

单词 银灰色
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔accent〕Group grey plants to brighten or accent an entrance or a front door.把银灰色植物集中摆设, 衬亮或突出入口或前门。外研社新世纪〔ash blonde〕She's an ash blonde.她长着一头银灰色的头发。剑桥高阶〔mature〕Mature male gorillas have silver-grey hairs on their backs.成年雄性大猩猩背部有银灰色毛发。剑桥高阶〔pewter〕Any of numerous silver-gray alloys of tin with various amounts of antimony, copper, and sometimes lead, used widely for fine kitchen utensils and tableware.白镴:一种银灰色的锡合金,带有多种数量的锑、铜,而且有时还有铅,广泛地用于优质的厨房器皿和餐具美国传统〔silver〕Color A lustrous medium gray.【色彩】 银灰色:有亮泽而适中的灰色美国传统〔silver〕Susan looked radiant that night in her white and silver dress.那晚苏珊穿着白色与银灰色相间的晚礼服,看上去光彩照人。麦克米伦高阶〔silver〕There were glints of silver in his thick dark hair.他那浓黑的头发里泛着银灰色。麦克米伦高阶




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