

单词 音量
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔LOUD〕how loud something is 音量朗文写作活用〔blast〕a radio going full blast 开足音量的收音机英汉大词典〔blast〕turned the radio up full blast; played the stereo at full blast. 把收音机拧到最大音量;把立体音响开到最大音量美国传统〔controller〕a volume controller 音量调节器韦氏高阶〔control〕the volume control of a CD player 激光唱片机的音量调节器牛津高阶〔control〕the volume control on a television 电视机上的音量调节按钮韦氏高阶〔control〕the volume control on the radio 收音机上的音量控制旋钮朗文当代〔crank sth up〕crank up the volume/pressure 调高音量/增加压力剑桥高阶〔creep〕creep in music 逐渐增加音乐的音量英汉大词典〔full〕a car stereo playing Wagner at full blast 以最大音量播放瓦格纳作品的汽车音响朗文当代〔high〕music being played at high volume 以大音量播放着的音乐麦克米伦高阶〔knob〕the volume control knob 音量控制旋钮牛津高阶〔knob〕the volume knob. 音量旋钮柯林斯高阶〔knob〕the volume knob音量旋钮外研社新世纪〔loudness〕the right speed, loudness and rhythm正确的速度、音量和节奏外研社新世纪〔lower〕to lower the volume.减弱音量。牛津同义词〔noise〕to reduce noise levels 减少噪音量牛津高阶〔radio〕turn up the radio higher 调高收音机的音量 英汉大词典〔raise〕raise the volume of a radio 增大收音机音量 英汉大词典〔raise〕to raise the volume on a radio.把无线电的音量加高。牛津同义词〔shade〕turn the radio down a shade 把收音机的音量稍微调低一些英汉大词典〔tone〕the volume and tone controls on a car stereo 汽车立体声系统音量和音质的控制装置牛津高阶〔tone〕to tone down the noise.把音量降低。牛津同义词〔treble〕to turn up the treble on the stereo 把立体声唱机的高音音量调大牛津高阶〔turn〕turn down the radio 把收音机音量调低一些 英汉大词典〔turn〕turn up the public-address system. 调高播音系统的音量美国传统〔volume〕playing music at full/top/high/low volume 以最大/最高/较高/较低音量播放音乐韦氏高阶〔volume〕the volume control on the television 电视机上的音量控制键牛津搭配〔volume〕the volume on the stereo 立体声音响的音量牛津搭配〔volume〕to turn the volume up/down 把音量调大╱小牛津高阶〔volume〕turn the radio and television up to full volume 把收音机和电视机开到最大的音量英汉大词典〔volume〕turn the volume down (louder) 把音量开小(大) 英汉大词典




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