

单词 飞往
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔beyond〕fly to Houston and beyond it to South America 飞往休斯敦和该城以远的南美洲英汉大词典〔bound〕a Russian plane bound for Berlin一架飞往柏林的俄罗斯飞机外研社新世纪〔bound〕a plane bound for Somalia 飞往索马里的飞机朗文当代〔bound〕a plane bound from Taipei to New York 从台北飞往纽约的飞机文馨英汉〔daily〕daily flights to Miami 飞往迈阿密的每日航班朗文当代〔domestically〕over 100 domestic flights a day to 15 UK destinations. 每天超过100架次国内航班飞往英国境内15个目的地柯林斯高阶〔en route〕a flight en route from Tokyo to Sydney 从东京飞往悉尼途中的航班朗文当代〔en route〕a plane en route for Heathrow 在飞往希思罗机场途中的飞机牛津高阶〔feeder〕a feeder to British Airways's transatlantic destinations. 英国航空公司飞往大西洋彼岸的航班的支线航线柯林斯高阶〔flew〕a plane flying towards Hong Kong一架飞往香港的飞机21世纪英汉〔flight〕a flight bound for Antigua 飞往安提瓜的航班牛津搭配〔flight〕a flight from Sydney to Tokyo 从悉尼飞往东京的航班牛津搭配〔for〕a plane for Beijing 飞往北京的飞机英汉大词典〔goose〕geese flying south for the winter 飞往南方越冬的大雁牛津搭配〔hop〕hop to London for Christmas 飞往伦敦度圣诞节文馨英汉〔hop〕hop to London for Christmas 飞往伦敦过圣诞节英汉大词典〔international〕an international flight to Cape Town 飞往开普敦的国际航班麦克米伦高阶〔late〕a late movie on television; the late flight to Denver. 电视里在深夜播放的影片;深夜飞往丹佛的航班美国传统〔mission〕the possibility of a manned mission to Mars 进行飞往火星的载人太空飞行的可能性麦克米伦高阶〔outbound〕the outbound flight 飞往国外的航班朗文当代〔out〕an out flight 飞往外地的班机 英汉大词典〔overnight〕an overnight flight to Chicago 飞往芝加哥的夜间航班朗文当代〔shuttle〕the BA shuttle to Glasgow. 飞往格拉斯哥的英国航空公司的航班柯林斯高阶〔solo〕flew solo from Anchorage to Miami. 单独从安克雷奇飞往迈阿密美国传统〔south〕birds flying to the south for the winter 飞往南方过冬的鸟牛津高阶〔standby〕flew standby to New York. 在飞往纽约空中待命美国传统〔stateside〕fly stateside 飞往美国本土英汉大词典〔thence〕flew to Helsinki and thence to Moscow. 飞往赫尔辛基,从那里到莫斯科美国传统〔way〕flew to the Far East by way of the polar route. 经由极地航线飞往远东美国传统〔wing〕planes winging their way to exotic destinations 飞往异国目的地的飞机朗文当代a standby ticket to New York 飞往纽约的余票牛津商务




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