

单词 道尔
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Catalan〕The Romance language spoken especially in Catalonia, the Balearic Islands, Andorra, and the Roussillon region of France.加泰隆尼亚语:在加泰隆尼亚、布勒瑞克群岛、安道尔和法国的罗萨林地区讲的罗曼语美国传统〔Dolby〕A trademark used for an electronic device that eliminates noise from recorded sound and audio signals.道尔贝降噪系统:一种能从录音或声音信号中消除噪音的电子装置的商标名美国传统〔best〕Conan Doyle is probably best known as the creator of Sherlock Holmes.柯南·道尔多半是因为创造了舍洛克·福尔摩斯这个人物而闻名遐迩。麦克米伦高阶〔buy into sth〕McDowell was trying to buy into the newspaper business.麦克道尔在试图通过收购方式进入报业。剑桥高阶〔compound〕Dalton believed that the simplest compound of two elements must have one atom of each.道尔顿认为由两种化学元素组成的最简单化合物必须含有每种元素的一个原子。牛津搭配〔deal out〕Dalton dealt out five cards to each player.道尔顿给每个玩家发了五张牌。外研社新世纪〔detective〕Sherlock Holmes was Conan Doyle's fictional detective.歇洛克・福尔摩斯是柯南・道尔笔下虚构的侦探。牛津搭配〔express〕Dalton's Law can be expressed mathematically.道尔顿定律可以用数学方法来表示。麦克米伦高阶〔pride〕Doyle prides himself on his accuracy.道尔为自己的准确无误感到自豪。柯林斯高阶〔run〕Conan Doyle's stories ran in 'The Strand' magazine.柯南‧道尔的小说在《河滨》杂志上连载。朗文当代〔should〕I was just leaving when who should I see but Pat Doyle.我正要出去,谁料这时竟碰上了帕特·道尔。麦克米伦高阶Andorra joined the EC customs union in July 1990.安道尔于 1990 年 7 月加入欧洲关税同盟。牛津商务Dowell drove the ball across the pitch with typical accuracy.道尔以其特有的准确性将球击过了那个球场。剑桥国际McDowell was trying to buy into the newspaper business (= buy a part of it to have some control over it).麦克道尔试图投资报业。剑桥国际St Pancras of Taormina is reputed to have been sent by St Peter to evangelize Sicily.道尔米那的圣潘克拉斯因曾受圣彼得之遣前往西西里宣讲福音而名声大振。剑桥国际The ski report for Andorra was for heavy snow and poor visibility.安道尔拉的滑雪气象预报是将有大雪、能见度低。剑桥国际




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