

单词 震动
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Cepheid〕Any of a class of intrinsically variable stars with exceptionally regular periods of light pulsation.造父变星:一类具有极规律的光波震动期的内部可变的星美国传统〔SHAKE〕Ed was playing his music so loud that the whole house shook. 埃德把音乐开得非常响,整幢房子都在震动。朗文写作活用〔SHAKE〕Every time a train passed it made the whole house shake. 每次有火车开过,整幢房子都会震动。朗文写作活用〔SHAKE〕Everyone was alarmed when the elevator jolted to a halt. 电梯震动一下停了,大家都惊慌起来。朗文写作活用〔SHAKE〕Our house was so close to the railway that you could feel it shudder every time a train went by. 我们家离铁路很近,每当有火车驶过,就能感觉到房子在震动。朗文写作活用〔SHAKE〕Something was obviously wrong with the car and eventually it just juddered to a halt. 汽车显然出了什么毛病,最后它震动了几下就停了下来。朗文写作活用〔SHAKE〕The huge explosion shook houses up to five miles away. 巨大的爆炸使五英里以外的房子都震动了。朗文写作活用〔SHAKE〕With a final judder, the car stopped altogether. 汽车最后震动了一下就完全停了下来。朗文写作活用〔SHOOT〕The earth shook with the sound of heavy gunfire. 大地也被猛烈的炮火声震动了。朗文写作活用〔absorb〕This tennis racket absorbs shock on impact.这款网球拍能减轻撞击所产生的剧烈震动。牛津高阶〔antiknock〕A substance, such as tetraethyl lead, added to gasoline to reduce engine knock.抗震剂:一种加在汽油中可以减轻发动机震动的物质,如甲乙基铅美国传统〔assume〕He assumed indifference, although the news affected him deeply.他佯装淡定, 尽管这个消息实际上已令他深受震动。外研社新世纪〔badly〕I was affected badly, not by the abortion itself, but by the reactions of my family.我受到了极大震动, 并不是由于堕胎本身, 而是由于我家人的反应。外研社新世纪〔blast〕A huge bomb blast rocked Jakarta last night.昨晚一次剧烈的炸弹爆炸震动了雅加达。牛津搭配〔blast〕All the windows were blasted inwards with the force of the explosion.爆炸的震动力把所有窗户都震碎到屋里。牛津高阶〔cause〕The vibration during operation often caused the nuts to loosen.机器运转时的震动常使螺母变得松动。21世纪英汉〔damper〕A device in various keyboard instruments for deadening the vibrations of the strings.制音器:在各种键盘乐器中,一种用来消除琴键震动的装置美国传统〔damper〕A device that eliminates or progressively diminishes vibrations or oscillations, as of a magnetic needle.阻尼器,避震器:用来消除或逐渐消除震动或摆动的设备,如磁针的美国传统〔deadbeat〕Having an indicator that stops without oscillation.指针不摆的:停止时没有震动的指示器的美国传统〔disclosure〕The newspaper's disclosures shocked the public.报纸揭发的事实震动了公众。英汉大词典〔displace〕The earthquake displaced many buildings.地震震动了许多建筑物。21世纪英汉〔displace〕Vibration displaced part of the mechanism.部分机械装置因受震动而移位了。牛津同义词〔earthquake〕The earthquake shook buildings throughout the business district.地震使得整个商业区的大楼都震动。牛津搭配〔fender〕A cushioning device, such as a bundle of rope or a piece of timber, used on the side of a vessel or dock to absorb impact or friction.缓冲装置:一种减小震动或冲撞力的装置,如一捆绳子或一块木头,用在船或船坞的侧面以承受撞击或摩擦力美国传统〔floor〕You could feel the earth shake as the truck came closer.卡车开近时可感觉到地面在震动。牛津高阶〔foundation〕The earthquake shook the foundations of the house.地震动摇了那幢房子的地基。朗文当代〔free〕The bolts have worked themselves free because of the vibrations.插销由于震动都松开了。剑桥高阶〔galvanic〕The effect of his appointment was galvanic upon the nation.他的被任命震动了全国。英汉大词典〔groundswell〕A broad, deep undulation of the ocean, often caused by a distant storm or an earthquake.暴涌:海洋中通常由远方飓风或地震引起的范围广而深的震动美国传统〔incidence〕The incidence of murder that Sunday afternoon shocked the sleepy village.那个星期天下午发生的凶杀案,震动了这个一向沉寂的村庄。英汉大词典〔irksome〕The vibration can become irksome after a while.震动持续一会儿后会变得令人厌烦。剑桥高阶〔jar〕His heavy footsteps jarred the floor.他沉重的脚步震动了地板。文馨英汉〔jar〕With every jar of the carriage, the children shrieked with excitement.车厢每剧烈震动一下,孩子们就兴奋地尖叫。剑桥高阶〔jig〕An apparatus for cleaning or separating crushed ore by agitation in water.筛矿器,选矿机:靠水的震动来清洗或分离碎矿石的设备美国传统〔jig〕To separate or clean (ore) by shaking a jig.淘汰选矿,筛选:用震动筛矿器分离或清洗(矿石)美国传统〔jolt〕One tiny jolt could worsen her injuries.一点点震动就可能使她伤势恶化。外研社新世纪〔jolt〕The aim of the detention centre is to give kids a jolt.感化中心的目的就是让孩子们受到震动。外研社新世纪〔jolt〕They were working frantically in the fear that an aftershock would jolt the house again.他们拼命地干着,担心余震可能会使房子再次受到震动。柯林斯高阶〔jounce〕A rough, jolting movement; a jolt.猛烈的震动;颠簸,摇动美国传统〔judder〕The car gave a judder and came to a halt.车剧烈震动了一下,然后停了下来。韦氏高阶〔landscape〕Recent electoral shocks have shaken the European political landscape.最近的选举风波震动了欧洲的政治舞台。朗文当代〔light〕The whole house shook, and the lights went out.整个房子震动了起来,灯也跟著熄灭。文馨英汉〔microseism〕A faint earth tremor caused by natural phenomena, such as winds and strong ocean waves.微震,脉动:由自然现象,如风或强海波引起的轻微地球震动美国传统〔moonquake〕A quake or series of vibrations on the moon similar to an earthquake but usually of very low magnitude.月震:发生于月球上的类似于地震的震动或一系列的振动,剧烈程度通常不高美国传统〔observance〕A series of explosions rocked the holy city, Karbala, today, amid solemn religious observances.今天, 一系列的爆炸震动了正在举行肃穆宗教仪式的圣城卡尔巴拉。外研社新世纪〔once〕All at once a terrific crash of thunder shook the whole house.突然一声可怕的霹雳使整个房子都震动了。麦克米伦高阶〔pant〕To beat loudly or heavily; throb or pulsate.跳动:大声地或沉重地跳动;搏动或震动美国传统〔paralyse〕The shock paralysed him.他受了震动,瘫痪了。牛津同义词〔percussion〕The sound, vibration, or shock caused by the striking together of two bodies.震动:由于两物体的撞击造成的声音、颤动或震惊美国传统〔pulse〕The music's throbbing pulse was giving me a headache.音乐震动的节拍令我感到头痛。外研社新世纪〔quake〕An instance of quaking.震动:震动的情况美国传统〔quake〕The ground quaked as the bomb exploded.炸弹爆炸时,地面都震动了。牛津高阶〔radius〕The shock of the explosion was felt over a radius of forty miles.爆炸引起的剧烈震动在方圆 40 英里内都能感觉得到。朗文当代〔raspberry〕Slang A derisive or contemptuous sound made by vibrating the extended tongue and the lips while exhaling.【俚语】 呸声;呵斥:震动突出的舌头和嘴唇,同时呵气发出表示责怪或轻蔑的声音美国传统〔rock〕His address rocked the audience.他的讲话震动了听众。英汉大词典〔rock〕One of the engines of the plane had started to rock out.飞机的一个发动机因受剧烈震动而已开始熄火。英汉大词典〔rock〕The building was rocked by an explosion.这座建筑因爆炸而剧烈震动。韦氏高阶〔rock〕The hall rocked with laughter.大厅由于哄笑而震动。文馨英汉〔seismic〕Of, subject to, or caused by an earthquake or earth vibration.地震的:地震或地球震动的、倾向于之的或由之引起的美国传统〔shake〕The prop shaft vibrated like mad and shook the exhaust mounting loose.支撑杆疯狂地震动,将排气管都震松了。柯林斯高阶〔shake〕The room shakes as he walks.他一走动房间就震动。英汉大词典〔shimmy〕Abnormal vibration or wobbling, as of the wheels of an automobile.异常摆动:不正常的震动或晃动,如汽车轮胎晃动美国传统〔shock absorber〕A device used to absorb mechanical shocks, as a hydraulic or pneumatic piston used to dampen the jarring sustained in a moving motor vehicle.减震器:一种用于承受机械震荡的装置,比如用来降低机动车辆内部的震动的水力或气压活塞美国传统〔shock〕The shock of the explosion blew down many trees.爆炸的震动吹倒了很多树。文馨英汉〔shudder〕I heard a massive explosion and the ground shuddered beneath me.我听到一声巨大的爆炸声,脚下的地面随之剧烈震动。剑桥高阶〔stir〕They wanted to avoid anything that would cause a stir.他们想避免任何会引起震动的事情。外研社新世纪〔succussion〕The act or process of shaking violently, especially as a method of diagnosis to detect the presence of fluid and air in a body cavity.震动,猛摇:猛烈地摇晃的行为或过程,尤指作为一种诊断方式以确定体腔内是否有液体和气体美国传统〔through〕I am sure I can feel a vibration through the soles of my feet.我敢肯定我能感到脚底下有震动。柯林斯高阶〔thunderstruck〕Affected with sudden astonishment or amazement.大吃一惊的,吓坏了的:被突然的吃惊或诧异所震动的美国传统〔tone color〕The timbre of a singing voice or an instrument.音色:唱歌的嗓音或乐器震动发音时的音质美国传统〔tremble〕He felt the tremble and hum of the house.他感觉到房屋在震动,并且格格作响。英汉大词典〔tremble〕The whole world trembled on the brink of war.濒临战争边缘,举世为之震动。英汉大词典〔tremulous〕Marked by trembling, quivering, or shaking.颤抖:以颤抖、震动或抖动为特征的美国传统〔unsettle〕A lusty shock unsettled a rock up the mountain.强烈的震动使山上的一块石头摇摇欲坠。英汉大词典〔vibrate〕Every time a train went past the walls vibrated.每当火车驶过,这些墙都会震动。牛津高阶〔vibrate〕The foundation of the city began to rumble and vibrate.全城的地底都隆隆作响, 震动起来。外研社新世纪〔vibrate〕The machine vibrated as the engine turned faster.发动机转得快,机器就震动了。牛津同义词〔vibrate〕When you blow into the instrument, the air vibrates the reed.你朝乐器里吹气时,气流会带动簧舌震动。韦氏高阶〔vibratile〕Capable of or adapted to vibratory motion.能够或适于震动的美国传统〔vibration〕Aircraft manufacturers want to reduce vibration for the sake of safety.飞机制造商出于安全的考虑而想要减轻震动。剑桥高阶〔vibration〕The microscope must be free from vibration.显微镜一定要避免震动。朗文当代〔vibratory〕Causing vibration.引起震动的美国传统〔void〕The ground began to shake and a sudden void opened under his feet.大地震动起来,他的脚下突然裂开了一条缝。英汉大词典〔water hammer〕A banging noise in steam pipes, caused by steam bubbles entering a cold pipe partially filled with water.水锤声:蒸汽泡进入部分充水的冷管而在蒸汽管中产生的震动声美国传统〔work〕Vibration tends to make nuts and screws work themselves loose.震动会使螺母和螺丝自动松开。剑桥高阶〔world-shaking〕Of great significance or consequence.震动世界的:有非常重要意义或结果的美国传统During the previous famine western charities were galvanized by TV pictures of starving people.在上次饥荒期间,西方慈善机构看了电视里饥饿人们的画面后大为震动。剑桥国际Every time one of these big trucks goes through the village, all the houses shake.每当这些大卡车经过村庄时,所有的房子都会震动。剑桥国际His heavy steps shook the room. 他沉重的脚步使房间都为之震动。译典通I felt the house shake. 我感觉房子震动。译典通Rubber insulation is used to deaden the vibrations of the motor.橡胶绝缘体被用来减少马达的震动。剑桥国际The advertisements were designed to shock--that was the whole point of the campaign.这些广告是特意要使人们震动的----这就是这次活动的全部意义。剑桥国际The camcorder detects tiny movements caused by unsteady hands and uses an earlier image to smooth out the picture.可携式摄像放像机能察觉到由手的抖动而引起的微小震动,并能用早先的图像来稳定画面。剑桥国际The pulsating drumbeats penetrated the silence of the forest.震动的鼓声打破了森林的寂静。剑桥国际The sordidness of the blackmail attempt shocked many members of the public.这种企图勒索的卑鄙行为震动了社会大众。剑桥国际The tremor was centered just south of San Francisco and it was felt as far as 200 miles away.这次小震动的中心就在旧金山南部,200英里远的地方都能感受到。剑桥国际The whole station seemed to vibrate as the express train rushed through.快车飞驰而过时,整个车站都好像震动了起来。剑桥国际There are fears that the slight jolts which Los Angeles has been experiencing recently may set off a full-scale earthquake.人们害怕最近洛杉矶经历的几次轻微震动将引出一次大规模的地震。剑桥国际Using small electrical shocks applied to her feet, they were able to monitor sensory nerves.用小的电震动作用于她的脚上,他们便能监测感觉神经。剑桥国际Vibrations were felt hundreds of miles from the centre of the earthquake.地震中心几百英里以外都感觉得到震动。剑桥国际




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