

单词 音质
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DISADVANTAGE〕The band sounds great. The only downside is the quality of the recording. 乐队的演奏很出色,唯一的缺憾是录音质量。朗文写作活用〔EXPENSIVE〕Gibson guitars sound great, but they don't come cheap. 吉布森吉他音质很好,但是价钱不菲。朗文写作活用〔acute accent〕Sound quality or vowel length.音质,元音音长美国传统〔appreciate〕The sound quality was poor so we couldn't fully appreciate the music.音质太差了,我们根本无法好好欣赏音乐。牛津搭配〔bass〕A low-pitched sound or tone.低音:低沉音质的,深沉音调的美国传统〔bell〕A hollow metal instrument, usually cup-shaped with a flared opening, that emits a metallic tone when struck.钟:一种中空的金属乐器,通常呈杯状带喇叭式外张口,敲击时可发出金属的音质美国传统〔bong〕The resulting change in tone caused the BBC to stop broadcasting those bongs.随之导致的音质上的变化使英国广播公司不再播放那些嘡嘡的钟声。外研社新世纪〔chirp〕A short, high-pitched sound, such as that made by a small bird or an insect.啁啾声或唧唧声:如小鸟或昆虫所发出的声音的一种短促而高音质的声音美国传统〔chirp〕To make a short, high-pitched sound.发出短促而高音质的声音美国传统〔clarity〕The DVD has excellent clarity of sound.这张DVD的音质十分清晰。韦氏高阶〔clean up〕We were able to clean up the sound on the recording using special equipment.通过使用专门设备,我们改善了录音的音质。韦氏高阶〔clear〕It's a good recording; the sound is as clear as a bell (=very clear) .录音质量很高,声音非常清晰。朗文当代〔crack〕To change sharply in pitch or timbre, as from hoarseness or emotion. Used of the voice.嗓音发劈:由于声音嘶哑或情绪激动而造成的音高或音质的突变。用于指嗓音美国传统〔euphony〕Agreeable sound, especially in the phonetic quality of words.谐音,声音的和谐:谐音或悦耳的声音,尤指词的音质美国传统〔excellently〕The recording quality is excellent.录音质量非常好。柯林斯高阶〔exceptional〕The quality of the recording is quite exceptional.录音质量相当不错。牛津高阶〔faithless〕The disc has a heavy surface and the tone is faithless.那唱片表面粗厚,音质失真。英汉大词典〔formant〕Any of several frequency regions of relatively great intensity in a sound spectrum, which together determine the characteristic quality of a vowel sound.共振峰:声谱中有相应强度的几个共鸣带中的任何一个,他们共同决定着元音的音质美国传统〔go〕After a gruelling six months singing on a world tour, it is hardly surprising that her voice is starting to go.经过6个月紧张劳累的世界巡演,她的音质开始变差,这不足为奇。剑桥高阶〔harmolodic〕Relating to a style of modern improvisational music in which different, contrasting instruments are played in different keys or tempos.现代即兴创作音乐:有关一种不同或音质相反的乐器用不同的键或速度演奏的现代即兴创作的音乐风格的美国传统〔heldentenor〕A tenor voice with a striking dramatic or brilliant quality that is well suited for heroic roles, such as those in Wagnerian opera.英雄男高音:指拥有令人称道的极其优秀的音质的男高音,适于演唱如瓦格纳歌剧中的英雄角色美国传统〔home theater〕A system of sophisticated electronic equipment for the presentation of theater-quality images and sound in the home.家庭电影院:为复杂的电子仪器系统,用以在家中即能展现电影院所能展现的影音质量美国传统〔honky-tonk〕Music Of, relating to, or being a type of ragtime characteristically played on a tinny-sounding piano.【音乐】 拉格泰姆乐曲的:一种在音质不响亮的钢琴上弹奏的切分乐曲的,或与这种乐曲有关的美国传统〔justice〕Most TV sets don't have the sound quality to do justice to the music.大多数电视机的音质不好, 放不出音乐效果。外研社新世纪〔justice〕Most TV sets don't have the sound quality to do justice to the music.大多数电视机的音质不好,无法播出原来的音乐效果。柯林斯高阶〔mate〕The stereo sounds best when it is mated to/with high-quality speakers.立体声设备与高音质扬声器连接时,音效最好。韦氏高阶〔middling〕Sound quality is fair to middling.音质马马虎虎。外研社新世纪〔mix〕The movie's sound mix is excellent.该片的混音质量优秀。牛津搭配〔otherwise〕The poor sound quality ruined an otherwise beautiful film.本来是一部优秀的电影,可是却被这糟糕的音质给毁了。剑桥高阶〔phonic〕Of, relating to, or having the nature of sound, especially speech sounds.声音的,语音的:声音的,与之有关的,或具有音质的,尤指语音美国传统〔pitch〕Acoustics The distinctive quality of a sound, dependent primarily on the frequency of the sound waves produced by its source.【声学】 音质:声音的特性,主要依据从音源发出的声波的频率美国传统〔positive〕Music A division of some pipe organs, similar in sound to the great but smaller and less powerful.【音乐】 琴管:管风琴的一种,与大管风琴的音质相似,但比其小而且音量较其弱美国传统〔remaster〕To master again, especially to produce a new master recording of (an old recording) in order to improve the sound quality.重制:重新灌制,尤其是灌制(一张旧唱片)的新母版,以提高音质美国传统〔rival〕Cassette recorders cannot rival the sound quality of CDs.卡式磁带录音机的音质无法和CD相媲美。柯林斯高阶〔rival〕Cassette recorders cannot rival the sound quality of CDs.盒式磁带录音机的音质无法和CD相媲美。外研社新世纪〔sound〕The digital music player delivers phenomenal sound.这台数码音乐播放器音质非常棒。外研社新世纪〔stand alone〕For great sound quality, this system stands alone.这套组合音响的音质无与伦比。韦氏高阶〔superior〕The sound quality is superior to that on a regular CD.这音质比一般CD的音质要好。麦克米伦高阶〔synonymous〕The Delson name is synonymous with excellence in audio.德尔森这个名字是卓越音质的同义词。牛津搭配〔tamburitza〕A Serbo-Croatian stringed instrument similar to a mandolin in shape and sound.坦姆布里扎琴:形状和音质上都类似曼陀林的一种塞尔维亚-克罗地亚弦乐器美国传统〔tape〕Tape is expensive and loses sound quality every time it is copied.磁带成本高,而且每录制一次音质就会变差一些。柯林斯高阶〔tidy〕These headphones sound bang tidy!这耳机音质超棒!外研社新世纪〔timbre〕The quality of a sound that distinguishes it from other sounds of the same pitch and volume.音质:使声音与其它音高及音量相同的声音相区别的性质美国传统〔tonal〕Of or relating to tones, a tone, or tonality.音调的:声音、音质或音调的,与它们有关的美国传统〔tone color〕The timbre of a singing voice or an instrument.音色:唱歌的嗓音或乐器震动发音时的音质美国传统〔tone〕A sound of distinct pitch, quality, and duration; a note.音:具有清晰的声调、音质和音长的声音;一个音阶美国传统〔tone〕The characteristic quality or timbre of a particular instrument or voice.音色:某种乐器或嗓音有特色的品质或音质美国传统〔tone〕The quality or character of sound.音质:音的质量或特点美国传统〔trumpet〕Something shaped or sounding like this instrument.喇叭、号角:形状或音质类似小号的乐器美国传统〔utilization〕Sound engineers utilize a range of techniques to enhance the quality of the recordings.音响师运用一系列技术来提高录音质量。柯林斯高阶〔voicing〕Music Tonal quality of an instrument in an ensemble, especially a jazz ensemble, or of the ensemble as a whole.【音乐】 合声:合声,尤指爵士合声中的一个乐器的声音质量,或关于合声的整体美国传统Antistatic cloths improve the sound quality of records by making them attract less dust and fluff.抗静电布通过使唱片减少吸收灰尘和绒毛而改善音质。剑桥国际Her singing voice has a pure, crystalline quality.她的歌唱音质如水晶般纯净、清澈。剑桥国际I think the tone of that piano could be improved.我觉得那架钢琴的音质可以改善一下了。剑桥国际The poor sound quality ruined an otherwise splendid film.糟糕的音质毁了一部在其他方面都很优秀的影片。剑桥国际The quality of sound from a digital audio tape is truly excellent.从数字声频带传出的声音质量的确出色。剑桥国际The sound quality of compact discs is first-rate.激光唱片的音质是一流的。剑桥国际The sound quality you get from a CD is generally much higher than you'd get from a record.从激光唱片上得到的音质比从普通唱片上得到的好得多。剑桥国际




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