

单词 风筝
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Kitemark〕The kitchen units carry the prestigious BSI Kitemark.厨房用具上印有享有声望的英国标准协会的风筝标识。外研社新世纪〔UP〕If you want to make the kite go up, pull the string hard, then release it slowly. 放风筝要用力拉线,然后慢慢松手。朗文写作活用〔UP〕The kite went higher and higher into the sky. 风筝在空中越升越高。朗文写作活用〔box kite〕A tailless kite formed from or as if from two or more open-ended boxes connected at the corners by shafts spanning an interval of open space.箱形风筝:一种无尾风筝,由两个或两个以上在角上用横跨一定距离的杆子连结的开口箱子组成美国传统〔bridle〕The kite-cord is attached to the bridle.风筝线系在风筝的笼头绳上。英汉大词典〔can〕The children were told they could not fly a kite near a telegraph pole.孩子们被告诫不得在电线杆附近放风筝。英汉大词典〔catch〕The kite caught in the trees.风筝被树挂住了。21世纪英汉〔construct〕As the flimsy constructs soared, the men paid out twine until the kites reached three or four thousand feet.随着风筝轻薄的身架向上飞升, 人们不断地放线, 直到风筝一直飞到三四千英尺高。外研社新世纪〔construct〕As the flimsy constructs soared, the men paid out twine until the kites reached three or four thousand feet.随着这轻薄的东西向上飞升,这些人慢慢放出细绳,直到风筝飞到三四千英尺高。柯林斯高阶〔disentangle〕I managed to disentangle the kite, which had become caught in the branches of a tree.我设法取下了缠在树杈上的风筝。外研社新世纪〔divine〕Kites have been used to spy on enemies and divine the weather.风筝被用来侦察敌情和探测天气。英汉大词典〔earth〕They watched the kite fall back to earth.他们望着风筝落到了地上。朗文当代〔entangle〕The kite got entangled in the tree.风筝缠在了树上。韦氏高阶〔experiment〕We have experimented with various different designs of kite.我们用各种设计不同的风筝做过实验。牛津搭配〔flew〕He tried to fly his kite.他试图放飞他的风筝。21世纪英汉〔fly〕Children were flying kites in the park.孩子们在公园里放风筝。韦氏高阶〔fly〕In the park people were walking their dogs or flying their kites.公园里,人们或在遛狗,或在放风筝。朗文当代〔fly〕The children are flying their kites.那些孩子在放风筝。文馨英汉〔fly〕There isn't really enough wind to fly a kite today.今天风确实不大,放不起风筝。剑桥高阶〔ground〕The kite grounded because the wind stopped.由于风停了,风筝摔落在地。21世纪英汉〔hang glider〕A device resembling a kite from which a harnessed rider hangs while gliding from a height.悬挂式滑翔机:一种象风筝似的装置,当飞机在某个高度滑翔时,飞行员固定在上面美国传统〔illustration〕The kite is assembled as shown in the illustration.风筝的组装方法如插图所示。牛津搭配〔kite〕A light framework covered with cloth, plastic, or paper, designed to be flown in the wind at the end of a long string.风筝:用布、塑料或纸覆盖的轻质构架,系在长绳的尾端,为能在风中飘扬而设计美国传统〔kite〕The children were flying kites.孩子们在放风筝。韦氏高阶〔kite〕To fly like a kite; soar or glide.如风筝般飘动:像风筝那样飘动;翱翔或滑翔美国传统〔lift〕A kite depends on the wind to act as its lift.风筝靠风作升力。英汉大词典〔lodge〕His kite lodged on the roof.他的风筝停落在屋顶上。英汉大词典〔paddle boarding〕You can try scuba diving, paddle boarding, body surfing or kite surfing.你可以尝试水肺潜水、浆板、冲浪和风筝冲浪。剑桥高阶〔procedure〕The first step in the procedure for making a kite is to build the frame.制作风筝第一步是先做骨架。英汉大词典〔refinement〕The kite was star-shaped and lacked the refinement of current designs.这只风筝是星形的,缺乏时尚的精妙设计。牛津搭配〔rewind〕I helped him rewind the kite string.我帮他把风筝线往回缠。外研社新世纪〔sky〕There was a kite high up in the sky.高空中有只风筝。牛津搭配〔small〕The kite grew smaller and smaller and finally disappeared altogether.风筝变得越来越小,最后完全看不见了。牛津搭配〔span〕The kite has a span of 1.5 metres.风筝宽 1.5 米。牛津高阶〔strain〕Once a kite is airborne, it strains on the rope.风筝一旦上天就会拉紧绳子。英汉大词典〔tail〕The child tailed his kite.小孩儿给自己的风筝装了尾巴。21世纪英汉〔tear〕The kite tore in the strong wind.那风筝在强风中破裂了。文馨英汉〔twirl〕The kite twisted and twirled in the wind.风筝在风中盘绕旋转。韦氏高阶〔waver〕The kite wavered in the wind.风筝在风中摇曳。韦氏高阶〔whoosh〕Kites whooshed above the beach at intervals.风筝在沙滩上空时隐时现。柯林斯高阶〔wind〕There isn't enough wind to fly a kite.风不够大,风筝飞不起来。剑桥高阶A group of us went hang-gliding, but a couple of people chickened out of (doing) it at the last minute.我们一群人去玩风筝式滑翔运动,可有几个人在最后一刻因害怕没有参加。剑桥国际Matthew retrieved his kite from the tree.马修从树上取回他的风筝。剑桥国际On windy days the kids fly their kites in the park.有风的日子里,孩子们在公园里放风筝。剑桥国际Our boys are flying kites. 我们的孩子们在放风筝。译典通She had never learned to fly a kite. 她一直没有学会放风筝。译典通The first step in the procedure for making a kite is to build the frame. 制作风筝的第一步是做骨架。译典通The kite caught in the electric wires. 风筝钩在电线上了。译典通The kites were afoul in the wind. 风筝在风中纠缠一起。译典通The traditional shape for a kite is flat with four straight sides, the lower two sides longer than the top two sides.传统的风筝的形状是个有四条直边的平面,下面的两条边比上面的两条长。剑桥国际There isn't enough wind to fly a kite.风不够大,放不了风筝。剑桥国际There isn't really enough wind to fly a kite today.今天的风不够大,没法放风筝。剑桥国际




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