

单词 首要
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔big〕a big official; a big chief. 首要官员;重要首长美国传统〔causative〕the prime causative agent of AIDS艾滋病的首要致病因素外研社新世纪〔chief〕the chief facts.首要的事实。牛津同义词〔commitment〕the No.1 domestic commitment of the next Administration 下届政府对国内承担的首要义务英汉大词典〔doorway〕the first doorway to higher consciousness超越自我意识的首要途径外研社新世纪〔fundamental〕a question of fundamental importance 首要问题牛津高阶〔hierarchy〕put honesty first in her hierarchy of values. 把诚实放在她自己的价值等次的首要地位美国传统〔objective〕the main/primary/principal objective 主要╱首要╱主要目标牛津高阶〔overarching〕the book's overarching theme 这本书的首要主题韦氏高阶〔overriding〕an overriding issue 首要问题英汉大词典〔overriding〕the overriding factor/consideration/concern 首要因素╱考虑╱关注的事牛津高阶〔primacy〕the primacy of agriculture in the economy农业在经济中的首要地位外研社新世纪〔primary〕the primary purpose of our service我们服务的首要目的外研社新世纪〔profession〕the primary reason why nurses leave the profession 护士离开本行的首要原因牛津搭配〔task〕one of the first tasks in language learning 语言学习的首要任务之一牛津搭配〔upfront〕the upfront problem 突出的首要问题 英汉大词典front-of-mind awareness 首要意识牛津商务the country's leading retailer of men's clothing 这国家首要的男装零售商牛津商务the leading European aircraft manufacturer 首要的欧洲飞机制造商牛津商务




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