

单词 风气
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GOVERNMENT〕During his 28 years in Parliament, the 59-year-old Chuan has been untainted by corruption. 在议会供职的28年里,59岁的川没有沾上一点腐败风气。朗文写作活用〔LOT〕Alcohol abuse has reached epidemic proportions in this country. 在这个国家,酗酒已成为一种风气。朗文写作活用〔aside〕The city, aside from being an industrial centre, enjoys a high moral record.这城市不但是个工业中心,道德风气也一向很好。英汉大词典〔bellwether〕Paris remains the bellwether of fashion industry.在时装行业,巴黎依然保持着开风气之先的地位。英汉大词典〔genius loci〕The distinctive atmosphere or pervading spirit of a place.气氛,风气:独特的氛围或一个地方流行的风气美国传统〔passing〕He does not believe environmental concern is a passing fad.他不相信对环境的关注只是一时的风气。外研社新世纪〔pilot balloon〕A small balloon used to determine wind velocity.测风气球:用来测定风速的小气球美国传统〔premium〕Their refusal to remove the public-house will put a premium on drinking in the district.他们拒绝搬迁酒店,将助长本地区的酗酒风气。英汉大词典〔promote〕In many ways, our society actively promotes alcoholism.我们的社会从多个方面助长了酗酒的风气。柯林斯高阶〔stay〕It looks like televised trials are here to stay.看来电视直播审判成了一种风气。牛津高阶〔teenybopper〕A teenager who follows the latest fad or craze, as in dress or music.少女流行音乐迷:追逐最新时尚或风气的少女,如时装或流行音乐美国传统〔time〕He was ahead of his time in employing women.他雇用女性员工, 开风气之先。外研社新世纪〔trend〕You seem to have set(= started)a new trend.看来你们是开了一个新风气。牛津高阶〔tumble〕Morale at the plant tumbled.那工厂的风气急剧衰败。英汉大词典〔voguish〕The voguish style of address now is simply by name.现在招呼人时直呼其名已蔚为风气。英汉大词典〔williwaw〕A violent gust of cold wind blowing seaward from a mountainous coast, especially in the Straits of Magellan.威利瓦飑:尤指见于麦哲伦海峡的一种从山区海岸吹向海域的强、冷风气流美国传统Among the kids in my class, it's de rigueur to be interested in computer games.在我班的孩子们当中,对电脑游戏感兴趣是风气所迫。剑桥国际He doesn't live in a very salubrious part of town.他住的是镇上风气不太好的地段。剑桥国际In these locomotive days tourism has become the mainstay of the country. 在当今旅行风气很盛的时代,旅游业成了这个国家的主要收益。译典通It will put a premium on drinking in the district. 这将助长地区内的酗酒风气。译典通Most of the attacks took place in the city's less salubrious suburbs.大多数的袭击案件都是发生在风气不那么好的市郊。剑桥国际The fashion for wearing baseball hats was imported directly from the States.带棒球帽的风气是直接从美国传进来的。剑桥国际




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