

单词 重罪
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CRIME〕Johnson was preparing his defense against felony charges of armed robbery and assault. 约翰逊被控告持枪抢劫和暴力袭击的重罪,他正准备为自己辩护。朗文写作活用〔CRIME〕Leach was charged with sexual assault, which is a felony in Connecticut. 利奇被控性侵犯,这在康涅狄格州是重罪。朗文写作活用〔CRIME〕Oakdale Prison holds over 600 dangerous felons. 奥克代尔监狱关押了六百多名危险的重罪犯。朗文写作活用〔CRIME〕She denied that she had committed any kind of felony. 她否认犯下了任何重罪。朗文写作活用〔CRIME〕Stevens said his plan would keep guns out of felons’ hands. 史蒂文斯称他的计划将使重罪犯无法取得枪械。朗文写作活用〔CRIME〕The court also processes cases of children and youth who have committed misdemeanors or felonies. 该法院还审理儿童和青少年犯的轻微罪行或重罪案。朗文写作活用〔ILLEGAL〕The number of women convicted of serious offences is still relatively small. 被判犯有重罪的女性人数仍然相对较少。朗文写作活用〔aggravated〕He was convicted of aggravated assault.他被判犯有侵犯人身重罪。韦氏高阶〔answer for〕He must be made to answer for his terrible crimes.他必须为他的严重罪行付出代价。柯林斯高阶〔attainder〕In the ancient common law, the state into which an offender was placed when a sentence against him for a capital offense was handed down.被剥夺公民权及财产:在古代习惯法中,对重罪的宣判下来时犯罪者所陷入的状况美国传统〔bail〕For very serious crimes, it is hard to get bail.犯了重罪很难获得保释。牛津搭配〔commit〕He has committed a serious crime.他犯下了严重罪行。21世纪英汉〔constitute〕Such action constitutes a felony.这样的行为实际上等于犯了重罪。21世纪英汉〔constitute〕Such action constitutes a felony.这种行为构成重罪。英汉大词典〔courting danger/trouble〕They knew they were courting danger/trouble by accepting donations from a convicted felon.他们知道,接受一个被判了刑的重罪犯的捐赠是自找危险/麻烦。韦氏高阶〔denial〕The group is protesting the denial of voting rights to convicted felons.这个组织对剥夺重罪犯的选举权表示抗议。韦氏高阶〔disenfranchise〕Florida is one of seven states that disenfranchises ex-felons.佛罗里达州是剥夺有重罪前科者投票权的七个州之一。外研社新世纪〔felony〕Any of several crimes in early English law that were punishable by forfeiture of land or goods and by possible loss of life or a bodily part.重罪,大罪:英国早期法律规定的几种重罪,这些罪行可处以没收土地、财产甚至失去身体某一部分或死刑美国传统〔felony〕He pleaded guilty to six felonies.他承认犯有 6 项重罪。柯林斯高阶〔felony〕He pleaded guilty to six felonies.他承认犯有6项重罪。外研社新世纪〔felony〕He was charged with felony assault.他被指控犯有攻击重罪。牛津搭配〔felony〕He was convicted of a felony.他被判犯有重罪。剑桥高阶〔felony〕He was convicted of felony murder/theft.他被判了谋杀/盗窃重罪。韦氏高阶〔felony〕One of several grave crimes, such as murder, rape, or burglary, punishable by a more stringent sentence than that given for a misdemeanor.重罪,大罪:如谋杀、强奸或抢劫等该处以比轻罪更严厉的惩罚的严重罪行美国传统〔felon〕By law, convicted felons (=criminals who are sent to prison) may not own or use guns.按照法律,已判刑的重罪犯不能拥有或使用枪支。朗文当代〔felon〕He's a convicted felon.他是已被定罪的重罪犯。外研社新世纪〔felon〕Law One who has committed a felony.【法律】 重罪犯:犯了重罪的人美国传统〔gravity〕Those who grab power through violence deserve punishment which matches the gravity of their crime.那些通过暴力行径攫取权力的人应该受到与他们的严重罪行相应的惩罚。外研社新世纪〔hue and cry〕The pursuit of a felon announced with loud shouts to alert others who were then legally obliged to give chase.高声喊捉的追捕:高声叫喊地对重罪犯的追捕,以号召其他人依法参加追捕美国传统〔infamous〕Convicted of a crime, such as treason or felony, that carries such a punishment.罪行可招致公民权被褫夺的:被告犯有某种罪行,如叛国罪或重罪,而要以上述之刑罚惩罚的美国传统〔misdemeanor〕Law An offense less serious than a felony.【法律】 轻罪:比重罪要轻的违法行为美国传统〔misprision〕Neglect in preventing or reporting a felony or treason by one not an accessory.包庇罪行:非同犯对防止重罪或叛国罪的发生或对次类罪的报告的忽视美国传统〔mortal sin〕Adultery is a mortal sin.通奸是不可饶恕的重罪。外研社新世纪〔offence〕He committed several serious offences.他犯了好几项重罪。剑桥高阶〔penitentiary〕A prison for those convicted of major crimes.重罪监狱:一种为重大犯罪者所设的监狱美国传统〔pen〕A penitentiary; a prison.重罪监狱;监狱美国传统〔preventive detention〕The pretrial imprisonment without the right to bail of a person accused of a felony and judged dangerous to society.预防性拘留:对于被控有重罪并认定对社会有危害的人实行审前拘留,并不得保释美国传统〔progress〕The book traced his steady progress from petty theft to serious crime.这本书追踪了他从小偷小摸慢慢发展成重罪犯的过程。牛津搭配〔state prison〕A prison maintained by a state for the confinement of people convicted of felonies.国家监狱:一种由国家管理的监狱,用来关押重罪犯美国传统〔state〕It can be a felony to transport wine across state lines.运送葡萄酒跨越州界可能被判重罪。牛津搭配He was convicted of felony.他被判犯了重罪。剑桥国际Parliament should give the courts extra powers to deal stringently with those who commit these terrible offences.议会应给予法院特别权力以严厉打击那些犯重罪的歹徒。剑桥国际Possession of small amounts of cannabis is a misdemeanour, whereas large-scale dealing in heroin is a felony (= serious crime).私藏少量大麻是轻罪,而进行大宗海洛因交易是重罪。剑桥国际She pleaded guilty to both felonies.她承认了两桩重罪。剑桥国际Sloth is one of the seven deadly sins.怠惰是七重罪之一。剑桥国际




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