

单词 配在一起
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔accord〕Those colours accord well together.那几种颜色配在一起十分和谐。英汉大词典〔assembler〕One that assembles, as a worker who puts together components of an item being manufactured.装配工:装配的人,如将生产的部件装配在一起的工人美国传统〔assembly〕The putting together of manufactured parts to make a completed product, such as a machine or an electronic circuit.组装:将生产的部件装配在一起使之成为一个完整产品,如机器或电子线路板美国传统〔bolt〕The various parts of the car are then bolted together.然后汽车的各种部件便用螺栓装配在一起。牛津高阶〔collocate〕I wonder if that would collocate in the same way.我想知道那是否能够以同样的方式搭配在一起。外研社新世纪〔compliment〕The different flavours complement each other perfectly.不同的味道搭配在一起,可口极了。牛津高阶〔counterpoint〕The dressing is a refreshing counterpoint to the spicy chicken.调味酱与辣鸡配在一起,别有一番滋味。韦氏高阶〔create〕She enjoys creating new dishes by combining unusual ingredients.她喜欢把不常见的食材搭配在一起做成新式菜肴。韦氏高阶〔go together〕The colours go well together.这些颜色配在一起很协调。外研社新世纪〔incongruous〕Heavy walking shoes are incongruous with a party dress.笨重的远足鞋和宴会的礼服配在一起,实在不相称。英汉大词典〔lovely〕That skirt and blouse go lovely together.那条短裙和衬衫配在一起十分漂亮。英汉大词典〔match〕The aim of the competition is to match the quote to the person who said it.比赛的要求是把引文和它的作者配在一起。牛津高阶〔mismatch〕Mismatching good horses with rookie jockeys could cause more accidents.将好马与新手骑师错配在一起可能会造成更多的事故。外研社新世纪〔mismatch〕To match unsuitably or inaccurately.使不适当地或不正确地搭配在一起美国传统〔mismate〕To mate or match unsuitably.使不适当地婚配或使不适当地配在一起美国传统〔mix〕In this room antique and modern furniture have been successfully mixed.在这个房间里,古典家具和现代家具成功地搭配在一起。麦克米伦高阶〔sauce〕Stewed fruit, usually served with other foods.煮水果:通常与其它食物配在一起美国传统〔smoothly〕The colours blend smoothly together.这些颜色可以均匀地配在一起。牛津高阶〔tie〕Their advertised bargains are usually tied in with some product that is very much in demand.他们广告上的便宜货通常与市面上的某种抢手货搭配在一起出售。 英汉大词典A fur coat is incongruous with a bathing suit. 皮大衣和游泳衣配在一起很不相称。译典通Both garments are fine worn separately but they don't go together.这两件衣服单穿都很好,但是它们不能配在一起。剑桥国际Some people think that red clashes with orange, but I think they look nice together.有人认为红色和桔黄色不调和,可我认为它们配在一起看上去很好。剑桥国际




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