

单词 逻辑电路
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AND NOT gate〕A logic circuit that acts as the logical operator AND NOT. A signal is transmitted only if A is true and B is not.与非门:逻辑命令为“与非”的逻辑电路。只有A成立而B不成立时信号才能发出美国传统〔AND gate〕A logic circuit with two or more input wires that emits a signal only if all input wires receive coincident signals.与门:有两条以上输入线的逻辑电路,只有所有输入线同时收到信号时电路才能发出信号美国传统〔Boolean algebra〕An algebraic system with two binary operations and an identity element that is used in symbolic logic and in logic circuits in computer science.布尔代数:一种用同一元素和二进位演算的代数学体系,用于符号逻辑和计算机科学中的逻辑电路美国传统〔NAND gate〕A logic circuit that produces an output inverse to that of an AND gate.“与非”电路:一种逻辑电路,产生同与门相逆的输出美国传统〔NOR gate〕A logic circuit that produces an output inverse to that of an OR gate.或非门,反或门:一种逻辑电路,产生同“或”门相反的输出美国传统〔NOT gate〕A logic circuit that produces an output inverse to the input.非门:一种逻辑电路,产生同输入相反的输出美国传统〔OR gate〕A logic circuit that emits a signal if either or both of its input wires receive a signal.或门:一种当输入端的任一条线路接收到信号即可发射出信号的逻辑电路美国传统〔fan-in〕The number of inputs available to a given logic circuit.扇入,输入:可在逻辑电路得到的输入端数目美国传统〔logic circuit〕A computer switching circuit that performs problem-solving functions.逻辑电路:一种计算机转换电路,具有解决问题的功能美国传统〔logic〕Graphic representation of computer circuitry.逻辑电路:图示的计算机电路美国传统Logic devices enable computers to make millions of calculations every second.逻辑电路使电脑每秒能进行几百万次运算。剑桥国际




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