

单词 逼进
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ATTACK〕The enemy had started a vicious counter-attack, forcing the French into the woods. 敌人开始疯狂反攻,把法军逼进了丛林。朗文写作活用〔CATCH〕Douglas was cornered by the killers in the back bedroom of a seventh-floor apartment. 道格拉斯被杀手逼进了七楼公寓后面的卧室,无法再逃了。朗文写作活用〔CATCH〕The boys cornered him on a subway platform and began beating him. 那群男孩子将他逼进地铁站台,开始打他。朗文写作活用〔edge down upon〕Our car is edging down upon theirs.我们的汽车正节节逼进他们的车。21世纪英汉〔force〕They forced David into a small room.他们把戴维逼进一个小房间。外研社新世纪〔pocket〕He was afraid they had him in a pocket.他怕他们已把他逼进了死胡同。英汉大词典〔pummel〕He trapped Conn in a corner and pummeled him ferociously for thirty seconds.他将康恩逼进一个角落, 暴打了他半分钟。外研社新世纪〔pummel〕He trapped Conn in a corner and pummeled him ferociously for thirty seconds.他将康恩逼进一个角落,用拳头暴打了他半分钟。柯林斯高阶〔screw〕Every rebel raid is another turn of the screw, increasing the pressure on the President.每次叛乱分子发动袭击就是又往前逼进了一步,使得总统的压力越来越大。柯林斯高阶〔screw〕Every rebel raid is another turn of the screw.叛军每次发动袭击就是又向前逼进一步。外研社新世纪Once the police had cornered her at the end of an alley she gave herself up without a fight.警察一把她逼进巷尾,她未作反抗就束手就擒了。剑桥国际We are moving in on the enemy-held village. 我们正向敌人占领的村庄逼进。译典通




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