

单词 银河
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Aquila〕A constellation in the Northern Hemisphere and the Milky Way near Aquarius and Serpens Cauda.天鹰座:在北半球及银河中靠近宝瓶座和巨蛇星座尾部的一个星座美国传统〔Coalsack〕A dark nebula, one of the nearest to Earth, that appears in the southern Milky Way.煤袋:最接近地球的黑色星云之一,见于银河系南部美国传统〔Galaxy〕The Galaxy consists of 100 billion stars.银河系由1,000亿颗恒星构成。外研社新世纪〔Galaxy〕The Galaxy consists of 100 billion stars.银河系由1,000亿颗恒星组成。柯林斯高阶〔LIVE〕Residents of Glacier Bay are complaining about the pollution caused by cruise ships. 银河湾的居民投诉游轮造成了污染。朗文写作活用〔Magellanic Clouds〕Two small, irregularly shaped galaxies that are the galaxies closest to the Milky Way and are faintly visible near the south celestial pole.麦哲伦云:两个小的,形状不规则的星系,是距离银河最近的星系,并且可以在南天极附近隐约地看到美国传统〔Milky Way〕The galaxy containing the solar system, visible as a broad band of faint light in the night sky.银河:包括太阳系的星系,在夜空中呈现为发淡光的宽带美国传统〔Norma〕A constellation in the Southern Hemisphere within the Milky Way near Lupus and Ara.矩尺座:南半球的星座,位于豺狼座和天坛星座附近的银河中美国传统〔admission〕Does this statement constitute an admission that there may be life elsewhere in the galaxy?这种说法是否等于承认在银河系的其他地方可能存在生命?外研社新世纪〔calculate〕From this you can calculate the total mass in the Galaxy.由此你可以算出银河系的总质量。柯林斯高阶〔calculate〕From this you can calculate the total mass in the Galaxy.由此即可算出银河系的总质量。外研社新世纪〔crib〕It was a direct crib from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.这是直接从《银河系漫游指南》一书中抄袭过来的。外研社新世纪〔discovery〕The Hubble Telescope has allowed astronomers to make significant discoveries about our galaxy.哈勃望远镜使天文学家对我们的银河系有了重大发现。朗文当代〔distributed〕Galactic surveys show that distant galaxies are not as evenly distributed in space as theory predicts.对银河系的研究表明,遥远星系在太空中的分布并不像理论所预言的那样均匀。柯林斯高阶〔extragalactic〕Located or originating beyond the Milky Way.银河外的:位于或源于银河外的美国传统〔galactic noise〕Radio-frequency radiation originating outside the solar system.银河噪声:产生于太阳系之外的无线电频率辐射美国传统〔galactic〕Of or relating to a galaxy, especially the Milky Way.星系的,银河系的:星系的,与星系有关的,尤指银河系美国传统〔galaxy〕Often Galaxy The Milky Way. 常作 Galaxy 银河系美国传统〔intragalactic〕Occurring or situated within the space of a galaxy.星系内的:发生于或位于银河系空间内部的美国传统〔missing mass〕The unobserved matter needed for the observed rotation of most galaxies to match theoretical predictions.迷失质量:观测大多数银河实际运行的结果与其理论预测结果间未观测到的差异美国传统〔nucleus〕The central or brightest part of a nebula or galaxy.核:星云或银河的中心或最亮部分美国传统〔outblaze〕Some stars out of Milky Way outblaze the sun.银河系外的有些星体其光度超过太阳。21世纪英汉〔planetary〕Within our own galaxy there are probably tens of thousands of planetary systems.在我们所处的银河系中, 大概有数万个行星系。外研社新世纪〔space〕The expanse in which the solar system, stars, and galaxies exist; the universe.宇宙:太阳系、星、银河存在的空间;宇宙美国传统〔supernova〕At least one supernova occurs per decade in our galaxy.银河系每十年至少有一颗超新星出现。外研社新世纪〔thrust〕The main thrust of the research will be the study of the early Universe and galaxy formation.此项研究的核心是早期宇宙和银河系的形成。柯林斯高阶〔uranography〕The branch of astronomy concerned with mapping the stars, galaxies, or other celestial bodies.星图学:天文学分支,涉及在地图上描绘星星、银河以及其它天体美国传统Even from Britain the Milky Way is clearly visible if you can get away from artificial lights.假如你能避开人工灯光,就是从英国银河也清晰可见。剑桥国际Our galaxy, the Milky Way, is a spiral.我们的银河系是个旋涡星系。剑桥国际Quasars seem to emit about 100 times as much energy as an average galaxy.类星体所散发的能量似乎是一般银河系的100倍。剑桥国际The galactic studies of the human race date back a thousand years ago. 人类有关银河系的研究可以追溯到一千年前。译典通The star would then fall in an inward spiral towards the middle of the galaxy.这颗星然后会呈内向螺旋状朝银河系中心处坠去。剑桥国际There could be 10 million civilizations in Earth's very own Milky Way! 在地球所属的银河系里也许有一千万个文明社会!剑桥国际




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