

单词 隔壁
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔NEXT TO〕when something is next to something else 某物在另一物隔壁朗文写作活用〔TWO〕the couple who live next door to me 住在我隔壁的那对夫妻朗文写作活用〔adjoining〕adjoining rooms 隔壁房间,邻室文馨英汉〔against〕the house against the church教堂隔壁的房子21世纪英汉〔babble〕the babble of voices and raucous laughter coming from the beer parlour next door从隔壁啤酒馆传来的模糊不清的说话声和沙哑的笑声外研社新世纪〔blare〕a stereo blaring in the next apartment. 隔壁的立体音响发出刺耳响声美国传统〔cadge〕the next-door neighbour forever on the cadge for a spanner for his ailing lawnmower总是借扳手来修理他那台成天出毛病的剪草机的隔壁邻居外研社新世纪〔caterwaul〕the sound of drunken caterwauling coming from next door 来自隔壁的醉酒后的刺耳尖叫声朗文当代〔contiguous〕the contiguous bedroom 隔壁寝室英汉大词典〔couple〕the couple next door 隔壁的那对夫妇朗文当代〔creepy〕the creepy kids next door. 隔壁那些令人讨厌的小孩美国传统〔gherao〕be gheraoed next to the blast furnace 被关押在鼓风炉隔壁的房间里英汉大词典〔hammering〕the sound of hammering from the next room 隔壁传来的敲打声牛津高阶〔muffled〕muffled voices from the next room 从隔壁房间传来的含糊的说话声麦克米伦高阶〔muffled〕muffled voices from the next room 从隔壁房间里传来的沉闷声音牛津高阶〔neighbouring〕a tenant in the neighbouring property隔壁房子的租户外研社新世纪〔neighbour〕my next-door neighbour 我的隔壁邻居麦克米伦高阶〔neighbour〕nextdoor neighbours 隔壁邻居英汉大词典〔next door〕next door's cat隔壁家的猫外研社新世纪〔next door〕our next-door neighbours 我们的隔壁邻居牛津高阶〔next door〕the boy next door 隔壁的男孩朗文当代〔next door〕the old lady who lived next door. 隔壁老太太柯林斯高阶〔next door〕the old lady who lived next door住在隔壁的那位老妇人外研社新世纪〔next-door〕our next-door neighbour 我们的隔壁邻居英汉大词典〔next-door〕the next-door house 隔壁的房子韦氏高阶〔next〕the next house 邻家,隔壁人家文馨英汉〔next〕the next room 隔壁房间英汉大词典〔next〕the next room. 隔壁房间美国传统〔next〕the woman in the next room 隔壁房间里的女子牛津高阶〔old boy〕the old boy next door 隔壁的老头剑桥高阶〔people〕the people who live next door 住在隔壁的那些人朗文当代〔plug〕use the plug in the next room 用隔壁房间的插座英汉大词典〔run〕ran next door to borrow a cup of sugar; ran down to the store. 快去隔壁借一杯糖;去一趟百货店美国传统〔that〕the people that live next door 住在隔壁的那些人朗文当代〔tiresome〕the tiresome old lady next door. 隔壁讨人嫌的老太太柯林斯高阶〔to〕next door to sb. 某人的隔壁邻居英汉大词典




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