

单词 音部
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔air〕The soprano or treble part in a harmonized composition.女高音部,高音部:和声作品中的女高音部或高音部美国传统〔alto〕The range between soprano and tenor.中音部:女高音和男高音之间的音域美国传统〔baritone〕A part written for a voice with such a range.上低音部:为在这个音域内的声音谱写的部分美国传统〔basso〕A bass singer, especially an operatic bass.低音歌手:低音歌手,尤指演唱歌剧的低音部分美国传统〔bass〕A bassoon played the bass line.低音管演奏低音部。麦克米伦高阶〔bass〕A male singing voice of the lowest range.男低音部美国传统〔bass〕The lowest part in vocal or instrumental part music.低音部分:音调或乐器的部分音阶中最低的部分美国传统〔boogie-woogie〕A style of jazz piano characterized by a repeated rhythmic and melodic pattern in the bass and a series of improvised variations in the treble.布基伍基乐曲:用钢琴演奏的爵士乐的一种,其特点是低音部有重复的旋律和节奏而最高音部则有一系列即兴变奏曲美国传统〔build〕The last chords of the suite build to a crescendo.组曲的最后和音部分渐入高潮。柯林斯高阶〔burden〕The drone of a bagpipe.苏格兰风笛的低音部分美国传统〔counterpart〕The bass is the counterpart to the treble.低音部是高音部的对应声部。英汉大词典〔descant〕An elderly woman, arms crossed, sang the descant.一位双臂交叉的老妇人演唱了高音部。柯林斯高阶〔descant〕An ornamental melody or counterpoint sung or played above a theme.高音部长曲:歌唱或演奏中高于主旋律的装饰性曲调或对位音美国传统〔descant〕The highest part sung in part music.高音部:在唱分部乐曲时音调最高的部分美国传统〔descant〕To sing or play a descant.演唱(或演奏)高音部美国传统〔dieresis〕Poetry A break or pause in a line of verse that occurs when the end of a word and the end of a metric foot coincide.【诗歌】 英诗行中音步尾部和词的最后音节相符时的小休止:诗句行末的停顿或暂停,一般出现在词尾和韵律音部重合的情况美国传统〔figure〕Music To indicate the chordal structure of (a bass line of single notes) with a sequence of conventionalized numbers.【音乐】 用数字表示弦的结构:用习俗化数字的顺序表示(单音调的低音部)的弦的结构美国传统〔first〕Music The voice or instrument highest in pitch or carrying the principal part.【音乐】 高音部,主奏乐器:在音调上最高的声音或乐器,或演唱或演奏主要部分美国传统〔mezzo-soprano〕A vocal part calling for a voice having such a range.次高音部:要求用处于这一音域的嗓音演唱的声部美国传统〔outride〕An unstressed syllable or cluster of syllables within a given metrical unit that is omitted from the scansion pattern in sprung rhythm.一音部内的轻音节:跳韵中按轻重韵律念时被省略的一个既定音步里的非重读音节或音群美国传统〔part〕I'm usually a soprano, but I was told to sing the alto part for this song.我一般唱女高音,但却被告知唱这首歌的女中音部分。韦氏高阶〔part〕The music or score for a particular instrument, as in an orchestra.音部,声部:为某种乐器而配制的音乐或乐谱,如管弦乐队中的音乐美国传统〔part〕The soprano part is very difficult.高音部很难唱。外研社新世纪〔secondo〕The second part in a concert piece, especially the lower part in a piano duet.第二声部:在音乐会歌曲中的第二部,尤其是钢琴二重奏的低音部美国传统〔second〕Having a lower pitch.低音部的美国传统〔soprano〕She sings in a high soprano.她唱高音部。韦氏高阶〔tamboura〕An unfretted lute of India and Turkey, used as a harmonic drone.坦布拉琴:一种源于印度和土耳其的无回纹装饰的琵琶,用作和声的低音部美国传统〔treble〕The highest part, voice, instrument, or range.高音部:最高声部、最高声部乐器或最高音域美国传统That note is in the upper register of this instrument. 那个音在该乐器的高音部。译典通




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