

单词 震颤
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DT's〕Delirium tremens.震颤性谵妄美国传统〔SHAKE〕The train shuddered to a halt at the station. 火车进站后,震颤着停了下来。朗文写作活用〔Shaker〕Shaker customs 震颤派习俗英汉大词典〔boot〕Slang A swift, pleasurable feeling; a thrill.【俚语】 激动:迅速而令人愉悦的感觉;兴奋的震颤感美国传统〔buck〕The motor bucked and lurched before it finally ran smoothly.汽车震颤了一下才平稳地前进美国传统〔construction〕The Shakers believed that furniture should be plain, simple, useful, practical and of sound construction.震颤派教徒认为家具应当朴素、简单、有用、实用,并且结构合理。柯林斯高阶〔construction〕The Shakers believed that furniture should be plain, simple, useful, practical, and of sound construction.震颤派教徒认为家具应当朴素、简洁、有用、实用, 并且结构结实。外研社新世纪〔explosion〕The explosion shook nearby homes.爆炸震颤了附近的房子。牛津搭配〔explosion〕The floor shook with a distant explosion.地板随着远处的爆炸而震颤。牛津搭配〔flutter〕Rapid fluctuation in the pitch of a sound reproduction resulting from variations in the speed of the recording or reproducing equipment.干扰声:在声音被重播时由于声速的变化而使磁带中重播器产生快速震颤而失真美国传统〔fremitus〕A palpable vibration, as felt by the hand placed on the chest during coughing or speaking.震颤:象咳嗽或说话时把手放在胸脯上所能明显感觉到的一种振动美国传统〔jar〕To startle or unsettle; shock.使…震撼:使…吃惊或骚乱;使…震颤美国传统〔jim-jams〕Delirium tremens.震颤性谵妄美国传统〔judder〕The lift started off, juddered, and went out of action.电梯启动后震颤了一下, 然后就停了下来。外研社新世纪〔judder〕The lift started off, juddered, and went out of action.电梯开动了,接着剧烈震颤起来,然后就毫无反应了。柯林斯高阶〔nystagmus〕A rapid, involuntary, oscillatory motion of the eyeball.眼球震颤:眼球快速地,不由自主地震颤移动美国传统〔purr〕We could hear the sound of a lawnmower purring in the back garden.我们能听到后院割草机的震颤声。剑桥高阶〔rattled〕She slams the kitchen door so hard I hear dishes rattle.她把厨房门重重地关上,我甚至听到了碟子的震颤声。柯林斯高阶〔reverberate〕The hall reverberated with the sound of music and dancing.音乐和舞蹈的声音使得整个大厅似乎都在震颤。牛津高阶〔shake〕A trembling or quivering movement.颤抖:颤抖或震颤运动美国传统〔shake〕To cause to quiver, tremble, vibrate, or rock.使发抖,使颤抖:使震颤、颤抖、振动或摆动美国传统〔shiver〕Her beautiful voice sends shivers down your spine.她那甜美的声音令人震颤。牛津搭配〔shudder〕A convulsive shiver, as from fear or revulsion; a tremor.战栗:痉挛似的哆嗦,如因恐惧或感情突然变化引起的;震颤美国传统〔shudder〕The airplane shuddered in the turbulence.飞机在湍流中震颤美国传统〔surge〕The whole car shuddered with an almost frightening surge of power.油门猛然加大到几乎让人恐惧的程度,整个汽车剧烈震颤着。柯林斯高阶〔the DTs〕He got a bad case of the DTs.他患上了严重的震颤谵妄。剑桥高阶〔thrill〕A quivering or trembling caused by sudden excitement or emotion.震颤:因突然兴奋或激动而引起的战栗或颤动美国传统〔thrill〕His voice thrilled through the hall.他的声音震颤着响彻大厅。英汉大词典〔thrill〕Pathology A slight palpable vibration that often accompanies certain cardiac and circulatory abnormalities.【病理学】 震颤:常伴随某种心脏和循环异常的可触知的轻微振动美国传统〔tremolo〕A tremulous effect produced by rapid repetition of a single tone.震音:一种由急速的重复一上单音而形成的震颤效果美国传统〔tremor〕A tremulous sound; a quaver.震颤声;颤音美国传统〔tremulant〕Tremulous; trembling.震颤的;发抖的美国传统〔warble〕To be sounded in a trilling or quavering manner.用震颤的方式发音美国传统〔zing〕A brief high-pitched humming or buzzing sound, such as that made by a swiftly passing object or a taut vibrating string.尖啸声:一种短暂尖锐的嗡嗡声或滋滋声,例如高速运动的物体和拉紧的震颤的线发出的声音美国传统A black limousine purred up (= drove up making a quiet, continuous, slightly shaking sound) outside the hotel.一辆黑色的豪华轿车在旅馆外低低地震颤着开过。剑桥国际As the music grew quieter, a frisson of excitement ran through the crowd.当音乐变得更平静时,听众们的心灵都震颤起来。剑桥国际Delirium tremens is formal for DTS.震颤性谵妄剑桥国际Her old car made a variety of clunks and rattles when it was driven above a certain speed.开她的旧车超过一定的速度时,就会发出各种各样的金属撞击声和震颤声。剑桥国际The plane was shuddering and lurching in the most terrifying manner. 飞机在震颤摇晃,其样子极为怕人。译典通




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