

单词 铜管乐器
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔brass〕a brass instrument 铜管乐器韦氏高阶〔brass〕a brass section 铜管乐器组英汉大词典〔brass〕a piece of music for woodwind and brass 适合木管乐器和铜管乐器演奏的乐曲麦克米伦高阶〔brass〕brass instruments 铜管乐器朗文当代〔brass〕music for piano, strings and brass 钢琴、弦乐器和铜管乐器的合奏乐曲牛津高阶〔brass〕the brass section of the orchestra 管弦乐队的铜管乐器组牛津搭配〔brass〕the strings and brass 弦乐器和铜管乐器英汉大词典〔double〕double the tenor in brass 用铜管乐器重复次中音部英汉大词典〔ensemble〕a brass/wind/string, etc. ensemble 铜管乐器、管乐器、弦乐器等合奏组牛津高阶〔instrument〕brass/stringed, etc. instruments 铜管乐器、弦乐器等牛津高阶〔section〕the brass section 铜管乐器组韦氏高阶〔section〕the brass section 铜管乐器组麦克米伦高阶〔section〕the brass section of a band 乐队中的铜管乐器组英汉大词典〔section〕the brass section of an orchestra 管弦乐队的铜管乐器组牛津高阶〔section〕the brass section铜管乐器组外研社新世纪〔sounding〕sounding brass 声音洪亮的铜管乐器英汉大词典




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