

单词 防毒
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PROTECT〕Anti-virus software is a simple safeguard that many computer users have not bothered to install. 防毒软件是一种简单的保护设施,许多电脑用户没有费心安装。朗文写作活用〔canister〕The part of a gas mask that contains the filter for removing toxic agents from the air.滤毒罐:防毒面具的一部分,含有过滤装置,能将有毒成分从空气中除去美国传统〔contrivable〕They contrived a mask against poison gas.他们设计了一种防毒面具。21世纪英汉〔gas mask〕A respirator that contains a chemical air filter and is worn over the face as protection against toxic gases and aerosols.防毒面具:一种人工呼吸器,含有化学气体过滤器,戴于脸部之上,用来防止毒气或烟雾美国传统〔mask〕A gas mask.防毒面具美国传统〔mask〕They had started to issue gas masks and prepare air-raid shelters.他们已经开始发放防毒面具, 并准备防空洞。外研社新世纪〔respirator〕The firefighters wore respirators to help them breathe in the smoke-filled house.消防员戴上防毒面具以便能在烟雾弥漫的房中呼吸。剑桥高阶A leading scientist has warned that protective suits and gas masks will not guard troops against prolonged chemical and biological warfare.一位科学权威曾警告说,防护服和防毒面具不能长时间地保护士兵免受化学和生物武器的危害。剑桥国际During the Second World War the population was/were issued with gas masks.在第二次世界大战中,全体居民都分发了防毒面具。剑桥国际Soldiers and civilians have been supplied with gas masks to protect them in the event of a poison gas attack.士兵和平民都发放了防毒面具以防毒气袭击。剑桥国际The fire fighter was wearing a respirator to help him breathe in the smoke-filled house.消防员戴着一个防毒面具,来帮助他在烟气缭绕的房子中呼吸。剑桥国际




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