

单词 银制
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-banded〕Tables are set with white china and gold-banded silver cutlery.桌上摆放着白色瓷器和镶着金边的银制餐具。柯林斯高阶〔donate〕The silver trophy was donated by a Leicester businessman.银制奖杯是由一个莱斯特的商人捐赠的。柯林斯高阶〔hallmark〕A mark used in England to stamp gold and silver articles that meet established standards of purity.纯度标记:用于英国的标在金、银制品上的同设立的纯度标准相符的标记美国传统〔hallmark〕To stamp (gold and silver articles) with a mark indicating purity.标纯度:给(金、银制品上)标上指明纯度的标记美国传统〔hygienic〕For hygienic reasons, restaurants should wash silverware and drinking glasses more than once.出于卫生原因,餐馆清洗银制餐具和玻璃杯应不少于两遍。韦氏高阶〔press〕They pressed the silver knife into the cake.他们拿银制餐刀切入蛋糕。柯林斯高阶〔silver plate〕Tableware, such as flatware or hollowware, made of or coated with silver.银餐具:由银制成或镀银的餐具,如扁平餐具或凹底餐具美国传统〔silvern〕Composed of silver.银制的:由银组成的美国传统〔silver〕Domestic articles, such as tableware, made of or plated with silver.银器皿:由银制成的或镀银的家用物品,如餐具美国传统〔sterling silver〕Objects made of this alloy.纯银制品:用这种合金制的物品美国传统〔sterling silver〕These beautiful brooches are made in sterling silver.这些漂亮的胸针是标准纯银制品。外研社新世纪〔sterling〕Articles, such as tableware, made of sterling silver.银器:纯银制做的物品,如餐具美国传统〔vessel〕He makes decorative vessels in copper, stainless steel and silver.他用铜、不锈钢和银制造装饰性器皿。柯林斯高阶A find of some ancient silver brooches by a local man has been valued at £1m.刚被一个当地人发现的一些古代的银制胸针据估计价值一百万英镑。剑桥国际Robert was polishing up some old silver candlesticks.罗伯特在擦拭一些旧的银制蜡烛台。剑桥国际She scoured the silver in the dining hall. 她将餐厅内的银制器皿擦得雪亮。译典通




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