

单词 隐晦
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔covert〕the covert wording of the message 文电的隐晦措词英汉大词典〔cryptic〕a cryptic note at the end of the letter 信尾含意隐晦的一句话朗文当代〔elliptical〕an elliptical remark(= one that suggests more than is actually said) 隐晦的话牛津高阶〔elliptic〕make an allegation in an elliptic way 作隐晦的声明英汉大词典〔hidden〕a hidden meaning.隐晦的意思。牛津同义词〔impalpable〕an impalpable beauty/quality 难以领略的美/隐晦难辨的特质剑桥高阶〔impalpable〕impalpable distinctions 隐晦难辨的差异英汉大词典〔impenetrable〕these impenetrable poems. 这些隐晦难懂的诗柯林斯高阶〔obscurantist〕private problems presented in obscurantist techniques 用隐晦的技巧描述的隐私问题英汉大词典〔oracular〕oracular remarks 隐晦难懂的话英汉大词典〔shading〕the nuances and intricate shadings of diplomatic messages. 外交辞令的微妙、复杂、隐晦的含义柯林斯高阶〔shading〕the nuances and intricate shadings of diplomatic messages外交辞令的微妙、复杂、隐晦的含义外研社新世纪〔soft-core〕a soft-core porn magazine (film) 性描写比较隐晦的杂志(影片)英汉大词典〔soft-core〕soft-core pornography. 较隐晦的黄色描写美国传统〔spotlight〕throw a spotlight into the dark corners of the problem 使问题的隐晦方面突然变得明朗英汉大词典〔term〕spoke in rather vague terms; praised him in glowing terms. 用相当隐晦的词讲述;用炫丽的词语称赞他美国传统〔vagueness〕the vagueness of the language in the text. 文章语言隐晦柯林斯高阶




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