

单词 造成伤害
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔I couldn't/can't say〕It is hard to say what caused the injury.很难说造成伤害的原因是什么。韦氏高阶〔SHOW〕Research indicates that the drug can be harmful to pregnant women. 研究显示,这种药物可对孕妇造成伤害。朗文写作活用〔consequence〕The employer is liable for compensation payable in consequence of injury to one of its employees.由于对一名员工造成伤害,雇主有责任给予相应赔偿。牛津搭配〔crash-land〕To land (an aircraft or a spacecraft) under emergency conditions, usually with damage to the craft.紧急着陆:使(飞机或飞船)在紧急情况下着陆,常对飞行器造成伤害美国传统〔damage〕The allegations are likely to damage his political career.这些指控有可能对他的政治生涯造成伤害。牛津高阶〔deleterious〕Having a harmful effect; injurious.有害的;造成伤害的美国传统〔disarm〕To deprive of the means of attack or defense; render harmless.使无防备,使无害:解除进攻或防御的工具;未造成伤害而投降:美国传统〔enemy〕Cigarette smoke is the undoubted enemy of a clear fresh complexion.香烟的烟雾无疑会对娇嫩白皙的皮肤造成伤害。麦克米伦高阶〔evil eye〕A look or stare believed to cause injury or misfortune to others.恶毒的眼光:被相信会给他人造成伤害或不幸的一望或凝视美国传统〔evil eye〕The presumed power to cause injury or misfortune to others by magic or supernatural means.恶毒力:根据想象的魔法或超自然的方法给他人造成伤害或不幸的能力美国传统〔far out〕Fantasies cannot harm you, no matter how bizarre or far out they are.无论幻想多么怪诞、多么离谱,都不能造成伤害。柯林斯高阶〔far-out〕Fantasies cannot harm you, no matter how bizarre or far out they are.无论幻想多么怪诞、离谱, 都不会造成伤害。外研社新世纪〔fun〕Police suspected that the boys, whose fun and games hurt a lot of people, were on drugs.警方怀疑那些经常胡闹、给多人造成伤害的男孩子有吸毒行为。外研社新世纪〔gunplay〕A shooting of guns with intent to inflict harm.开火:开枪,试图对对方造成伤害美国传统〔harmlessly〕Another missile exploded harmlessly outside the town.另外一颗导弹在城外爆炸, 没有造成伤害。外研社新世纪〔harmlessly〕This experiment was harmless to the animals.这个试验不会对动物造成伤害。柯林斯高阶〔harmless〕Incapable of causing harm.不会造成伤害的美国传统〔harmless〕This experiment was harmless to the animals.这个实验不会对动物造成伤害。外研社新世纪〔harm〕No harm was done.没有造成伤害。韦氏高阶〔harm〕The abuse of your powers does harm to all other officers who do their job properly.滥用权力会对其他所有恪守职责的官员们造成伤害。柯林斯高阶〔harm〕The accident could have been much worse; luckily no harm was done.这次事故本来可能糟糕得多;所幸没有造成伤害。牛津高阶〔help〕Jerry and Lise know their romance inflicts hurt on others, but they can't help themselves.杰里和丽丝知道他们的恋情会对别人造成伤害,但他们情难自已。柯林斯高阶〔inhalation〕Accidental inhalation of the powder can be harmful.意外吸入这种粉末会造成伤害。外研社新世纪〔know〕Radon is known to be harmful to humans in large quantities.众所周知,大量的氡会对人体造成伤害。柯林斯高阶〔know〕Some drugs are known to cause damage to unborn children.人们已经知道,有些药物会对胎儿造成伤害。麦克米伦高阶〔maternal〕Maternal smoking can damage the unborn child.孕妇吸烟会对胎儿造成伤害。外研社新世纪〔none〕He seems none the worse for the experience.他的这次经历似乎一点没有给他造成伤害。牛津高阶〔per se〕Research shows that it is not divorce per se that harms children, but the continuing conflict between parents.研究表明,对孩子造成伤害的不是离婚本身,而是父母间持续的矛盾。剑桥高阶〔risk〕Pregnant women who are heavy drinkers risk damaging the unborn foetus.酗酒的孕妇可能会给体内的胎儿造成伤害。外研社新世纪〔risk〕Pregnant women who are heavy drinkers risk damaging the unborn foetus.酗酒的孕妇可能会给体内的胎儿造成伤害。柯林斯高阶〔self-indulgence〕A bit of self-indulgence never did anyone any harm.稍稍地放纵一下自己绝不会对任何人造成伤害。外研社新世纪〔sharp〕The cage should have no sharp edges that might cause injury.笼子边儿不应该有尖,以免造成伤害。麦克米伦高阶〔simple fracture〕A bone fracture that causes little or no damage to the surrounding soft tissues.单纯骨折:对周围的软组织造成的伤害很小或没有造成伤害的骨折美国传统〔slander〕Law Oral communication of false statements injurious to a person's reputation.【法律】 造谣,诽谤:口头传播错误的言论以对某人的名誉造成伤害美国传统〔undersigned〕We, the undersigned, believe that the treatment can do no harm and that it relieves pain.我们, 本文件的署名人, 相信治疗不会造成伤害并且能够缓解疼痛。外研社新世纪They claim the dumping of steel below the cost of production is harming the domestic industry.他们声称以低于生产成本的价格倾销钢铁的做法正对国内行业造成伤害。牛津商务




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