

单词 道上
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ACCIDENT〕Brussels airport was closed today after an accident on the runway. 今天布鲁塞尔机场因为跑道上发生一起事故而关闭了。朗文写作活用〔DARK〕Two figures moved out of the shadows into the moonlit street. 两个人影从阴暗处出来,走到月光下的街道上。朗文写作活用〔FAST〕The horses ran along the track at a swift trot. 马在跑道上飞跑。朗文写作活用〔HIT〕One of the movers knocked the sofa against a doorway. 其中一个搬运工把沙发撞到门道上。朗文写作活用〔LIGHT〕In the town centre, the streets are all lit up for Christmas. 市中心的街道上灯火齐明,准备过圣诞节了。朗文写作活用〔MACHINE〕She left the car in the drive with the engine still running. 她把汽车停在车道上,发动机仍然开着。朗文写作活用〔TURN〕The plane circled the runway several times before landing. 飞机在跑道上方盘旋了几个圈后才降落。朗文写作活用〔WEATHER〕There are homeless people sleeping on the streets of London in all weathers. 不管什么天气,伦敦的街道上都有无家可归的人在露宿。朗文写作活用〔about〕The streets about the castle are full of places of historic interest.城堡周围的街道上净是名胜古迹。21世纪英汉〔apolune〕The point of an orbit around the moon farthest from the moon's center.远月点:绕月轨道上离月亮中心最远的一点美国传统〔approach〕The part of the area behind the foul line in a bowling alley used by a bowler in delivering the ball.投球区域:投球手在传球时利用的传球道上犯规线以后的部分区域美国传统〔awash〕All the pavements were awash with rubbish.人行道上全是垃圾。朗文当代〔awkwardly〕The car was parked awkwardly across the pavement.这辆车怪怪地横着停在人行道上。剑桥高阶〔back〕We drove on the back roads instead of the main roads.我们在小道上而不是在主路上行驶。韦氏高阶〔bail up〕She bailed me up in the corridor and asked me for the money I owed her.她在过道上拦住了我,向我索要欠她的钱。21世纪英汉〔bicyclist〕The streets were crowded with bicyclists.街道上挤满了骑自行车的人。外研社新世纪〔bless〕They prospered mightily and knew that God had blessed their labours.他们的日子非常兴旺, 知道上帝保佑了他们的辛勤劳动。外研社新世纪〔brimful〕Rows of shops were so brimful that the goods spilt onto the sidewalks.成排的商店货物多得装不下,一直堆到人行道上。英汉大词典〔by〕By day a woman could safely walk the streets, but at night the pavements became dangerous.白天的时候,妇女可以安全地在街上行走,而到了夜晚人行道上会变得很危险。柯林斯高阶〔camp〕The men are camping on the pavement in sleeping bags.男人们用睡袋在人行道上露营。外研社新世纪〔carriageway〕The accident happened on the southbound carriageway of the M1.车祸发生在 M1 公路的南行车道上。牛津搭配〔chalk up〕As a runner, he's chalked up about 1,000 miles on the track.作为赛跑运动员,他已在赛道上累计跑了大约1000英里。韦氏高阶〔circuit〕They test the car tyres on a motor racing circuit.他们在环形赛车道上测试轮胎。剑桥高阶〔crap〕Cardboard boxes and other crap littered the sidewalk.纸板箱和其他垃圾胡乱丢在了人行道上。外研社新世纪〔crossing〕A car hit her on a crossing.一辆汽车在人行横道上撞了她。外研社新世纪〔crowd〕Bicycles crowded the sidewalk.人行道上摆满了自行车。英汉大词典〔dizzying〕The cars move at dizzying speeds around the track.赛车以令人眩晕的速度在赛道上疾驰。韦氏高阶〔drive〕I parked in the drive.我把车停在私人车道上。剑桥高阶〔equator〕The lake lies exactly on the equator.这湖正好位于赤道上。牛津搭配〔final〕Astronauts will make a final attempt today to rescue a communications satellite from its useless orbit.今天宇航员将会做最后一次尝试,力图把一颗通信卫星从无效的轨道上抢救下来。柯林斯高阶〔flatboat〕A boat with a flat bottom and square ends used for transporting freight on inland waterways.平底船:用于在内陆河道上运送货物的平底方边船美国传统〔flow〕The square was packed, and the cobbled streets flowed with coloured petals.广场上挤满了人,鹅卵石铺就的街道上满是五颜六色的花朵。柯林斯高阶〔footing〕Seb struggled to keep his footing on the slippery path.塞勃努力在溜滑的小道上站稳脚跟。朗文当代〔gleam〕The wet streets glistened.湿湿的街道上亮油油的。朗文当代〔hawthorn〕Much of the track had become overgrown with hawthorn.小道上很多地方长满了山楂树。外研社新世纪〔jostle〕Pedestrians jostled them on the pavement.行人把他们推搡到了人行道上。外研社新世纪〔lane〕Are taxis allowed to drive in the bus lane? 出租汽车允许在公共汽车道上行驶吗?麦克米伦高阶〔lap〕Erik Gomas spun off the track when trying to lap Andrew Scott.埃里克‧戈马斯在赛道上疾驰,试图领先安德鲁‧斯科特一圈。朗文当代〔manage〕He skilfully / skillfully managed to keep the aircraft on the runway.他娴熟地使飞机保持在跑道上。牛津搭配〔millennium〕People celebrating the millennium filled the streets.街道上满是庆祝新千年来临的人麦克米伦高阶〔mug〕The police said the victims were mugged in the hallways of their homes.警察说受害者们都是在家里的过道上被从背后袭击的。英汉大词典〔occur〕An accident involving over ten vehicles has occurred in the east-bound lane.在东向车道上发生了一起涉及十多辆汽车的交通事故。剑桥高阶〔orbit〕The satellite is now in a stable orbit.卫星目前在稳定的轨道上运行。剑桥高阶〔palm〕People were waving palms in the streets.人们在街道上挥舞着棕榈叶庆祝。韦氏高阶〔park〕Aerospace To place (a spacecraft or satellite) in a usually temporary orbit.【太空学】 发射(至暂时轨道):把(宇宙飞船或火箭)停放在通常是暂时的轨道上美国传统〔pavement〕A small group of journalists waited on the pavement outside her house.有一小群记者守候在她家外面的人行道上。朗文当代〔pavement〕There was a car parked on the pavement and we couldn't get by.人行道上停着一辆汽车,我们过不去。牛津搭配〔peculiarly〕The streets were peculiarly quiet for the time of day.白天这个时候街道上异常安静。剑桥高阶〔perspire〕Hot and perspiring, he toiled up the dusty ascent.他艰难地在尘土飞扬的坡道上爬着,热得汗水淋淋。英汉大词典〔pharynx〕The section of the alimentary canal that extends from the mouth and nasal cavities to the larynx, where it becomes continuous with the esophagus.咽:消化道上从嘴和鼻腔延伸到喉的部分,此处喉部与食管相接美国传统〔plow〕My street hasn't been plowed yet.我这条街道上的雪还没铲掉。韦氏高阶〔poke〕He kept the car in the slow lane, poking along at about 40 miles an hour.他在慢车道上开车,以每小时大约 40 英里的速度缓缓行驶。朗文当代〔rail〕The train left the rails but somehow forced its way back onto the line.火车脱轨了,但总算设法回到了原来的轨道上。柯林斯高阶〔ramada〕An openwork trellis, constructed over a walkway, onto which climbing plants are trained.露天棚架:修建于人行道上方的露天棚架,攀援植物在其上培植美国传统〔reel〕At closing time he reeled out of the bar and fell down on the pavement.酒吧关门时,他踉踉跄跄走了出来,一跤摔在人行道上。剑桥高阶〔reverberate〕The narrow street reverberated with/to the sound of the workmen's drills.狭窄的街道上回荡着工人施工的电钻声。剑桥高阶〔rise〕The airplane rose up from the runway.飞机从跑道上起飞。韦氏高阶〔road agent〕A stagecoach robber; a bandit.拦路强盗:驿道上的抢劫犯;土匪美国传统〔road hog〕A motorist whose vehicle overlaps the traffic lane used by another motorist.乱开汽车的人:驾着车冲到其它车辆使用的车道上的驾车人美国传统〔rock salt〕I put some rock salt on the sidewalk to melt the ice.我在人行道上洒了一些岩盐融化冰雪。韦氏高阶〔running battle〕They fought running battles in the narrow streets with police.他们在狭窄的街道上和警察打起了游击战。柯林斯高阶〔run〕The jockey ran the horse up and down the track.骑师骑着马在跑道上来回奔驰。英汉大词典〔run〕Trains run on rails.火车是在轨道上行驶的。英汉大词典〔scrape〕I heard the scrape of a boot on the pavement.我听到靴子在人行道上发出的刮擦声。外研社新世纪〔sheet〕The streets were now in one fierce sheet of flame.街道上现在是一片火海。外研社新世纪〔shoot〕After school we'd be on the driveway shooting baskets(= playing basketball).放学后,我们就在车行道上打篮球。牛津高阶〔shove〕He was then shoved face down on the pavement.接着他被一把推倒,脸朝下趴在了人行道上。柯林斯高阶〔side〕What's on the other side? 另一个频道上演什么?牛津高阶〔skitter〕Pieces of paper were skittering along the sidewalk.人行道上飞舞着一张张纸片。外研社新世纪〔slip〕He had slipped on an icy pavement.他在一条结了冰的人行道上滑了一跤。柯林斯高阶〔slow lane〕The government has been accused of putting Britain in the slow lane of Europe.政府被指责为使英国处于欧洲的慢车道上。麦克米伦高阶〔snowplow〕A plowlike device or vehicle used to remove snow, especially from roads and railroad tracks.扫雪机:用来扫雪,特别是扫除道路和铁路轨道上的雪的犁状装置或车辆美国传统〔space〕The RAC is calling for rest areas spaced at regular intervals on major roads.皇家汽车俱乐部呼吁:交通主干道上的休息区应均匀分布。柯林斯高阶〔spit〕She saw him spit on the sidewalk.她看到他在人行道上吐痰。韦氏高阶〔sprawl〕I tripped on a stone and went sprawling on the pavement.我被一块石头绊了一下,趴倒在人行道上。朗文当代〔steer〕When I was a kid, about six or seven, she would often let me steer the car along our driveway.在我小时候,大概六七岁时,她经常让我在自家的车道上开车。柯林斯高阶〔still〕By 10.00 the streets are quite still.10点以后街道上就非常安静了。麦克米伦高阶〔stumble〕I stumbled on the uneven pavement.我在不平坦的人行道上绊倒了。韦氏高阶〔take a whiz〕He took a whiz right on the sidewalk.他直接在人行道上尿尿。韦氏高阶〔torpedo〕A small explosive placed on a railroad track that is fired by the weight of the train to sound a warning of an approaching hazard.信号雷管:一种置于铁路轨道上的小型爆炸物,由火车的重量引爆,这样来预警临近的危险美国传统〔trolley〕A wheeled carriage, cage, or basket that is suspended from and travels on an overhead track.空中吊运车,缆车:一种带轮的车箱、笼子或篮子,从空中轨道上垂下,并且空中轨道运行美国传统〔unlit〕The street was gloomy and unlit.街道上没有灯光,显得很幽暗。麦克米伦高阶〔unprotected〕What better target than an unprotected girl, going along the river walkway in the dark.一个无人保护的姑娘, 黑夜走在河岸边的人行道上, 还有谁是比她更容易下手的目标呢。外研社新世纪〔unwarned〕He stepped unwarned into the path of an oncoming car.他未被告诫,走到迎面驶来一辆汽车的道上。英汉大词典〔volatile〕Armed soldiers guard the streets in this volatile atmosphere.目前局势动荡不定,有武装士兵在街道上警戒。柯林斯高阶〔wash sth away〕The blood on the pavement had been washed away by the rain overnight.一夜之间,人行道上的血迹就被雨水冲掉了。剑桥高阶〔way〕He had to navigate his way through the city's one-way streets.他不得不开着车在该市的单行道上穿行。牛津搭配Even at five in the morning, there were still crowds of people roaming the streets, singing and shouting.尽管是早晨5点,街道上仍有大群人在游荡,嘴里唱着叫着。剑桥国际He skinned his legs when walking along the thorny path. 他在长满荆棘的小道上行走时擦破了腿上的皮。译典通I enjoy going to speedway.我喜欢到赛道上去。剑桥国际It's a bit unnerving to be accosted by a complete stranger as you walk along the street.在街道上走路时有陌生人上来搭讪,真有些吓人。剑桥国际Penalty for dogs fouling (=excreting the contents of their bowels onto) the footway --£50.狗弄脏人行道(指在人行道上拉屎),罚款50英镑。剑桥国际She cruised by at 160 kilometres per hour on the outside/ in the outside lane.她在外车道上以每小时160公里的速度飞驰。剑桥国际She tripped on the pavement and fell over.她在人行道上绊了一下,摔倒了。剑桥国际She was taken to hospital after being knocked over on a zebra crossing.在人行横道上被撞倒之后,她被送往医院。剑桥国际Singapore is/lies on the Equator.新加坡位于赤道上。剑桥国际The cameras are used for detecting leaks in oil wells and pipelines.这些摄像机用来探测油井与管道上的漏洞。剑桥国际They switched the train to the other track. 他们把列车转到另一轨道上。译典通Through the window, I could see a dark shape in the street outside.透过窗口,我可以看见外边的街道上有个黑漆漆的人影。剑桥国际We spent the afternoon meandering around the streets of the old town.我们一下午在古镇街道上闲逛。剑桥国际




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