

单词 配乐
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔INVENT〕Theremin invented the weird electronic instrument that provided soundtracks to 1950s science-fiction movies. 塞里明发明了奇怪的电子乐器,这种乐器为20世纪50年代的科幻电影做配乐录音。朗文写作活用〔Kyrie〕A musical setting of this petition and response, usually forming the first movement of a Mass.启应祷文配曲:这种祈祷和回答的配乐,通常构成弥撒曲的第一乐章美国传统〔MUSIC〕Glass composed the music for Cocteau's movie. 格拉斯为科克托的电影配乐。朗文写作活用〔Psalter〕A book containing the Book of Psalms or a particular version of, musical setting for, or selection from it.《诗篇》译本(唱本,选本):一本包含《诗篇》特殊版本,配乐或《诗篇》选本的书美国传统〔atmospheric〕Schoenberg's menacingly atmospheric accompaniment to a film scene勋伯格为电影画面营造紧张气氛的配乐外研社新世纪〔background〕Subdued music played especially as an accompaniment to dialogue in a dramatic performance.配乐:在戏剧演出中特别为对话伴奏的低缓柔和的音乐美国传统〔bear〕Sakamoto's soundtrack certainly bears comparison with Angelo Badalamenti's exquisite score for 'Twin Peaks'.坂本的电影配乐无疑可以媲美安吉洛•巴达拉门蒂为《双峰镇》所作的优美配乐。外研社新世纪〔contralto〕The score calls for a contralto.这次的配乐需要一位女低音歌手。柯林斯高阶〔incidental music〕Music composed to accompany the action or dialogue of a drama or to fill intervals between scenes or acts.配乐:为配合戏剧中的人物活动或对白,或是为填补场间或幕间空档而创作的乐曲美国传统〔incidental〕He writes incidental music for plays.他给剧本配乐。韦氏高阶〔mesh〕The movie's score meshes well with its somber plot.电影的配乐与其忧郁的情节很搭。韦氏高阶〔moody〕The film has a moody jazz score.这部电影的配乐是略带悲伤的爵士乐。剑桥高阶〔musicalization〕He will musicalize the play.他将为这个剧本配乐。21世纪英汉〔music〕He's written music for several film sound tracks.他已经为好几部电影创作过原声配乐。麦克米伦高阶〔opera〕The score of such a work.歌剧配乐:这种艺术形式的配乐美国传统〔orchestral〕The scene as written requires full orchestral accompaniment.依照剧本的要求, 这场戏要有完整的管弦乐配乐。外研社新世纪〔orchestrate〕Music To compose or arrange (music) for performance by an orchestra.【音乐】 配乐:为交响乐队演出创作或安排(音乐)美国传统〔orchestration〕Arrangement of music for performance by an orchestra.配乐法:为管弦乐的演出配合音乐美国传统〔record〕It took the musicians two and a half days to record their soundtrack for the film.乐师们花了两天半的时间为电影录制配乐。柯林斯高阶〔record〕It took the musicians two days to record the soundtrack.几名音乐家花了两天时间来录制电影配乐。外研社新世纪〔redeem〕She took me to see a really dull film, the only redeeming feature of which (= the only thing which prevented it from being completely bad) was the soundtrack.她带我去看了场极为乏味的电影,唯一不错的就是配乐。剑桥高阶〔score〕A composition written for a musical comedy.配乐:为音乐喜剧写的谱曲美国传统〔score〕The dance is accompanied by an original score by Henry Torgue.这支舞蹈的配乐是亨利•托尔格写的一首原创曲目。外研社新世纪〔score〕The dance is accompanied by an original score by Henry Torgue.这支舞蹈的配乐是由亨利·托尔格所作的一首原创曲目。柯林斯高阶〔score〕The director invited him to score the movie(= write the music for it).导演邀请他为电影配乐。牛津高阶〔score〕The film's score is by a famous composer.这部电影的配乐是一位著名作曲家所作。韦氏高阶〔score〕The movie was scored by a famous composer.这部电影由一位著名的作曲家配乐。韦氏高阶〔score〕The original score for the movie was composed by John Williams.影片的原创配乐作曲者是约翰・威廉斯。牛津搭配〔score〕Who wrote the score for the movie? 这部电影的配乐是谁谱写的?朗文当代〔sensuously〕The film is ravishing to look at and boasts a sensuous musical score.这部电影画面迷人,配乐悦耳动听。柯林斯高阶〔silent〕Having no spoken dialogue and usually no soundtrack. Used of a film.无声的:没有口头对话的,通常没有配乐。用于形容电影美国传统〔soundtrack〕A commercial phonograph record or tape of such music.电影配乐唱片(磁带):这种音乐的商业唱片或磁带美国传统〔soundtrack〕He composed the soundtrack ‘Wonderworld' for a film.他为一部影片谱了配乐“奇妙世界”。英汉大词典〔soundtrack〕She composed the soundtracks to several hit movies.她曾为几部热门影片配乐。牛津搭配〔soundtrack〕The best thing about the movie is its soundtrack.这部电影最成功的地方就是它的配乐。剑桥高阶〔soundtrack〕The movie has a soundtrack featuring music by Strauss.该影片的配乐主旋律是施特劳斯的乐曲。牛津搭配〔soundtrack〕The movie's soundtrack is now available on CD.这部电影中的配乐CD现在已经出了。韦氏高阶〔soundtrack〕The music that accompanies a movie.电影配乐:配随电影的音乐美国传统〔synchronize〕Synchronise the score with the film action.将配乐和电影情节进行同步合成。柯林斯高阶〔synchronize〕Synchronize the score with the film action.将配乐和电影情节进行同步合成。外研社新世纪〔veneer〕The lyrics strip the veneer of respectability from the music.歌词让配乐变得不再光鲜。牛津搭配He has written the background music for a number of films.他曾为多部电影配乐。剑桥国际He scored many a film. 他曾为多部影片配乐。译典通I could hear the strains of Mozart in the background.我能听出配乐中莫扎特的旋律。剑桥国际The film had an exciting soundtrack.这部电影的配乐很刺激。剑桥国际The quality of the soundtrack on that old film is really poor.那部老片子的配乐质量实在太差。剑桥国际




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