敌方领土上。柯林斯高阶〔imperialism〕The policy of extending a nation's authority by territorial acquisition or by the establishment of economic and political hegemony over other nations.帝国主义:通过夺取领土或建立经济、政治霸权而凌驾于别国之上的政策美国传统〔inch〕We are prepared to fight for every inch of territory.我们准备好为保卫每一寸领土而战。外研社新世纪〔inch〕We are prepared to fight for every inch of territory.我们时刻准备着为每一寸领土而战。柯林斯高阶〔incursion〕An aggressive entrance into foreign territory; a raid or an invasion.侵犯:具有侵略性地进入外国领土;袭击或侵略美国传统〔indirectly〕He referred indirectly to the territorial dispute.他含蓄地提及了领土争端。柯林斯高阶〔integrity〕The country is fighting to preserve its territorial integrity.这个国家正在为维护领土完整而战斗。牛津搭配〔kingship〕The domain ruled by a king; a kingdom.王国:国王统治的领土;王国美国传统〔lay〕Both countries lay claim to the territory.两国都宣称该地区是自己的领土。麦克米伦高阶〔mediate〕The Vatican successfully mediated in a territorial dispute between Argentina and Chile in 1984.1984年, 罗马教廷成功地调解了阿根廷和智利的领土之争。外研社新世纪〔mediate〕They mediate territorial disputes between neighbouring nations.他们调解邻国间的领土争端。麦克米伦高阶〔move〕Neither side is willing to move on the issue of territory.双方都不愿意在领土问题上让步。朗文当代〔neutral〕Let's meet on neutral territory.我们在中立国的领土上会面吧。外研社新世纪〔neutral〕We decided to meet on neutral ground.我们决定在第三方领土上会晤。牛津高阶〔nibble〕Their land was nibbled away.他们的领土被蚕食。英汉大词典〔occupation〕Much of the territory is still under occupation.还有大片领土被占领。英汉大词典〔one〕We ask why peace should have an apparent chance in the one territory and not the other.我们会问为什么一方领土上和平在望而另一方却看不到光明。柯林斯高阶〔orbit〕These territories remained within the orbit of the empire for hundreds of years.几百年来,这些领土一直处在帝国的势力范围之内。韦氏高阶〔overfly〕To fly over (a particular area or territory) in an aircraft or a spacecraft.飞行在…上空:乘飞机或太空船飞行在(一定区域或领土)上空美国传统〔penetrate〕The army penetrated the territory of enemy.部队进入敌人领土。21世纪英汉〔perimeter〕The river marks the eastern perimeter of our land.这条河构成了我们领土的东面边界。牛津搭配〔portion〕He portioned to his tribes the wide domain.他把广阔的领土分给他的各个部落。英汉大词典〔portion〕The conquered territories were portioned out among the victors.被征服的领土在胜利者之间被均分了。21世纪英汉〔possession〕A territory subject to foreign control.领地,属国,属地:被外国控制的领土美国传统〔republic〕An autonomous or partially autonomous political and territorial unit belonging to a sovereign federation.加盟共和国:一个属于某一最高联邦政府的且在政治上和领土上具有自治权或部分自治权的单位美国传统〔royalty〕A kingdom or possession ruled by a monarch.王国;王的领土:王国或国王统治的领地美国传统〔royalty〕A right or prerogative of the crown, as that of receiving a percentage of the proceeds from mines in the royal domain.王权:国王的权利或特权,如可以获得皇家领土的矿产收入的一定比例美国传统〔soiled〕The issue of foreign troops on Turkish soil is a sensitive one.在土耳其领土上驻扎外国军队这个问题非常敏感。柯林斯高阶〔soil〕The issue of foreign troops on Turkish soil is a sensitive one.在土耳其领土上驻扎外国军队这个问题非常敏感。外研社新世纪〔soreness〕The continuing presence of American troops on Korean soil remains a very sore point with these students.美国军队继续驻扎在韩国领土上这一事实仍然让这些学生深感气愤。柯林斯高阶〔sovereign〕In March 1889, she became the first British sovereign to set foot on Spanish soil.1889 年 3 月,她成为第一位踏上西班牙领土的英国君主。柯林斯高阶〔speak〕The President spoke of the need for territorial compromise.总统谈到了在领土问题上达成和解的必要性。柯林斯高阶〔sphere of influence〕A territorial area over which political or economic influence is wielded by one nation.势力范围:一国的政治或经济势力占据主要地位的一个领土区域美国传统〔surrender〕Neither side is willing to surrender any territory/any of their claims.双方都不愿意在领土上/自己的主张上作出任何让步。剑桥高阶〔surrender〕The United States would never surrender this territory.美国永远不会将这片领土拱手相让。外研社新世纪〔territoriality〕The status of a territory.领土地位美国传统〔territorial〕Both Chile and Argentina feel very strongly about their territorial claims to Antarctica.智利和阿根廷对于南极的领土主张都持强硬态度。柯林斯高阶〔territorial〕Both Chile and Argentina feel very strongly about their territorial claims to Antarctica.智利和阿根廷对于各自在南极的领土主张都持强硬态度。外研社新世纪〔territorial〕The country was trying to expand territorially.这个国家在设法扩张领土。牛津高阶〔territory〕He was shot down in enemy territory.他在敌方领土上被击落。剑桥高阶〔territory〕Russian territory俄罗斯领土外研社新世纪〔territory〕The French army invaded the Austrian territories of Piedmont and Lombardy.法军侵入了位于皮德蒙特和伦巴第的奥地利领土。麦克米伦高阶〔territory〕The government denies that any of its territory is under rebel control.政府否认有领土被反叛分子控制。外研社新世纪〔territory〕The land and waters under the jurisdiction of a government.领土:在政府主权管辖之下的陆地和海洋美国传统〔territory〕The soldiers strayed into hostile territory.士兵们误入敌方领土。牛津搭配〔territory〕They are still refusing to withdraw troops from the occupied territories.被占领土麦克米伦高阶〔theirs〕Both countries believe the territory is rightfully theirs.两国都认为这理应是他们的领土。外研社新世纪〔toehold〕Once the Allies got a toehold on French soil, they would be unstoppable.一旦同盟国在法国领土上获得立脚点,便将无可阻挡。英汉大词典〔trusteeship〕Administration of a territory by a country or countries so commissioned by the United Nations.托管:被联合国授权的国家对托管领土的管理美国传统〔war〕They fought a war over the disputed territory.他们就争议领土开战。韦氏高阶〔yield〕They were forced to yield (up) their land to the occupying forces.他们被迫将领土割让给占领军。剑桥高阶A bitter quarrel over border territory has broken out between the two countries.两国之间爆发了关于边境领土的激烈争执。剑桥国际By the terms of the treaty, a third of their territory was ceded to France. 根据协议的条款,该国领土的三分之一被割让给法国。译典通Despite renewed pressure to give up the occupied territory they will not yield.尽管继续有要求放弃被占领领土的压力,他们仍不让步。剑桥国际He rejected the charge that his troops had encroached (up)on foreign territory.他否认了有关他的部队逐步侵占别国领土的指责。剑桥国际He was shot down in enemy/unknown/uncharted territory.他在敌人的/未知的/地图未标明的领土上被击落。剑桥国际His territorial ambitions (= his desire to take land for his own) included most of Europe.他领土扩张的野心包括欧洲大部分地区。剑桥国际In the 14th century, Barcelona was the seat of a Mediterranean empire that stretched to Naples and Athens.在14世纪,巴塞罗那是那个领土延伸到那布勒斯和雅典的地中海帝国的中心。剑桥国际Kazakhstan covers vast territories of steppe and desert between Siberia, China and Iran.哈萨克斯坦在西伯利亚、中国和伊朗之间有大片的领土是草原和沙漠。剑桥国际The country suffered heavy territorial losses in the war.该国在战争中丧失了大片领土。剑桥国际The king sought to expand his realm. 国王谋求扩大领土。译典通The new law will prohibit the passage of troops and planes across the country's territory.新的法律将禁止部队和飞机经过该国的领土。剑桥国际The planes fly low across enemy territory.飞机低空飞过敌方领土。剑桥国际The two countries have disputed (over) that stretch of land for years.两国为那片领土已争执多年。剑桥国际These foreign governments say they're concerned for human rights in our country, but territorial aggrandizement is their real aim.这些外国政府说他们关心的是我们国家的人权,但领土扩张是他们的真实目的。剑桥国际




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