

单词 遍布
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EVERYWHERE〕The Red Cross is a large organization with members all over the world. 红十字会是个规模庞大的组织,成员遍布世界各地。朗文写作活用〔abound〕Its hills abound with streams and waterfalls.山上遍布小溪与瀑布。外研社新世纪〔around〕There are over 40 radio stations dotted around the country.有 40 多家广播电台遍布这个国家。朗文当代〔artery〕Great rivers artery every province.大河遍布各省。英汉大词典〔artery〕Roads and railways artery every province.公路和铁路遍布各省。21世纪英汉〔besprinkle〕White and yellow flowers besprinkled the banks.堤岸上遍布白花和黄花。英汉大词典〔borough〕There are factories scattered throughout the borough.工厂遍布自治市各地。牛津搭配〔center〕The organization has members worldwide but is centered in Cairo.这一机构成员遍布世界各地,但主要活动集中在开罗。韦氏高阶〔channel〕The company has worldwide distribution channels.这家公司拥有遍布全世界的销售网络。牛津高阶〔channel〕There are drainage/irrigation channels all over this flat agricultural land.在这片平坦的农田上遍布着排水/灌溉渠。剑桥高阶〔checkerboard〕Canals checkerboard the countryside on both sides of the dam.水坝两边的田地遍布着纵横交错的水渠。英汉大词典〔colony〕Many of our troops and officers were scattered around the world in the service of His Majesty in the colonies.我们的许多战士及军官遍布世界各地, 在殖民地为英王效力。外研社新世纪〔continent〕The bank's scope is worldwide, in forty-three countries on all the six continents.银行的业务范围是全球性的,活动遍布于所有6大洲的43个国家。英汉大词典〔copycat〕The Beatles have copycats all over the world.披头士乐队的模仿者遍布全世界。柯林斯高阶〔copycat〕The Beatles have copycats all over the world.模仿披头士乐队的人遍布全世界。外研社新世纪〔countless〕There are countless small ski areas dotted about the province.不计其数的小型滑雪场遍布省内各处。外研社新世纪〔countless〕There are countless small ski areas dotted about the province.该省内遍布着许多小型滑雪场。柯林斯高阶〔density〕Jupiter's moon Io, whose density is 3.5 grams per cubic centimetre, is all rock.密度为每立方厘米 3.5 克的木星卫星木卫一上遍布岩石。柯林斯高阶〔disburse〕Policemen were disbursed throughout the city to hunt for the escaped criminal.警察遍布全城追捕逃犯。英汉大词典〔distributed〕Red squirrels are widely distributed throughout the woodlands.红松鼠遍布在整个林区。麦克米伦高阶〔distributed〕These cells are widely distributed throughout the body.这些细胞遍布人体。外研社新世纪〔distribution〕The company handles the distribution of goods to stores nationwide.这家公司负责给遍布全国的商店配送货物。韦氏高阶〔dotted〕The maps were dotted with the names of small towns.地图上遍布着小城镇的名字。外研社新世纪〔dot〕The company has more than thirty branches dotted around Spain.公司有30多家分公司遍布在西班牙各地。麦克米伦高阶〔encompass〕Gammon Ranges National Park encompasses a rugged wilderness of mountains and gorges.盖蒙山脉国家公园范围内是一片高山峡谷遍布的崎岖荒野。外研社新世纪〔feed to〕Reporters all over the world feed the news to the TV stations.遍布世界各地的记者们向电视台提供新闻。21世纪英汉〔file sharing〕Illegal music file-sharing sites have spread through the Net.非法的音乐文件共享网站已遍布互联网。牛津高阶〔forest〕Much of Europe was once covered in forest.欧洲的大部分地区曾经遍布着森林。牛津搭配〔forsaken〕The delta region of the Rio Grande river was a forsaken land of thickets and swamps.里奥格兰德三角洲地区是一片荒弃的土地, 遍布灌木与沼泽。外研社新世纪〔forsaken〕The delta region of the Rio Grande river was a forsaken land of thickets and swamps.里奥格兰德河三角洲曾是一片遍布荆棘和沼泽的荒废之地。柯林斯高阶〔gleam〕The pebble beach gleamed white in the moonlight.月光下,遍布鹅卵石的海滩闪烁着白光。牛津搭配〔held〕She holds a large integrated complex spread everywhere in the world.她拥有遍布世界各地庞大的联合企业。21世纪英汉〔infest〕The landscape is drab and infested with brick ovens.景色单调,惟见砖窑遍布。21世纪英汉〔infest〕The landscape was drab and infested with brick ovens.景色单调,唯见砖窑遍布。英汉大词典〔intestine〕Antibodies from the mother's milk line the baby's intestines and prevent infection.来自母乳的抗体遍布在婴儿的肠道中,能防止感染。剑桥高阶〔invadable〕Computers have invaded the country's big cities.计算机已遍布该国的大城市。21世纪英汉〔littered〕Resorts are littered across the mountainsides.山坡上遍布着度假村。外研社新世纪〔maim〕Mines have been scattered in rice paddies and jungles, maiming and killing civilians.地雷遍布稻田与林间,很多平民被炸死或炸成重伤。柯林斯高阶〔midge〕Any of various gnatlike flies of the family Chironomidae, found worldwide and frequently occurring in swarms near ponds and lakes.双翅目小昆虫:一种双翅科中咬人的小昆虫,遍布于世界各地,通常在水塘和湖泊附近成群出现美国传统〔musing〕His long, shapely, musing sentences spread themselves over page after page.他那长长的、条理清楚的、充满思索的句子遍布一页又一页。外研社新世纪〔national〕Coke went national with ads.可口可乐的广告遍布全国。英汉大词典〔nation〕I've been to countries all over the world.我的足迹遍布全世界。朗文当代〔obstacle〕The area was full of streams and bogs and other natural obstacles.此地遍布小溪、泥潭和其他天然障碍。牛津高阶〔overlay〕To lay or spread over or on.置于或遍布…上美国传统〔permeate〕Bias against women permeates every level of the judicial system.对女性的偏见遍布司法体系的各个层级。外研社新世纪〔post〕Police have now been posted outside all temples.警察现已遍布各寺庙的外围。外研社新世纪〔progeny〕His numerous progeny are scattered all over the country.他有很多后代,遍布在全国各地。剑桥高阶〔ramified〕Highways were ramified all over the country.公路纵横交错,遍布全国。21世纪英汉〔ramify〕Railways were ramified over the country.铁路纵横交错,遍布全国。英汉大词典〔range〕The Polynesians ranged over the entire Pacific Ocean.波利尼西亚人遍布整个太平洋地区。麦克米伦高阶〔range〕The plant once ranged across the island.这种植物曾一度遍布该岛。韦氏高阶〔resilience〕Yet this widespread poverty was suffused with a massive resilience of spirit.然而,在这遍布各处的贫穷之中却又充溢着一种巨大的精神活力。英汉大词典〔riddled〕By this time her body was riddled with cancer.此时癌细胞遍布她全身。朗文当代〔riddle〕His body was riddled with cancer.癌瘤遍布他的全身。牛津高阶〔run through sth〕Racism runs right through society.种族主义流毒遍布整个社会。剑桥高阶〔scattered〕My family is scattered all over the world.我的家人遍布世界各地。剑桥高阶〔set〕They set the castle on the top of a rocky hill.他们把城堡建在一座遍布岩石的山顶。外研社新世纪〔sheet〕The horses' flanks were sheeted with blood and sweat.马的两肋遍布着血迹和汗水。外研社新世纪〔span〕Our business spans the globe.我们的业务遍布世界各地。麦克米伦高阶〔spread〕Rain will spread from the west and reach all areas by evening.雨水将从西部扩展,到傍晚时会遍布所有地区。麦克米伦高阶〔strew〕By the end, bodies were strewn all round the headquarters building.到最后, 总部大楼四周遍布着死尸。外研社新世纪〔strew〕By the end, bodies were strewn all round the headquarters building.最终,总部大楼四周遍布着死尸。柯林斯高阶〔strew〕Thousands of temples are strewn throughout the hills of Bali.数以千计的寺庙遍布于巴厘岛的小山上。麦克米伦高阶〔troupe〕She joined a dance troupe and travelled all over the world.她参加了一个巡回舞蹈团,足迹遍布世界。剑桥高阶〔wonder〕Iceland is full of hot springs and other natural wonders.冰岛遍布温泉和其他自然奇观。牛津搭配〔wreck〕The burned-out wrecks of two police cars littered the road.路上遍布着两辆被烧毁警车的残骸。剑桥高阶A foul smell of stale beer and urine permeated the whole building.变质啤酒和尿的气味遍布整座楼。剑桥国际A sudden chill of horror swept over her as she felt the drip of saliva upon her hands. 当她感觉到滴到她双手上的唾液时,恐怖的寒栗突然遍布了她全身。译典通Antibodies from the mother's milk line the baby's intestine and prevent infection.来源于母乳的抗体遍布在婴儿的肠子中,防止感染。剑桥国际As for the pink form of the plant, the original mutation was found in England and its cuttings have spread across the world.至于这种植物的粉红品种,最早的突变体在英国被发现,现在它的插枝已遍布全世界。剑桥国际Last year we started raising money locally for the hospital, then the campaign went nationwide and the whole thing just snowballed.去年我们开始在本地为医院筹集资金,后来这项活动遍布了全国,规模不断地扩大。剑桥国际Our experienced field sales force cover all areas of the UK.我们经验丰富的现场销售人员遍布英国的所有地区。牛津商务Our stores are spread throughout the country.我们的商店遍布全国。牛津商务She has friends from all walks of life.她的朋友遍布社会各界。牛津商务The company has its base in Paris, and branch offices all over the world.这家公司总部设在巴黎,分公司遍布全世界。牛津商务The film is a reflection of the violence that pervades American culture.这部电影反映了遍布于美国文化中的暴力现象。剑桥国际The large organization has offshoots all over Europe. 这一大型组织的分支机构遍布欧洲。译典通The market stretches all the way along the street.市场遍布了整条街。剑桥国际The story was plastered all over the front page of the newspaper (= it was printed in a very obvious way).这条消息遍布报纸的头版。剑桥国际The streets bristled with armed guards after the latest terrorist attack. 最近一次恐怖分子攻击后,街道上武装警卫遍布。译典通They run a globalized operation with factories all round the world.他们经营着全球化的业务,其工厂遍布世界各地。牛津商务When she was eighteen she joined a dance troupe and travelled all over Europe.十八岁时她参加了一个巡回舞蹈团, 足迹遍布整个欧洲。剑桥国际




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