

单词 重者
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FAT〕The majority of overweight people who diet tend to gain the weight back within a few years. 大多数节食的超重者几年后会回复原状。朗文写作活用〔list〕Several passengers were listed in critical condition.有几名乘客被列入伤势危重者名单。朗文当代〔shrine〕A place at which devotion is paid to a venerated person.圣祠,神龛:可向一德高望重者觐献虔心的地方美国传统〔snatch〕Sports To raise (a weight) in one quick, uninterrupted motion from the floor to a position over the lifter's head.【体育运动】 举重:用一个快速连贯的动作(将重物)从地板一下子举过举重者的头顶美国传统〔squat〕Sports A lift or a weightlifting exercise in which one squats and stands while holding a weighted barbell supported by the back of the shoulders.【体育运动】 蹲举式举重:一种抬升或举重运动,举重者用肩膀的后部扛着杠铃蹲下和站起美国传统〔stout〕A garment size for a large or heavy figure.特大号:供身躯高大或过重者穿的衣服尺寸美国传统〔super〕A supernumerary.无足轻重者美国传统〔weight lifter〕One who lifts heavy weights for exercise or in an athletic competition.举重运动员,举重者:举起重物来锻炼身体或参加体育竞赛的人美国传统




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