

单词 非常不利
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HARM〕The destruction of the ozone layer will have a very harmful effect on the environment. 臭氧层的破坏将对环境产生非常不利的影响。朗文写作活用〔depressed〕A depressed mother is terribly bad for the baby's welfare.母亲患有抑郁症对婴儿的成长非常不利。外研社新世纪〔destructive〕Lack of trust is very destructive in a relationship.恋爱时缺乏信任是非常不利的。剑桥高阶〔disadvantage〕The strength of the company puts competitors at a great disadvantage.那家公司的强大实力使竞争者们处于非常不利的地位。麦克米伦高阶〔disadvantage〕They are now working at a great disadvantage.他们现在正在非常不利的条件下工作。英汉大词典〔disclosure〕Any public disclosure of this information would be very damaging to the company.公开这条信息将对公司非常不利。剑桥高阶〔handicap〕Greater levels of stress may seriously handicap some students.更大的压力可能会对某些学生非常不利。外研社新世纪〔hazardous〕These conditions are very hazardous for shipping.这些情况对轮船运输非常不利。牛津搭配〔loaded〕The article was heavily loaded against Morrissey.文章对莫里西非常不利。柯林斯高阶〔merger〕If the proposed merger of the two oil companies goes through, it would be bad for the economy.如果这两家石油公司合并的计划通过,将对经济非常不利。韦氏高阶〔odds〕They secured a victory in the face of overwhelming odds.尽管情况非常不利,他们仍得到了胜利。牛津高阶〔overweighted〕The decision was overweighted in his favor [against them].那项决定对他非常有利[对他们非常不利]。文馨英汉〔place〕The high level of the pound is placing exporters at a serious disadvantage.英镑居高不下的汇率水平使出口商们处境非常不利。麦克米伦高阶〔sticky wicket〕It seemed to me that we were on rather a sticky wicket.在我看来, 我们似乎处于非常不利的境地。外研社新世纪〔tell〕This fact will tell strongly against the accused.这个事实对被告将非常不利。英汉大词典〔toll〕All this stress takes its toll.这样的压力会对人非常不利。外研社新世纪〔uncertainty〕Nothing is ever decided, and all the uncertainty is very bad for staff morale.什么都还没有决定,而这一切不确定因素都对员工士气非常不利。剑桥高阶〔unfavourable〕Current conditions are very unfavourable for new businesses.目前的条件对新兴企业非常不利。剑桥高阶〔unfavourable〕The whole international economic situation is very unfavourable for the countries in the south.整个国际经济形势对南方国家非常不利。柯林斯高阶〔unfavourable〕The whole international economic situation is very unfavourable for the countries in the south.整个国际经济形势对南部国家非常不利。外研社新世纪Nothing is ever decided, and all the uncertainty is very bad for staff morale.什么也没决定, 这一切不稳定对员工士气是非常不利的。剑桥国际The situation put us at a serious disadvantage. 形势使我们处于非常不利的地位。译典通




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