

单词 防水
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-resistant〕Children's suncare products are normally water-resistant.儿童防晒产品通常都是防水的。柯林斯高阶〔Gilsonite〕A trademark used for a natural black bitumen employed in the manufacture of acid, alkali, and waterproof coatings.硬沥青:适用于制造酸、碱和防水服的一种天然黑沥青的商标美国传统〔Gore-Tex〕A trademark used for a water-repellant, breathable laminated fabric used primarily in outerwear and shoes.一种防水的,透气的薄纤维品的商标,主要用作雨衣和鞋美国传统〔Pliofilm〕A trademark used for a pliant, transparent rubber compound employed in making waterproof fabrics and packaging materials.普利薄膜:一种柔软透明的橡胶化合物的商标,可用这种化合物来制造防水织物和包装材料美国传统〔Polartec〕A trademark used for a fleecy synthetic fabric that is warm, lightweight, and water-resistant.波勒特:为保暖、轻质和防水的柔软合成纤维使用的商标美国传统〔TIGHT〕He stretched a large tarpaulin over the vehicle, tying it down at the corners. 他把一块很大的防水帆布拉开盖在车上,把几个角系牢。朗文写作活用〔WATER〕The Gore-tex fabric manages to be completely waterproof, and yet allows body moisture to escape. 戈尔特斯物料能做到完全防水,但仍可以排出人体湿气。朗文写作活用〔WEATHER〕You should bring a waterproof jacket and strong boots in case of wet weather. 你应带防水外套和结实的靴子,以防下雨。朗文写作活用〔WITH/TOGETHER〕Researchers in Stanford and Princeton collaborated to manufacture a completely new waterproof textile. 斯坦福大学与普林斯顿大学的研究者合作生产一种全新的防水面料。朗文写作活用〔Wellington boot〕Chiefly British A waterproof boot of rubber or sometimes leather reaching to below the knee and worn in wet or muddy conditions.【多用于英国】 威灵顿高帮靴:一种防水的橡胶或有时为皮的到达膝部以下的靴,在雨天或多泥的情况下穿用美国传统〔boil away〕Check every 20 minutes that the water has not boiled away.每过20分钟检查一下以防水烧干。柯林斯高阶〔cased〕These are the electrical connectors, cased in waterproof plastic.这些是电器接头,封装在防水的塑料封套里。剑桥高阶〔coated〕The fabric is coated with plastic on one side, which makes it waterproof.该织物一面有塑料涂层, 这让其具有防水性能。外研社新世纪〔coating〕The fabric has a coating that prevents liquids from soaking through.这种布料上有防水涂层。韦氏高阶〔coating〕The tent has a waterproof coating on both sides.这帐篷里外都涂有防水层。朗文当代〔coat〕The fabric has been specially coated to improve its water resistance.这种布料加了特别涂层,所以更能防水。牛津搭配〔coffer〕A cofferdam.防水堰美国传统〔compartment〕Her hull was divided into twenty-six watertight compartments and her wheelhouse was airtight.她的船体分为26个防水隔间, 驾驶室也是密封的。外研社新世纪〔control〕Police used fire hoses and dogs for crowd control .警察使用了消防水龙和警犬来控制群众。朗文当代〔coracle〕A small, rounded boat made of waterproof material stretched over a wicker or wooden frame.科拉科尔小艇:一种在枝条或木制构架上蒙上防水材料做成的圆型小艇美国传统〔diving suit〕A heavy waterproof garment with a detachable air-fed helmet, used for underwater work.潜水衣:有可拆下的供气盔的厚防水衣,用于水下作业美国传统〔dope〕A type of lacquer formerly used to protect, waterproof, and tauten the cloth surfaces of airplane wings.漆涂料:从前用来保护飞机翼布防水并使其绷紧的涂料美国传统〔dubbin〕An application of tallow and oil for dressing leather.革用软化防水油脂美国传统〔dubbin〕It might be better to use dubbin rather than polish on your walking boots.使用皮革防水油擦你的轻便靴可能比单纯擦亮更好。剑桥高阶〔duct tape〕A usually silver adhesive tape made of cloth mesh coated with a waterproof material, originally designed for sealing heating and air-conditioning ducts.银色宽胶布:由布料及防水材料制成的胶带,原本被设计用来密封暖气及空调的管道,通常为银色美国传统〔enclose〕The rules state that samples must be enclosed in two watertight containers.规则要求样品必须装在两个防水容器里。外研社新世纪〔fasten down〕Between us, we managed to fasten the tarpaulin down.我们合力将防水帆布罩扎牢。外研社新世纪〔friction tape〕A sturdy, moisture-resistant adhesive tape, usually made of cloth, used chiefly to insulate electrical conductors.绝缘胶布:一种结实、防水的胶带,常用棉布制成,主要于导体绝缘美国传统〔galosh〕A waterproof overshoe.防水套鞋美国传统〔ground cloth〕A waterproof cover used to protect an area of ground, such as a baseball field.铺地帆布:用来保护一块场地,如棒球场的防水遮蔽物美国传统〔haze〕We hazed him, gave him a hosing with a fire hose.我们戏弄他, 用消防水管把他浇湿了。外研社新世纪〔high-impact〕The durable high-impact plastic case is water resistant to 100 feet.这种结实的高强度塑料盒子在水下100英尺内都是防水的。外研社新世纪〔house〕The gun is housed under a tarpaulin cover.枪用防水油纸包好收了起来。外研社新世纪〔housing〕Both housings are waterproof to a depth of two metres.两个机罩的防水深度均为两米。柯林斯高阶〔impermeable〕The canoe is made from an impermeable wood.独木舟是用防水木头制成。外研社新世纪〔impermeable〕The canoe is made from an impermeable wood.独木舟由防水木头制成。柯林斯高阶〔impervious〕The floorcovering you select will need to be impervious to water.挑选的地板材料必须是防水的。柯林斯高阶〔joint〕Make sure you seal the joints of the pipes with waterproof tape.一定要用防水胶布把管道的接合处封严实。麦克米伦高阶〔keep off〕At least the tarpaulin will keep the rain off.至少防水油布能遮雨。外研社新世纪〔keep〕Plastic socks may keep water out, they also keep perspiration in.塑料袜可以防水,但汗也散发不出去。英汉大词典〔oilcloth〕Fabric treated with clay, oil, and pigments to make it waterproof.油布,漆布:用粘土、油和色素处理过使之防水的织物美国传统〔oiler〕Informal An oilskin garment.【非正式用语】 防水油布制的服装美国传统〔oilpaper〕Paper that is soaked in oil to make it transparent and water-resistant.油纸:用油浸过从而透明且防水的纸美国传统〔oilskin〕Cloth treated with oil to make it waterproof.防水油布:一种用油处理来可防水的布美国传统〔pac〕A shoepac.缚带防水鞋美国传统〔parget〕A cement mixture used to waterproof outer walls.涂料:一种用于外墙防水的水泥混合物美国传统〔pay〕To coat or cover (seams of a ship, for example) with waterproof material such as tar or asphalt.在…上涂柏油:用防水材料如沥清或柏油涂在(如船缝上)美国传统〔puddle〕To work (clay or sand) into a thick, watertight paste.把(沙子或泥土)制成稠的防水浆美国传统〔repellent〕Coat the exterior with a water repellent.给表面涂上一层防水剂。韦氏高阶〔repellent〕Tents are made of material which is repellent to water.帐篷是用防水的材料做的。牛津同义词〔repel〕This oily material repels water.这含油的材料能防水。牛津同义词〔resistance〕The boots showed high water resistance when tested.测试时这些靴子显示出很强的防水性能。麦克米伦高阶〔shockproof〕My watch is shockproof and waterproof.我的手表防震防水。牛津高阶〔shockproof〕The watch is supposed to be waterproof and shockproof.这块表应该能防水防震。韦氏高阶〔shoepac〕A heavy, warm, waterproof laced boot.防水靴:一种粗重而暖和的缚带防水靴美国传统〔showerproof〕This coat isn't waterproof, but it is showerproof.这件外套不防水,不过可以防小雨。剑桥高阶〔southwester〕A waterproof hat of material such as plastic, oilskin, or canvas, with a broad brim behind to protect the neck.防水帽:一种用塑料、油布或帆布制成的防水帽,其后带有宽檐用以护颈美国传统〔southwester〕Southwesters are worn especially by seamen.宽边防水帽主要是海员戴的。英汉大词典〔spar varnish〕A waterproof varnish.桅杆清漆:一种防水油漆美国传统〔specially〕These coats are specially treated to be water repellent.这些外套经过了特殊的防水处理。麦克米伦高阶〔spray skirt〕A piece of waterproof fabric that fits around a kayaker and extends over the opening of a kayak to keep out water.防水围裙:爱斯基摩人用的皮船四周围着的防水布料,盖过皮船的开口,以防进水美国传统〔stiffly〕His waterproof trousers were brand new and stiff.他那条防水裤崭新笔挺。柯林斯高阶〔tarpaper〕Heavy paper impregnated or coated with tar, used as a waterproof protective material in building.沥青油纸,柏油纸:一种用沥青浸透过的或覆盖在表面的很重的纸,在建筑中间用作防水的保护性材料美国传统〔tearing〕It's waterproof and resistant to tearing.它是防水的, 不易被撕开。外研社新世纪〔tool (sth/sb) up〕All you need to tool up for the trip is a good, waterproof stuff sack.一个质量好的防水背囊是你唯一需要为这趟旅行所准备的。剑桥高阶〔treat〕Fabrics are treated to make them water-resistant.这些布经过了防水处理。麦克米伦高阶〔turn on〕Fire hoses were turned on the protesters.消防水带被用来对付抗议者。韦氏高阶〔uintaite〕A natural black bitumen used in the manufacture of acid, alkali, and waterproof coatings.硬沥青:用来制造酸、碱和防水涂层的天然的黑色沥青美国传统〔wader〕The fishermen put on their waders.渔民们穿上了高筒防水胶靴。剑桥高阶〔water resistant〕Is this watch water resistant? 这块表防水吗?朗文当代〔water spaniel〕A large spaniel of a breed characterized by a curly, water-resistant coat, often used in hunting to retrieve waterfowl.水獚:以卷曲、防水皮毛为特征的大型猎狗,常用于打猎叼回水禽美国传统〔water-repellent〕Resistant to penetration by water but not entirely waterproof.抗水的:能抵抗水的渗透但不完全防水的美国传统〔water-resistant〕Microfibre fabrics are both water resistant and windproof.微纤维织物既防水又防风。柯林斯高阶〔water-resistant〕Microfibre fabrics are both water-resistant and windproof.微纤维面料既防水、又防风。外研社新世纪〔waterproof〕A material or fabric that is impervious to water.防水材料:不透水的材料或织物美国传统〔waterproof〕Canvas boots are all right but they're not as waterproof as leather.帆布靴子也可以,但它们不像皮靴那样防水。剑桥高阶〔waterproof〕Designed to be completely waterproof, the lights are manufactured from heavy duty plastic.为了彻底防水,这些灯具均采用重型塑料制成。柯林斯高阶〔waterproof〕For staying dry you'll want nice lightweight waterproofs to wear over your leathers.为了不被淋湿,你需要在皮衣的外面套上一件轻便的防水服。柯林斯高阶〔waterproof〕Impervious to or unaffected by water.防水的:不透水或不为水所影响的美国传统〔waterproof〕Is this jacket waterproof?这件上衣防水吗?外研社新世纪〔waterproof〕Made of or coated or treated with rubber, plastic, or a sealing agent to prevent penetration by water.用防水材料处理过的:以防止漏水而用橡胶、塑料或粘结剂制作、覆盖或处理过的美国传统〔watertight〕The batteries are safely enclosed in a watertight compartment.电池被安全地置于一个防水的隔间里。柯林斯高阶〔watertight〕They're doing some repairs to make the roof more watertight.他们在进行一些修理,以加强屋顶的防水性。剑桥高阶〔weatherproof〕He weatherproofed his shoes.他给鞋做了防水措施。韦氏高阶〔yank off〕Hobbs seized the end of the tarpaulin and yanked it off.霍布斯抓住防水帆布的一头, 猛地拉开。外研社新世纪〔yet〕It is completely waterproof, yet light and comfortable.它防水性能非常好,但却轻巧舒适。柯林斯高阶〔yet〕It is completely waterproof, yet light and comfortable.它是完全防水的, 但又轻便舒适。外研社新世纪Almost all the new smart phones coming out of the factories have the water-resistant function. 几乎现在出厂的新手机都有防水功能。译典通I bought a waxed jacket for the winter.为了过冬我买了上蜡的防水茄克衫。剑桥国际Put a tarpaulin over those tools if you're going to leave them outside.如果你要把这些工具放在外面的话,盖一块防水布在上面。剑桥国际The electrical connectors have to be cased in (=covered in a tight case of) waterproof plastic.这些电器接头必须装在防水的塑料封壳里。剑桥国际The fishermen put on their waders.渔夫们穿上了高统防水胶鞋。剑桥国际The jackets are proofed with a special substance which makes them resistant to water and oil.这些夹克衫用特殊物质处理过,能防水防油。剑桥国际The material has been treated with resin to make it waterproof.这材料涂上了树脂使它防水。剑桥国际These shoes are waterproof. 这些鞋是防水的。译典通They're doing some repairs on the church to make the roof more watertight.他们正在对教堂做些修理,以使屋顶更防水。剑桥国际This cloth is proof against water. 这种布是防水的。译典通This coat is not waterproof but it is showerproof.这件外套不全防水,但它是防阵雨的。剑桥国际We'll need a sheet of tarpaulin to cover the machine.我们需要一块防水油布把这台机器盖一下。剑桥国际You'll need to equip yourselves with some warm clothes and waterproof shoes to walk in this weather! 在这样的天气里行走你得给自己准备些暖和的衣服和防水的鞋子。剑桥国际




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