

单词 长期失业
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔basket case〕The country is an economic basket case with chronic unemployment and rampant crime.这个国家长期失业严重、犯罪猖獗,经济几近瘫痪。柯林斯高阶〔design〕The programme is designed to help people who have been out of work for a long time.这项计划的目的是为长期失业者提供帮助。牛津高阶〔devastating〕Long-term unemployment can be devastating.长期失业对人的打击很大。朗文当代〔doom〕His crippled leg doomed him to long periods of unemployment.他的瘸腿注定他要长期失业。英汉大词典〔focus〕The focus has now shifted towards / toward the problem of long-term unemployment.现在焦点已转移到了长期失业的问题上。牛津搭配〔help〕They provide special help for the long-term unemployed.他们为长期失业者提供特别帮助。牛津搭配〔long-term〕A new training scheme to help the long-term unemployed is expected.一项旨在帮助长期失业者的新的培训计划有望出台。柯林斯高阶〔release〕Figures to be officially released this week reveal that long-term unemployment is still rising.本周要发布的官方数字表明,长期失业者人数还在增加。牛津搭配〔retrain〕One solution is to retrain the long-term unemployed.一个解决办法是对长期失业的人进行再培训。朗文当代〔rot〕Most governments simply leave the long-term jobless to rot on the dole.大多数政府就让那些长期失业的人领着救济金颓废度日。柯林斯高阶〔rot〕Most governments simply leave the long-term jobless to rot on the dole.许多政府丢下长期失业者不管, 就让他们靠着救济金得过且过。外研社新世纪〔underclass〕The long-term unemployed are becoming a new underclass.长期失业的人正形成新的贫困阶层。牛津高阶〔underclass〕The long-term unemployed now constitute a kind of underclass.如今长期失业人员形成了贫困阶层。剑桥高阶Being out of work for a long time is very demoralizing.长期失业是很令人丧气的。剑桥国际The long-term unemployed are trapped in a vicious circle--the longer somebody has been out of work, the harder it is to get a job.长期失业的人们陷入了恶性循环之中----没有工作的时间越长,越难找到工作。剑桥国际The long-term unemployed now constitute a sort of underclass.长期失业人员现在构成了一个底层阶级。剑桥国际




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