

单词 隐约约
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CLEAR/NOT CLEAR〕There have been vague rumours of a coup. 隐隐约约谣传有政变。朗文写作活用〔NOTICE/NOT NOTICE〕Marlowe detected a faint smell of perfume as he entered the room. 马洛走进房间时闻到了隐隐约约的香水味。朗文写作活用〔QUIET〕Jean opened the window, and heard the faint sound of the bells drifting across the Old Town. 琼打开窗,听到老城那边飘来隐隐约约的钟声。朗文写作活用〔QUIET〕There was silence for a moment as they held each other's eyes, broken only by the faint sound of dance music from down below. 当他们四目相对的那一刻一片寂静,只有隐隐约约的舞蹈音乐从下面传来,打破了这寂静。朗文写作活用〔QUIET〕We heard muffled shouts and screams from the bar below. 我们听到下面酒吧里传来隐隐约约的呼喊声和尖叫声。朗文写作活用〔RECOGNIZE〕Muffled noises were coming from the room, the only recognizable sound being her daughter's laughter. 隐隐约约的响声从房间里传出来,唯一辨认得出的是她女儿的笑声。朗文写作活用〔SEE〕Even with the binoculars, I could barely make out the indistinct shapes gliding through the water. 即使用了双筒望远镜,我也好不容易才看到有隐隐约约的身影在水上滑行。朗文写作活用〔back〕The thought that Paul might leave was always at the back of her mind.她总是隐隐约约觉得保罗可能会离开。麦克米伦高阶〔catch〕His ears caught a faint cry.他隐隐约约听到了一声呼喊。外研社新世纪〔conscious〕I was vaguely conscious that I was being watched.我隐隐约约地觉察到有人在监视我。牛津高阶〔darkly〕His figure could be seen darkly on the foggy moor.雾蒙蒙的荒原上可以隐隐约约看到他的身影。剑桥高阶〔dimly〕I was dimly aware(= only just aware)of the sound of a car in the distance.我隐隐约约听到远处有汽车的声音。牛津高阶〔distantly〕She became distantly aware that the light had grown strangely brighter.她隐隐约约意识到灯光奇怪地变亮了。外研社新世纪〔gloom〕The hill gloomed before us.山丘隐隐约约出现在我们面前。21世纪英汉〔judge〕Though the shoreline could be dimly seen, it was impossible to judge how far away it was.虽然能够隐隐约约看到海岸线,但无法估计出大概有多远。柯林斯高阶〔loom〕Suddenly the mountains loomed up out of the mist.蓦然间群山隐隐约约地出现在雾中。麦克米伦高阶〔music〕Calypso music played faintly in the distance.远处隐隐约约播放着卡利普索小调。牛津搭配〔nestle〕Hotels nestle around the harbour.一些旅馆隐隐约约地坐落在海港的周围。英汉大词典〔presentiment〕She felt a strange (dim) presentiment of violence.她莫名其妙(隐隐约约)地感到要发生暴力事件了。英汉大词典〔rise〕The thought rose dimly in my mind.这种想法隐隐约约地浮现在我的脑海中。21世纪英汉〔shape〕Ghostly shapes loomed out of the fog and then disappeared again.大雾中隐隐约约现出许多幽灵般的影子,接着又踪迹全无。麦克米伦高阶〔snarl〕I vaguely remember snarling at someone who stepped on my foot.我隐隐约约地记得曾对一个踩了我脚的人大吼。外研社新世纪〔vague〕She felt a vague sense of uneasiness when she was around him.一到他身边,她就感到一种隐隐约约的不安。韦氏高阶The old Ottoman building on the Hebron road is a distant reminder of a vanished empire.希伯伦市街上古老的奥托曼建筑让人隐隐约约地想起一个消亡已久的帝国。剑桥国际The patient had complained of vague pains and backache.病人哀叹说有隐隐约约的疼痛和背酸。剑桥国际




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