

单词 隐患
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BREAK〕The building's electrical wiring was worn and brittle, causing a fire hazard. 这幢大厦的电线破旧易断,是造成火灾的隐患。朗文写作活用〔SELL〕Christmas decorations were withdrawn from sale yesterday following a fire-risk warning. 昨天发出了火灾隐患警告之后,圣诞节装饰品都停止销售了。朗文写作活用〔accident〕A lot of the city's buildings are accidents waiting to happen.该城市中许多楼房都存在事故隐患。柯林斯高阶〔capitulate〕Lord Luce's capitulation to pressure from the Duke of Edinburgh has stored up huge problems for the future.卢斯勋爵迫于爱丁堡公爵的压力作了让步,为日后埋下了巨大隐患。柯林斯高阶〔condition〕The combination of rain and greasy surfaces made driving conditions treacherous.下雨再加上路面有油污使驾车行驶充满了隐患。朗文当代〔death trap〕Badly-built kit cars can be death traps.质量低劣的组装车可能会有安全隐患。柯林斯高阶〔deathtrap〕The cars blocking the exits could turn this place into a deathtrap.拥塞出口的汽车会给这个地方带来安全隐患。牛津高阶〔decrease〕The new system decreases the risk to public health.新系统会减少公共卫生的隐患。麦克米伦高阶〔disaster〕Any one of these nuclear plants may be a disaster waiting to happen.这些核电厂中的任何一个都可能会成为灾难隐患。牛津搭配〔eyesore〕Poverty leads to slums, which are an eyesore and a health hazard.贫困产生了贫民窟,那里不仅有碍观瞻,而且卫生隐患严重。柯林斯高阶〔eyesore〕Poverty leads to slums, which are an eyesore and a health hazard.贫困导致贫民窟的出现, 那里不仅有碍观瞻, 而且卫生隐患严重。外研社新世纪〔fire〕Foam-filled couches are a serious fire hazard.泡沫填料沙发是火灾的一大隐患。牛津搭配〔hazard〕Drinking alcohol is a real health hazard if carried to excess.饮酒倘若过量, 真的会是一个健康隐患。外研社新世纪〔hazard〕That pile of rubbish is a fire hazard (=something that is likely to cause a fire) .那堆垃圾是火灾隐患。朗文当代〔hazard〕Those piles of newspapers are a serious fire hazard.那一堆堆的报纸是严重的火灾隐患。牛津搭配〔identification〕The examination facilitates the early identification of any health problems.体检有助于尽早发现健康隐患。牛津搭配〔investigate〕The company has promised to investigate claims that its products are unsafe.公司承诺对其产品存在安全隐患的投诉进行调查。牛津搭配〔inward〕The dangers inward they foresaw would be from the noblemen.他们所预见的国内隐患可能来自贵族。英汉大词典〔joker〕An unforeseen but important difficulty, fact, or circumstance.隐患:没有预见到但是重要的困难、事实、或情况美国传统〔knock out〕A storm has made roads treacherous and knocked out power.一场暴风雨致使公路隐患重重, 还造成了电力瘫痪。外研社新世纪〔knock out〕A storm has made roads treacherous and knocked out power.一场暴风雨致使公路隐患重重且电力瘫痪。柯林斯高阶〔latent〕The house they bought had latent defects.他们买的房子存在隐患。韦氏高阶〔lay up trouble for yourself〕You're laying up trouble for yourself if you ignore health problems now.如果现在不重视健康,就会为将来留下隐患。剑桥高阶〔lurk〕Hidden dangers lurk in every family saloon car.每部家庭式双排座小轿车都存在隐患。柯林斯高阶〔minefield〕The kitchen is a minefield of potential hazards.厨房里充满了隐患。外研社新世纪〔minefield〕The kitchen is a minefield of potential hazards.厨房里充满了潜在的隐患。柯林斯高阶〔overzealous〕They were a little overzealous in eliminating risk.他们在清除风险隐患时过于积极了。剑桥高阶〔pitfall〕He also points out that forward planning can help avoid stressful pitfalls.他也指出,预先计划可有助于消除令人不安的隐患。柯林斯高阶〔pitfall〕He gave me advice on how to avoid the pitfalls of the legal process.他给了我关于如何避免诉讼过程中隐患的建议。朗文当代〔pose〕His ill health poses serious problems for the future.他的健康状况堪忧, 这为他将来的生活带来了严重的隐患。外研社新世纪〔pose〕His ill health poses serious problems for the future.他身体不好,对将来造成严重的隐患。柯林斯高阶〔recall〕The car was recalled for possible safety defects.因存在安全隐患,汽车被厂方召回。英汉大词典〔risk〕All these books and papers are a real fire risk.火灾隐患麦克米伦高阶〔risk〕Some of these restaurants are a clear health risk to diners.健康隐患麦克米伦高阶〔risk〕The restaurant has been refurbished – it was found to be a fire risk.这家餐馆已经重新整修了——之前发现存在火灾隐患。外研社新世纪〔risk〕The restaurant has been refurbished — it was found to be a fire risk.这家餐馆已经重新整修了——之前发现存在火灾隐患。柯林斯高阶〔risk〕The tyre dump is a major fire risk (=something that could cause a dangerous fire) .那堆废轮胎是一个很大的火灾隐患。朗文当代〔risk〕This wire is a safety/fire risk.这根电线是个安全/火灾隐患。剑桥高阶〔risk〕Those old boxes in the corridor are a fire risk.走廊里的旧箱子是火灾隐患。牛津搭配〔rock〕That is the rock you'll split on.那就是危险(或隐患)所在。英汉大词典〔safety〕Sharp objects in the house are a significant safety hazard for small children.安全隐患麦克米伦高阶〔security risk〕Any package left unattended will be deemed a security risk.任何无人看管的包裹都将被视为安全隐患。韦氏高阶〔surface〕Surface water made driving conditions hazardous.路面积水对行车安全构成隐患。牛津搭配〔threat〕Their financial problems are a threat to their marriage.他们的经济问题是他们婚姻的隐患。韦氏高阶〔time bomb〕This proposal is a political time bomb that could cost the government the next election.这项提议是一个政治隐患, 可能会使政府输掉下届大选。外研社新世纪〔treacherous〕Strong winds and loose rocks made climbing treacherous.大风和松动的岩石对登山构成了隐患。朗文当代〔treacherous〕The ice on the roads made driving conditions treacherous.路上的冰对驾车构成了隐患。牛津高阶〔unsafe〕The roof was declared unsafe.已宣布屋顶有安全隐患。牛津高阶Alcohol-abuse is a more insidious problem than drug-abuse because alcohol is almost universal.酗酒这一问题的隐患比吸毒更为严重,因为酒几乎是到处都有。剑桥国际In many offices, computer cables snaking across the floor pose a considerable safety hazard.在很多办公室里,计算机电缆弯曲地铺满了一地,造成了很大的安全隐患。剑桥国际Smoking is both a health hazard and a fire hazard.抽烟既是健康的敌人又是火灾隐患。剑桥国际This would not pose a safety hazard.这不会成为安全隐患。牛津商务Trouble had been brewing (= developing gradually) for several months, so we weren't surprised when she got the sack.隐患已经存在了好几个月,所以当她被解雇时我们并不感到奇怪。剑桥国际




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