

单词 雕塑家
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔IDEA〕the most inventive sculptor since Picasso 自毕加索之后最富创造性的雕塑家朗文写作活用〔MODERN〕an exhibition of work by avant-garde artists and sculptors 前卫艺术家和雕塑家的作品展览朗文写作活用〔allegorize〕sculptors who rendered the moral world by allegorizing. 以寓言手法表现人类精神世界的雕塑家美国传统〔artistry〕a sculptor of great artistry. 一位艺术杰出的雕塑家美国传统〔artistry〕portrait sculptors of considerable skill and artistry. 具有高超技巧和艺术造诣的人像雕塑家柯林斯高阶〔daedal〕the sculptor's daedal hand 雕塑家灵巧的手英汉大词典〔ground〕a sculptor back on her own ground after experiments with painting. 在进行了绘画方面的探索之后又回到自己领域的雕塑家美国传统〔heil〕one of the most widely heiled of German sculptors 最受公众欢迎的德国雕塑家之一英汉大词典〔metal〕a sculptor who works in metal 用金属创作的雕塑家牛津搭配〔metal〕sculptors who work in metal and clay 与金属、黏土打交道的雕塑家韦氏高阶〔nude〕one of Italy's most distinguished sculptors, renowned for his nudes以裸体雕像作品闻名的意大利最杰出的雕塑家之一外研社新世纪〔prince〕the prince of sculptors 大雕塑家朗文当代〔sculptor〕a classical Greek figure created by the sculptor Polyclitus 雕塑家波利克里托斯创作的古希腊人像牛津搭配〔sculptor〕an exhibition of the sculptor's work 这位雕塑家的作品展麦克米伦高阶〔studio〕a sculptor's studio 雕塑家的工作室牛津高阶〔work〕a sculptor who works in steel 做钢雕的雕塑家朗文当代




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