

单词 银器
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LEAVE〕Thieves got away with silver and several valuable paintings, including one by Picasso. 窃贼偷走了银器和几幅很值钱的画,其中有一幅是毕加索的。朗文写作活用〔SHINE/SHINY〕The silverware had been polished to a high gloss. 这些银器擦得铮亮。朗文写作活用〔SHINE/SHINY〕You shouldn't let the silverware get so tarnished. 你不应该让这些银器变得那么没有光泽。朗文写作活用〔all〕He spent all of that afternoon polishing the silver.他那天整个下午都在擦拭银器具。柯林斯高阶〔canteen〕Chiefly British A box used to store silverware.【多用于英国】 银器盒:用于放银器的盒子美国传统〔collectable〕Jane Pollock Antiques deals in silver and small collectables.简·波洛克古董店经营银器和小收藏品。柯林斯高阶〔collectable〕Jane Pollock Antiques deals in silver and small collectables.简•波洛克古董店经营银器及其他小件收藏品。外研社新世纪〔dead〕The police caught the thief dead to rights with my silverware.警察抓住了正在偷我银器的小偷美国传统〔fuse〕The heat of the fire caused the silverware to fuse.火的热量使银器熔化。英汉大词典〔gadroon〕An ornamental band, used especially in silverwork, embellished with fluting, reeding, or another continuous pattern.串珠状缘饰:用凹槽、芦苇形线脚或其它串状装饰来点缀的尤用于银器的装饰线脚美国传统〔gloss〕The silverware had been polished to a high gloss.那些银器具被擦得锃亮。朗文当代〔go〕I had a good go (=tried hard) at cleaning the silver.我费了老大的劲清洁这银器。朗文当代〔hope chest〕A chest used by a young woman for clothing and household goods, such as linens and silver, in anticipation of marriage.嫁妆箱:一个年轻女子在结婚之前存放衣物和家常用品,如亚麻和银器等的箱子美国传统〔insurance〕The insurance company paid out for the stolen jewellery and silver.保险公司赔付了遭窃的珠宝和银器。柯林斯高阶〔laboriously〕They spent many hours laboriously polishing the silverware.他们花了很长时间费力地把银器擦亮。韦氏高阶〔luck〕Silver brings good luck, they believe.他们认为银器会带来好运。外研社新世纪〔luster〕He polished the silverware for hours trying to restore its luster.他花了几小时擦拭银器,试图使其恢复光泽。韦氏高阶〔make a mountain out of a molehill〕She thought that he was making a mountain out of a molehill by complaining about the placement of the silverware.她觉得他埋怨银器的摆放位置是在小题大做。韦氏高阶〔make〕The burglars made away with all their silverware.贼偷走了他们所有的银器。麦克米伦高阶〔mark〕Any piece of silver bearing his mark is extremely valuable.带有他的印记的每一件银器都极有价值。牛津高阶〔melt down〕Some thieves do not even bother to melt down stolen silver for its scrap value.有的小偷懒得为了一点蝇头小利去把偷来的银器熔掉。外研社新世纪〔melt down〕Some thieves do not even bother to melt down stolen silver for its scrap value.有的小偷懒得为了一点蝇头小利去费劲把偷来的银器熔掉。柯林斯高阶〔polish〕I spent all afternoon polishing the silver.我整个下午都在擦拭银器。朗文当代〔polish〕Polish up the silver ready for the important dinner.把银器擦亮,准备在重大宴会上用。英汉大词典〔polish〕She polished the silverware.她把银器擦亮了。韦氏高阶〔polish〕Silver polishes easily.银器很容易擦亮。英汉大词典〔rub away〕Trying to get the silverware clean we have to exert ourselves to rub away for hours.为把银器擦亮,我们必须花几个小时很费劲地擦拭。21世纪英汉〔rub up〕He rubbed up the silverware with a clean dry cloth.他用一块干净的干布将银器擦亮。21世纪英汉〔send〕They sent the girl away for stealing silver.他们把那女仆解雇了,因为她偷银器。英汉大词典〔silversmith〕One that makes, repairs, or replates articles of silver.银匠:一个制做、修银器具或给银器重新镀银的人美国传统〔silverware〕Hollowware and flatware made of or plated with silver.银器:用银子做的凹形或扁平餐具或用银子作底盘的凹形或扁平餐具美国传统〔silver〕Cleaning the silver (= silver objects) is a dirty job.擦洗银器是一件很讨厌的事。剑桥高阶〔silver〕Domestic articles, such as tableware, made of or plated with silver.银器皿:由银制成的或镀银的家用物品,如餐具美国传统〔silver〕He beat the rugs and polished the silver.他拍打去地毯上的灰尘,还擦拭了银器。柯林斯高阶〔silver〕He beat the rugs and polished the silver.他拍打掉地毯上的灰尘, 又擦洗了银器。外研社新世纪〔silver〕He was forced to sell the family silver to pay for the repairs to the house.他被迫变卖家传银器来支付维修房子的费用。牛津搭配〔silver〕They had some beautiful silver.他们有一些精美的银器。麦克米伦高阶〔silver〕They've had to sell the family silver to pay the bills.他们不得已卖掉家传的银器去支付账单。牛津高阶〔silver〕We need to polish the silver.我们需要打磨这银器。韦氏高阶〔sparkle〕It cleans windows, mirrors, and adds sparkle to silver.它用以擦净玻璃窗和镜子,并可使银器闪亮。英汉大词典〔sterling〕Articles, such as tableware, made of sterling silver.银器:纯银制做的物品,如餐具美国传统〔such〕I'm looking for a cloth for cleaning silver. Do you have such a thing? 我在找擦银器的布。你有这样的东西吗?剑桥高阶〔tableware〕The dishes, glassware, and silverware used in setting a table for a meal.餐具:为吃饭而摆在一张桌子上的碗碟、玻璃器皿和银器美国传统〔tarnished〕Wear cotton gloves when cleaning silver, because the acid in your skin can tarnish the metal.清洁银器时要戴上棉手套,因为你皮肤里的酸性物质会使它失去光泽。柯林斯高阶〔tarnish〕Silver tarnishes quickly.银器易失去光泽。英汉大词典〔tarnish〕Some foods will tarnish silver.有些食物会使银器失去光泽。韦氏高阶〔yield〕This latest dig has yielded up over a hundred pieces of fine Roman silverware.最近的这次考古挖掘终于发现了一百多件精美的古罗马银器。麦克米伦高阶All the church plate has been locked up. 教堂用的金银器皿都锁起来了。译典通Cleaning the silver (= silver objects) is a dirty job.擦洗银器是一件很脏的工作。剑桥国际Her silverware was stolen last night. 昨晚她的银器被盗了。译典通I think we should sell the silver now, rather than sit on it and hope its value increases.我认为我们应该现在卖掉银器,这比拖延时间希望它增值要好。剑桥国际She'd laid the table with the best china and silverware.她已经用最好的瓷器和银器摆好了桌子。剑桥国际Silver tarnishes easily and turns black if not polished regularly.银器很容易失去光泽,如果不经常擦拭,就会发黑。剑桥国际The chased silver escaped the eyes of the thieves. 雕花银器逃过了窃贼的眼睛。译典通The silver needs rubbing up. 这银器得擦亮。译典通The silver was looking a bit tarnished so I thought I'd polish it.这银器看上去有点发暗了,所以我想把它擦一下。剑桥国际This silver's very valuable--you should insure it.这银器非常贵重,你应该给它保险。剑桥国际




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