

单词 防备
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CAREFUL〕Tourists should take precautions as they would in any large city, and should avoid traveling alone at night. 游客应当有所防备,像在任何大城市一样,也应当避免夜间单独外出。朗文写作活用〔against〕A business needs insurance against risks such as fire and flood.公司需要上保险以防备火灾、洪灾等风险。柯林斯高阶〔against〕We provided against a poor crop.我们防备歉收。21世纪英汉〔blind side〕The side away from which one is directing one's attention.未加防备的一面美国传统〔blind-side〕To hit or attack on or from the blind side.攻其不备:从未加防备的一面打击或进攻美国传统〔brace for〕They braced for an attack.他们防备攻击。21世纪英汉〔brace〕The city braced itself for a possible new quake.全城作了可能再发生一场地震的防备。英汉大词典〔catch/take (someone or something) by surprise〕The enemy troops took us completely by surprise.敌军在我们完全没有防备的情况下突袭了我们。韦氏高阶〔disarm〕To deprive of the means of attack or defense; render harmless.使无防备,使无害:解除进攻或防御的工具;未造成伤害而投降:美国传统〔free〕Unguarded in expression or manner; open; frank.无保留的:在言谈或举止上无防备的;坦率的;真诚的美国传统〔goad〕He wondered if the psychiatrist was trying to goad him into some unguarded response.他心想这个精神科医生是不是在驱使他作出一些没有防备的反应。外研社新世纪〔gotcha〕The program has a few gotchas in store for unsuspecting computer users.这个程序会给毫无防备的电脑用户带来一些意想不到的问题。韦氏高阶〔have〕Having been warned of the danger, I took extra precautions.被警告有危险后,我采取了额外的防备措施。麦克米伦高阶〔hit〕Many people were unprepared when the storm hit.风暴来袭时很多人毫无防备。韦氏高阶〔insurance〕The contract provides insurance against future price changes.这份合同为防备将来的价格变动提供保障。韦氏高阶〔insurance〕The shelter provides insurance against enemy attack.这个隐蔽所为防备敌人进攻提供了保证。英汉大词典〔lowlife〕There are plenty of lowlifes out there, ready to take advantage of unsuspecting senior citizens.到处都有许多卑劣的人,随时打算占没防备的老人的便宜。剑桥高阶〔pre-empt〕The minister held a press conference in order to pre-empt criticism in the newspapers.部长召开了记者招待会,旨在先发制人,预先防备各报纸的指责批评。剑桥高阶〔precaution〕He was warned of the need for precaution.别人提醒他必须注意防备。英汉大词典〔preemptive〕The two companies organized a preemptive alliance against a possible takeover by another firm.这两个公司组成了先发制人的同盟以防备可能被另一个公司接管美国传统〔prepared〕I was not prepared for all the problems it caused.我对这事引起的诸多麻烦毫无防备。牛津高阶〔provide〕Commanders failed to provide for an attack by sea.指挥官们没能防备海上袭击。朗文当代〔safeguard〕The leaflet explains how to safeguard against dangers in the home.小册子告诉人们在家里如何防备各种危险。牛津高阶〔snare〕Something that serves to entangle the unwary.陷阱:用来迷惑没有防备的人或物的东西美国传统〔snug〕To prepare (a vessel) to weather a storm, as by taking in sail or securing movable gear.为(船)作好防备:使(船只)做好抗风暴的准备,如收帆或固定可移动的齿轮组美国传统〔traveller〕Stations can be dangerous places for the unwary traveller.车站对于毫无防备之心的旅客来说是危险的地方。牛津搭配〔unarmed〕Lacking weapons or armor; defenseless.徒手的:没有武器或盔甲的;无防备的美国传统〔unawares〕The camera had caught her unawares.她毫无防备地被拍摄下来。牛津高阶〔unwary〕The fast-moving tide sometimes surprises unwary swimmers.汹涌的潮水有时会让毫无防备的游泳者措手不及。韦氏高阶〔which〕It was a crisis for which she was totally unprepared.这是一场她完全没有防备的危机。牛津高阶Heaven help us if they attack now while we're still unprepared.如果他们在我们没有防备的现在发起进攻,那就只能靠上帝帮助了。剑桥国际Security around the conference hotel seemed almost casual.举行会议的旅馆周围的安全防备措施似乎太不严格了。剑桥国际The lookout was standing on the corner watching for police while the other man burgled the house.望风的人站在拐角处防备警察,另一个人则进屋撬窃。剑桥国际The town was wide open to attack.这个城镇对袭击完全没有防备。剑桥国际The villagers braced themselves for a possible flood. 村民们作了可能发生洪水泛滥的防备。译典通We've insured the car against fire, theft and accident.我们已为汽车投了保,以防备火灾、盗窃和意外事故。剑桥国际We've tried to anticipate the most likely problems, but it's impossible to be prepared for all eventualities/every eventuality.我们试图预见最可能发生的问题,但不可能防备到所有的意外。剑桥国际




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