

单词 隐含
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HIDE〕The lyrics of most of his songs have some hidden meaning. 他大部分歌曲的歌词都有一些隐含的意思。朗文写作活用〔afterthought〕The fact was hidden deep in the report, almost as an afterthought.事实就隐含在这份报告中,险些没发现。韦氏高阶〔all-inclusive〕Our trips are all-inclusive—there are no hidden costs.我们的旅行费用全包,没有任何隐含性费用。牛津高阶〔assumption〕Her plan is based on the underlying assumption that the economy will improve in the near future.她的规划是基于经济在近期将会好转这样一个隐含假定。韦氏高阶〔calumnious〕Containing or implying calumny; slanderous or defamatory.栽赃的:含有或隐含有明知故犯嫌疑的;诽谤或中伤的美国传统〔connotation〕The word ‘professional’ has connotations of skill and excellence.*professional 这个词隐含着技艺和专长的意思。牛津高阶〔connotation〕What are the connotations of the word “food”? “food” 这个词隐含什么意义?牛津同义词〔connote〕The adjectives used in the poem all connote death and destruction.诗中所用的形容词全都隐含着死亡和毁灭之意。麦克米伦高阶〔denotation〕The denotation of “home”is “place where one lives”, but it has many connotations. “home” 这个词的本义是“家”,但它还有多种隐含意义。英汉大词典〔denotation〕The word has one literal denotation but several different connotations.这个词有一个指称意义和好几个不同的隐含意义。韦氏高阶〔depth〕Her paintings reveal hidden depths.她的画作透露出隐含的洞察力。牛津搭配〔examine〕He fails to examine the implications of such a development.他没能考虑这样一种发展隐含的意义。牛津搭配〔grammar〕The system of rules implicit in a language, viewed as a mechanism for generating all sentences possible in that language.语法规则:隐含在一种语言中的规则体系,被看作在该语言中生成所有可能的语句的机制美国传统〔implication〕An implied meaning; implicit significance.隐含的意义;暗喻美国传统〔implicit〕Implicit in the poem's closing lines are the poet's own religious doubts.在这首诗最后几行中隐含着诗人自己的宗教疑虑。剑桥高阶〔implicit〕There is a sense of moral duty implicit in her writings.在她的作品中,隐含着一种道德责任感。韦氏高阶〔implicit〕This assumption is often implicit in the way a person addresses a woman.人们称呼女性的方式上常常隐含着这种假设。麦克米伦高阶〔imply〕The statement logically implies a certain conclusion.这一陈述在逻辑上隐含着一个特定的结论。牛津搭配〔inconsequential〕Seemingly inconsequential details can sometimes contain significant clues.貌似无足轻重的细节有时可能隐含着重大的线索。柯林斯高阶〔intentionalism〕The belief or assumption that the meanings of a text are determined mainly by the stated or implied intentions of the author.意向主义:相信或是假设文章的意义主要是由作者的某些叙述或是隐含的意图来决定的美国传统〔latent〕Advertisements attempt to project a latent meaning behind an overt message.广告的意图是以公开的信息传达隐含之意。柯林斯高阶〔latent〕Advertisements attempt to project a latent meaning behind an overt message.广告试图透过其广而告之的信息投射出隐含的意义。外研社新世纪〔manslaughter〕The unlawful killing of one human being by another without express or implied intent to do injury.过失杀人:一人对另一人的非法杀害,杀人者无明显的或隐含的伤害企图美国传统〔meaning〕His novels often have (a) hidden meaning.他的小说常有隐含意义。剑桥高阶〔no-knock〕I can't see the implications of a thing like “no-knock”.我看不出这种强行闯入搜捕之事隐含何种后果。英汉大词典〔quiet〕His voice was dangerously quiet as he asked the question.他问问题时话音平静,却隐含威胁。牛津搭配〔seriousness〕The joke did not obscure the underlying seriousness of his point.这个玩笑并没有掩盖他的观点隐含的严肃性。牛津搭配〔slur〕She decided to ignore the slur implied in the comment.她决定不理会评论中隐含的中伤。英汉大词典〔subtext〕The implicit meaning or theme of a literary text.潜台词,弦外之音:文学书本上隐含的意义或主题美国传统〔subtext〕The underlying personality of a dramatic character as implied or indicated by a script or text and interpreted by an actor in performance.独白:剧本或文本中隐含的而由一演员在表演时加以阐释的一戏剧人物的内在性格美国传统〔tendency〕An implicit point of view in written or spoken matter; a bias.倾向:在文章或言论中隐含的一种观点;偏见美国传统〔ultimatum〕A statement, especially in diplomatic negotiations, that expresses or implies the threat of serious penalties if the terms are not accepted.威胁:表明或意隐含着如果条件不被接受就以严厉的惩罚相威胁的声明,尤指在外交谈判中这样的声明美国传统〔underlying〕The underlying assumption is that the amount of money available is limited.隐含的假定是可用的资金有限。牛津高阶〔undertone〕An underlying or implied tendency or meaning; an undercurrent.含意;暗流;内在性质:隐含的或含蓄的倾向或意义;潜在势力美国传统〔wreathe〕Her utterances were wreathed in hidden significance interpreted according to what the listener wished to hear.她的话语充满了隐含意义, 可按照听者希望听到的来解读。外研社新世纪Behind his announcement lies an implied criticism of the way he has been treated.在他的宣布的背后隐含着他对自己所受到对待的含蓄批评。剑桥国际Implicit in the poem's closing lines are the poet's own religious doubts.在这首诗最后几行中隐含着诗人自己的宗教疑虑。剑桥国际On the surface it's a very funny novel but it does have a more serious underlying theme.表面上看,它是本很滑稽的小说,但它确有更为深沉的隐含主题。剑桥国际She always manages to cut through (=understand what is behind) the complex theory and get at the facts.她总能挖掘出那深奥理论中隐含的东西,发现事实真相。剑桥国际Sophisticated readers understood the book's hidden meaning.老练的读者理解了这本书隐含的意义。剑桥国际The interior meaning of the poem finally dawned on him. 他最终领悟了诗中隐含的深意。译典通The monthly fee is fixed and there are no hidden extras (= unexpected costs).月费是固定的,没有隐含的额外费用。牛津商务




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